Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Oct 1999, p. 23

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Royals keep wnning Bishop Reding's senior football team hau ail but guaraosteed itself a division two piayoff spot - after winning'a third straight game Tuesday. Tise Royals' 14-5 victory, which kept their uniseaten streak alive, came againat Oakviile's Q.E. Paarc. Tied wîtis Qakille Trafalgar atop the standings witts just three games remaining, the local squad wili now try to secure home-field advan- tage for the opening round of lise post-season. Pivot Jodle St. Johns was tise difference in their tateat triumph. Building on momentum from tise previ- Oua week, he threw two touchdown pauses in tise second quarter, isotis to Ivan Bosnjak - who now shares tise team lead in majors with star fulisack Dan McBride. Botis have three. Stefan Linder booted botis convert kicks white rusiser Mike Long - recenlly ail ivated lrom tise disabted tisa - made some strong carrnes throughout tise aftemoon. Even more impressive was BR's defence, whicis han given up juat one touchdown and Il total pointa in tisree games tis fai. They isigisligisted the day by picking off Use oppouing quarterback three times. Craig Hudak recorded two interceptions whsite Bosnjak had tise other. t/Correction is due An October 5 sports photographl t-. was learosed that thse actual winner was ed to,,the 1999 Milton Fail Fair Heamikooa's Jqftha Ttuflfot. Depbion u~Dby pxpved to tbe incor- MucPhl was bldinoved to tic onse of~ reisth laIt few arvminitte aivelt nd The Chaempion was initaIl told thina mlght have miaaundeisti>bd Thse $attkna) »tist's grand champion waos Champion's reqoacat - bclieving tise Jay <$tcPiail of Mlton. MitcPhal coun- paper was intercated in photograping ftiamned tise informuation aund his photo thtetop local fisiaser. - ap ir ihe paper. Thec Chsamopion regrets the error tond tUp<s fittatle iniafor- prompt- amy associatd ltooeinietuce or, mmibar edb atleho9Ceucat ateflat wek -it masmenorit. Merchants should be atfull1 strength tonight e from SECOND page 20 Ken Roisins. Saturday marked tise retumn of Rois Meancisoff. Tise Ottawa University atudent wiIl play psrt-time on Use weekends until tise holîdays, ut wisicis point he'l evaluate hoth is scisool achedute and value to tise team in a limited capacity. At Memorial Arena Friday, Milton delivered the latest in a series of deci- sive home wins - pum- meling Streetsville 10-4. Malcolm led with a isat- trick wisile isis club amassed five goals in tise fanal frame including tisree on tise powerplay, whicis has been quite effective. Martin taltied twice witie cisecker James Coleman acored once and added ewo iselpers as well as some sotid forecjsecking. Tise Mercisants' other marks- men were Petherick, Wheetihan, Elliot Aîtberg and Dan DeLong. Guarding tise cage and recording isis sixtis straigist win was Joel Canseron. Merchant notes: Milton sisoutd ise back 10 near full strengais tionigist wisen tisey face Use Buffalo Ligistning. Game time, as 2lways, ia 8 p.m. Sunday they travel to Oakvitle for a 7:15 p.m. start ... Milton ansd Georgetown, tise two top doga in the conférence, will begin their season series ut Memorial Arena October 29. Ski swap to be held soon Tise Milton Heights Racing Club will hold its 1SUs Annual Ski Swap Octoiser 22 to 24 ins Use main chalet ut Gien Eden Ski Botis new and uaed downiil ski and snowboard equipment will be for sale. 'lias willbe a good opportunity for skiera tco selI andlor uipdaite Useir equipment, aay orgatizrs. proceeds froin tise swap wilI go to Use Junior Racusg Prograno. People are welcome to bring in old equient Friday, Oct. 22 from noon to 9 p.m. Leatiser boots or otiser outdated equipment won't he accepted. Tise selling isours will ise lfriday from 6 to, 9 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 23 from 10 ano. to 4 p.m. and Sunday, Oct. 25 from 10 a.m. to, 3 p.m. Cash and cheques wiil be accepted. Tise pick-up time for sale proceeda or unsold items wausl be Sunday, Oct. 25 from 4:30Oto 6p.m. For swap information or details on tise raciuag program, cail 336-5382. OUT A FRESH START. G.t SOLUTIONS now for: crodit ard ProbemaLoLm of ob or Lovd Que Roposaaaaaona MaorCoh loPrbltsi Wage Garnslmenh Evictiots Poatont m Suà~dn Jdgeentl, Lawo Suth nt Loan DdosqWoeTaxes Foreodoanros Divorce Relatod Financial Prublema q PADDON + Dkuy cao uLa au No carefr iitlcoaaLaan! 225 Main Street East (Main & Marlin SI.) Milton A beeter solton' The Canadian Champion, Friday. October 15, 199M2 NOTICE Milton West Special Study Area A Joint Bourd wilI holfi a public heuriug regarding four upplicu5îoam toaumend the Off iciul Plun for the Region ut Hullon, aud Io umend the Niagura Eucarpment Plan ta permit the inclusion of their lands la the Town ut Miltons Urbani Expansion Area. Particulars ut each ut these four applications are as f ollows:. Jannock Limltnd seeka ta amend the Region ut Maltons Official Plan and thse Niagara Escarpment Plan, respectiug appruaimatety 31 hectares (77 acres) ut land juta t he lJrban Area ut thse Tuwn ut Milton located ou the aarlh aide ut Steeles Avenue, east ut Tremaine Road, in thse Town ot Miltun, in the Regional Municipalily ut Halton. The legal description for thiu tond is Pt. Lots 1 & 2, concession 1, Regiatered Plan 20R-2604 in the Former township ut Esquesing, 00W in the Town ut Milton. The subject land la located sn an area designated "Environmental Protection Area" within the Niagara Escarpment Plan and il is designated a5 "Escarpment Protection andi Escarpment Rural Area" on the Region ut Hflaon Officiai Plan. (Board Fite 98-074). John Grant seeka ta amenri the Region ut fltons Off iciai Plan and the Niagara Escarpment Plan, respecting approuimately 45 hectaes (110 acres) ut landi iota the Urban Area of the Town of Milton, on the soath aide ut Steeles Avenue, east ut Tremaine Road, in the Town ut Milon. ln the Regionai Municipality ot Haiton. The legal description for thîs land la Part ut Suuthwest hait ut Lut 15, Concession 1, New Suivey, Town ut Milton. The subject land la iocated lu an area designateri as "Envirooment Protection Amea" within the Niagara Escarpment Plan, and Rfis des- Ignateri as "Escarpment Protection and Escarpment Rural Area" in the Region of Halion Off icial Plan. (Bourd File 99-009). Contrai Milton Holdings Limitait and 655497 Ontario Limitod aeek lu amenri the Region ut HalIons Off icia Plan and the Niagara Eacarpment Plan, respecting approuîmateiy 63 hectares (155 acres) ut land on tht nurth aide ut Main Street West, west ut Broute Rond North, in tht Town ut Milton, in tht Regionai Municipality of Halton. Tht legni description for Ibis land is Part ut East Hait ut Lots 14 & 15, Concession 1, New Sarvey, in tht Town ut Milton. The subjeci land la locate i n an area designated as "Escarpment Rural Area" wilhin tht Niagara Escarpment Plan and tht Region ut HalIons Officiai Plan. (Board file 99-036). 825927 Oniaro lac. seeka tu amend tht Region ut Malton's Officiai Plan and tht Niagara Escarpment Plan, respecting approximatey 40 hectares (100 acres) ut tand on the north aide ut Main Street West, eat of Tremaine Rond, in the Town ut Miltonin the Regional Manicipalfiy ut Haltop. Te e adescription for this landfisl Part ut the West H ait uft 014, Concession 1, New Survty, Toen.ol Miftun. The subjeci land la tocated in an area deaignattd as "Environmtntal Protection Area" within tht Niagara Escarpment Plan aud it is designated as "Escarpment Protection andi Escarpmtnt Rural Area" lu tht Region ut Halton Officiai Plan. (Board File 99-045). EncIs ut tht applicants requtat: (1) tht areudment ut tht Niagara Escarpmtnt Plan lu delete their lands trom tht boundary ot the Niagara Escarpreent Plan, ta permit their inclusion in tht Town ut Milton Urban Expansion Area, or aittmutivtiy, that tht designatian of their lands be changeri ta "Escarpmunt Urban Area" reithin tht Niagara Escarpifent Plan; and, (2) tht amendment of tht Officiai Plan for tht Regional Munîcipatity ut Haflon tu aiiow for Urban Expansion/future Residentiai. Tht Joint huard wili hear each ut tht about applications tu amenfi tht Niagara Escarpment Plan together with tht appeais tile i n respect ut Regional Cauncils failure to adupt tht requested Officiai Plan Ameodments. tht purpuse ut a Joint Board hearing is ta hear ail ut tht issues rulated to tht undertaking ut une time, rather than having two or mort separatu hearinga, toguther by heu or more huards. Tht Acta being cons- aoiidated for thia hearing and tht approvals being sought are outiined belore in tht section tntitied Statutory Autlsarty. Please read that section caretuiiy tu ensure that you are awure ut ail ut tht processes and /or hearinga that are heing consoiidated. STATUTORY AUTtIORITY Tht hearing is being heifi under tht authority of tht Consulidated Heanings Act,R.S.O. 1990, c. C.29, as amended, which uppiies in respect of an undertaking in relation to which mort than une hearing is or may bu required or hield by mura than ont tribunal under ont or more Acta. Tht undertukinga propused reqittires a hearing under each of tht fotiowing statutta: " subsection 12)2) ut tht Niagara Escatrment Planlning anid DtefupmtftACt R.S.O. 1990, c. N. 2, ander which a htaring must he held beaore a hearing officer in respect ut an application for an amendment ta tht Niagara Escarpmtnt Plan; " subsectin 22(7) of tht Planning Act. R.S.O. 1990, c. P. 13, as ameeded, under which a persan may appeai a municipalitys refusai to adopi a requested Officiai Plan armondmrent ta tht Ontario Municipal Bourd. HOW TO PARTICIPATE Groupa or individuais intereated ln participating in the heuring may express tither thtir privute concamai or their cunceres regarding tht pub- lic intereat. They muy participate us tither a Presenter, Participant or Party. A Presenter may make a statement ta tht Sourd, enier orally or in writing. A participant may make a statement t0 tht Board, tither oraity andlor in writing, muy receive copies ut ail documents relieti upun by tht Parties, and attend site visita. Normuily a Participant as expected lu attend tvery day ut tht Heuring. A Party assumes tht nights and respun- sibilities ut tht talteat form ut involvemrent in tht heuring proceas including tht right ta cali witnesses and cross-examiue reituesses calied by other parties. Parties are usuaily represented ut tht Heariug by legai counsel or an agent. Tht Board toili cansider requesta for Party and Participant statusaiu tht Prtllminary hearing. Evidence or subimissiuna regarding tht proposai wiil not be heard ut tht proliminary hmaring. Such information reili onty bç received ut tht main heuring, whlch wiut be heid aI n date to he anuounced ut tht praliminary barlait. PRELIMINA1Y HEARING A prolimlnary hbanai titi be field by tht Joint Baard appointedl ta conduct tht hearinq on thia undertaing. Tht date, time, location and pur- pose of tht primbnary hoarto; are set ott helaow. Tht pretiminury hearing wiut commence au: Date: Wmdmosday, Oclohor 20, 1999 tire: 10:U0Oam Place: Commitl Chamhers Towo of Minlon 43 Bro Siroot MIRtON, Ontarlo Tht purpuse ut tht preiiminary heuring is ta: " heur submissians tram thuse to tout he seeking party or participant statua; " identfy tht issues ta ho conaidiereri ai the hearing; " plan tht pre-hearing praceas (information and document excisange; meetings ut parties and their legal and techoica representatives; scopifa of issues; resolutian of conditions of approval; planning ut tht main hearing); " dent wlth any other preliminaiy renflera. This la tht second Notice which bas appeared lu local newspapers. In February, 1999, a Notice tons pubiished in respect of a prellminary heur- f ng heid by the Joint Board lu respect ut tht application made by Jannuck Limittd. Subsequently, il vas determined inat John Grant, Central Milton Holdings Limfied, 665497 Ontario Limited andi 825927 Ontario Inc. aiso wanted ta bring simfiar applications in respect ut their nearby lands. As a resuit tht Joint Sourd has consoiidattd ail tour applications lu order that ail ut these maffers can he beard together M HEARING Tht hearing ut evidence toili commencenti a timie andi pince ta bie anuounctd ut tht Preiiminry Hearing noted abute. There tout he nu court reporting services pruvided by tht Office of Consolidated Henringa for tht Hearing. If tht parties and participants con- aider that they reqaire a transcripi ut tht praceedinga they may, with tht boards upproval, obtain suds servireaiu their oton espense. Tht Sourd bas nu abjection ta tht unubirusive tape-recording lit tht proceedinga. PLEASE NOTE: You may be aftected by the décision the Board reakes. If yu bave cuncecos, yu shaulti camie ta tht preliminaty heating, or have sameone attend who con represent yaur concerna. If yau (or yaur representative> do ual attend, the Boarrd reaypmoceed inyaurabsence and you wilt nul receive any further notice of «these proceedings. FOR FUATHER INFORMATION Copies ot tht applications and documentation submiffed by tht proponient pertaiuing ta this undertnking are avaitable for inspection daring nor- mai business bours ut: Regioai Manicipality aI Haiton Municipal Offices 1151 Bronte Rond Onkville, ON L6J 661 Suite 1201, 12th Fluor 2300 Vouge Street Toronto, ON M4P 1E4 Phone: (905) 825-6000 Phone: (416) 314-4600 Fax: (905) 825-8838 Fan: (416) 314-4506 For turther inf ormation about tht bearing, yau cen check our wtbsite ut mw.el.gou.uO.a or coul Janet Marteil, Hearnga Registrar, Office aI Consolidnttd Hearngsaiu (416) 314-4677. Tht Board accepta cailect cala. Mis. Murteil muy alsu bu reuched by e-mail ut antmartell@aeb iot on ca. Il is your respansibiiity ta contact the Office ut Consolidnttd Henringa ta determine tht dates, limes, and location for tht henring as fi proceeda. Duted at Toronto, Ibis 8Ib day ut Octaber, 1999. Janet Marteil Henringa Registrar Pour obtenir u exemplaire de cet avis un ftramcais, veuillez vous addresser as Sureau de jonction des audiences, en composant fil (416) 314- 460.

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