Specialist shortage big problem * frorn TOWN on page 1 July, after onc anesthetiat feul ill and another resigncd. And the two remnaining doctors can't possibly keep up with the dcmnand, said Dr. King. "We have two guys and that's why wc don't have 24-houe cover- age," said Dr. King. "You're ask- ing sorneone to be on cal 24- houes-a-day, seven days a week." Since the shortage began, two surgeries have had to be rerouted to Oakville due to a lack of manpow- er at Uic Milton site, said Dr. King. Ironically, MDH lost one aocs- thetiat in Uic spring because he felt there wasn't enough work to go aitund at Uic Urne. "He wasn't busy since wc had bast obstetries," said Dr. King. 'Ibcoe was a rea slowdown in Uic w w ce ce I LJL operating room." But demand has increased dra- matically since that unit re-opened October 4. And added services at the hospital including plastic and orthopedic surgery have dramnati- cally inflated the need for anes- thctists. Looldng to other Halton hospi- tais has not been of help since, said Dr. King, "They are really busy, too.', To addrcss Uic severe shortage, a headhunt has been launched by the Niagara-based medical recruitiment company MedFallInTc. Mdll is the company that helpcd bring obstetrician Dr. Sandy Shar,ýia to MDH. But Medfall rnay have its work cut out for it because anesthetists are in short supply aIl across the province, said Dr. King. And the country. There are about 2,200 anaesthetists in Canada, which is almost 200 too few, it's estimnated. Cuts to the GP anesthesia pro- gramn ray bc a factor. But Dr. King is at a Ioss to explain why specialists are also scarce. it is possible that Milton's ili anesthetist could be back in the saddle at lest on a paet-time basis in the near future, she said. But another body is stili needed. "The ideal would be to Iind a GP who wants to do anesthesia part- tune and set up a practice to do obsteteics," said Dr. King. ,,But probably that body doesn't exist." , oeil a eelated story on page 10 *Eat roal food ~'One On One counselling SAil natural herbai approach that *Based on full progrm. Excludoe produci. 15 Martin St., Carniage Square 693-9594 Mon-FFI 9-7 Sut 10-2 W.ighît Me<s.g.meft inds l?.utasttil Cfl ALL LUXURY VELVETTE PAINT AT ONE LOW PRICE -W Why Shot> at St Clair. e Personal Service 0 No waiting *lIndependently Owned & Operated 99 PKOSEROMV: *Satin Lustre eSemi Close. @Satin *C.llng Fiat -Latex -Super Hide -No Spatter -6000 colours to choose from Sl tsOcoe9aneId A coe 79 Tableware Storage Chests Priced from. $721»%17-500 " Free Giftwrapping " Layaway for Christmas 227 Main St. E.Milton (corner of Main & Martin) 878-0050 -Tol Free Number 1-888-400-8664 r O The Board of Directors of the Commun*ty are Access Centre ( ôC of Halton is pleased to invite CCAC you to attend an H ALT ON OPEN BOARD METINGj Octover 20, 1999 HIGHUGHTS 0F 4:30 pum. to 6:00 p.m. AGENDA Oakville Public Library Staff Pmedto: Central Branch, Auditorium CCAC of Halton 120 Navy Street Information and Qakyjille, ON L6J 2Z4 Referrai Team For further intomiatton, oeil: Linda Feras at (905) 639M228 ext. 8921 or if long distance dial 1-80080000 Future meeting dates and locations ta be announced. w