mma Canadien Champion. Tuesdey, Octaber 12, 19M9-7 Officiai opening Unit said to be one of the best around - tram REHAB on page 3 'What we've been talking about in the government is bringing the services dloser to borne and ensuring that the services deliv- ered respond to the specific needa of the people in the province," said Ms Witmer. Ms Witmer credited Oakville MPP Gary Carr witb being a "strong advocate" for health care funding in his constituency. Afterward, Mr. Carr admitted to being outapoken on heath care issues and pushing for funding in this area. "There have been major changes in the health structure right across the province and what I've been doing is workîng to ensure that during that process we have the funds available to provide the various services for the people of Oakville," said Mr. Carr. Miniature rock garden marks opening Services for people like Jean Caine, who participated in the unusual openfng ceremony with Ms Witmer and hospital staff. Rather than have the traditional ribbon-cutting ceremony, Ms Mihok had participants place a decorated stone representing one of the 14 steps on the road to independence in a miniature rock garden to mark the grand opening. Ms Caine, cun'ently an out-patient in the Step Up Program, suf- fered a stroke three mionths ago and said she chose to place the atone entitled 'Dressing' because releamning that skill meant a lot to ber. State-of-the-art facilities Dr. Greg Thomson, medical prograin leader, called the pro- gramn that played such a large role in Caine's oecovery "one of the best around" because of its state-of-the-art facilities and the multi-dfisciplinary teain ninning it. The teain is comprised of nurses, physicians, social workers, physiotherapista, occupational therapists, speech language pathol- ogists, discharge planners and recreation therapists ail wosidng in concert with one another. Ms Witmer pledged to continue to work in cooperation with the hospital to mee the aoea's health care needs. Another $2 million will be added to next year's base budget to bning the total amount in funding for the new unit to $4 million. "World Class Footspa" Experience oui' "NEW" Bolace Pedicure. Our chairs features soothing massage, whirlpool jets and will recline to help you relax while you e4ioy your pedicure. Alissa, Julie, Cynthia, Christine & Franca Book Your Appointment Today Solace Pedicure î Hour O$3800 Dual Service 1 iiour $5200 (Pedicure & Manicure) 55 ntarlSt.. MiRosBod (905> 875-0508 C'S 1 ei%. ) Nowopenl Monday to Satu rday ACCELERATED DOWNLOAD-