6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuaa, Oclober 12,1999 SCOMMENTWCTON RE Patients will pay price LOAON i for anesthetist shortage It's a classie good news/bad news story. The good news is an obstetrician, long missing from Milton District Hospital, is back on board. And recently-increased services such as plastic and orthopedic surgery will provide more options for residents. - But the bad news is ail this is knee-capped by a shortage of trained anesthetists. Tbe correlation is a simple one -- witbout an anestbetist on site, tbere can be no operations. And Milton's two remaining anestbetists can't cover aIl the available bours between them. e Health care bas long been a political bot potato, and today's lack of anestbetists appears to be the consequence of a lack of foresigbt on tbe part of an earlier governiment. CALLMIKE As reported elsewbere in this newspaper, a prior initiative to cut 1*00SU.F bealtb care costs by slasbing enrolment spaces in medical scbools may* bave contributed to today's shortage. The resuit is a dire deficiency of44 doctors not only in Milton, but ail over. The attempt to save money could end up carrying a bigb price. Irene Gede SO UR READERS WRiTE EIderIy woman couldn't g.thlp surg.,y In Miton Deur fftoisc e hù Fr eatnt Lack of anesthetists dangerous, says citizen, THE CANiA 1) IN CHMPION Box 248, 191 Main St. E., The Coudslan Chainplot, publisiter every Tussday and Friday Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 ai 191 Main St. E., Milaon, OntI., L9IT 4N9 (Box 248), is ans af lThe Metramnd Printing, Pubilsiting & Disllutng LId. group af sub- O~D i lAI urban companies witich Includes: Ajax I Pickering News (905) 878 -2341 Advertiser; AiIsIon HeraidlCaurier Barrie Advance; Bramptan Guardian; Buringlan Posl; City Parent; Callingwoad I Wasaga Editoriai Fax: 878-4943 Cannectian; Easi York Mirror; Elabicose Guardian; Georgeown Indepedenl Aclon Free Press; Kingstan-Titis Weei; Undsay ibis Advertising Fax: 876-2364 Weeit; Marlciars Ecanantist & Sun; Midland I Penetanguishene Classified: 875-3300 Mirrar; Mississauga Nows; Newmajlkei I Aurara tra Banner; Nortumberland News; Narth York Mirror, Oakviiie Beaver Odlui Ian Oliver Publisher Taday; Oshawea / Witiby I Ciaringtan I Part PÎr, Tihis Weelc; Petenraoraugh Titis Week; Richmand Hill / Titonhili I Vaughan Neil Oliver A.sociate Publisher Liberal; Scaritoraugi MIrror; Uxbridge I Sîasftvilie Tribune; Big Degn General Manager Taday's Seniors. Adverlising us &=cpied an lte canditian ltai, In lte een af a Kare Smith Acting Eitar lypograpiticai error, ltat portian af lteé adverfln space accu- Steve Crezier Circulaton Manager pied by lte erraneous Item, toglter wlit a reasanable aiiowanes TsM- Classe Office Manager for signature, teili not le charged for, but lte balance af lte adverlisemnenl MIi le paid for at ltse applicable raIe, lir pullisier Tii. Cta Production Manager mosrves lte rigit la calegorize adverllsemnnl or decline. (7he foLlowing letter was sent to Milton District Hospital and a copy wasfiled with 7lte Champion) Dear Editor: My motter broke ber bip recent- ly and I was very impressed by tbe competence and professionalism of the ambulance attendants, nurses and doctors wbo careri for ber at Milton District and Oakville- Trafalgar Memonial bospitals. Tis is consistent witb my previous experience and I arn grateful 10 bave access to sucit an excellent local facility. There was, bowever, one serious flaw in te systemn and if my moth- er's injuries bad'been different, il could bave been fatal. On Saturday moming tbe sur- geon in Milton was ready to oper- ate, as extended immobility is dan- gerous 10 ie elerly, almost invari- ably resulting in complications. Unfortunately, be couldn't operate as o anesilsetist was available tat weekend in Milton. I don't know wby. Remarkably, after an bour on the telepitone be was able to liste up a surgeon from Burlington to, oper- aie on her in Oakville -later that day. From past experience witit one of the anestitetists in Milton, I arn confident titat titey share the com- petence of their colleagues. However, if the situation had been more urgent, the delay involved in arranging and effecting transport could bave resulted in an unneces- sary deatit. If Milton District Hospital is to performi operations, it needs 10 have ail the resources. It is wastefui to have one missing ingredient (anestitetist) wbile te otiters (sur- geon, nurses and operating room) are on standby. Furtrmore, it is dangerous ot 10 communicate Ibis situation to the service providers (ambulance) so, titat valuabie tine is ot wasted. I understand titat thse absence of anestitetists is a recent develop- ment (since iuly) and I arn sure you are doing wbat you can to cor- rect titis unacceptable situaton. George Halet flton Letters welcome The Canaidian Champion welcomes letters ta the. sdi- lor. Letters must b. signed and the addrass and tihe telephane number af the writer included. Mail leters ta: lTe Canaidian Champion Box 248, Milton, Ont., 19T 4N9 or Isave them at aur affice, 191 Main St. E. Pud by Steve Nease