- - TECHNICAL SALES REPRESENTATIVE A rapldly expandlng Industrisi Bttey ditiuo has an openina og Teh a Sales Rapreseritative. C.E.T. qualification a definite asset, but flot a necesslty. Industriel sale eerence requlred, pro- feab In Eletrca or Electronlc markets. sb nOakvfle, the ternitory la focused on, but not limited to Southern Ontarlo. To apply for this positon, please fax your resurna to: FAX: (905) 829-3211 or e-mail to advbat@nterlog.com We thak ait appicants, however we will only be contactlng those belng granted an interview. FULL lime, ixelne weldara nseded. Muet have valta divers Icense. molivate responulauilc-e anis need anly apply. Pisa fax resumne to =75- 163. LOCKMITI4 wllh experlence, neede i lmedatsy for a smal grawlng compsny. Cao Wayne et m0- 878-5080. TOOL & Dis Maker requireci 5+ years espenenc. Blulld and maintenance of progressie dise. mais. sageares. Fax resume: 905-823-5171. Caolt 905- Crane Service Trechnicie.n Natinally recagnized Crans & Horst manufacturer sesirs a Crans Service Techinician ta ho locatei at our Oakville, Ontauio office. Ideal candidate should possess a strong etectrIcal backrground wlth an emphasls on troubleshoating andi repair. Sanie travel Involveri. Good salary and beneit. If Interesteti, pisase send or fax resumne ta: Mr. Biln So00M, SevIes Suporvlsor. muanemne Omat Corpoaton, 1156 Nette SouvInsl Rosi, WO*tUnlt 2. G*vIlla. Galotado, Caoade liN 3E3. Phone: 905-25-90, Fac 905-825-500. EOE engineering annesmann i Dematic *.6/D Z DRIVERS * 5 TON O/O W/SLEEPER for LTL, Great Lakès Ares, U.S. Exp. Fx:W05-09-1 547 Mississauga company relocating to, Milton seeking fuil-time Administrative Clerk. Must have gaad AIR and collectons backcground, baolcteeping, and junior accounting. General secretarial duties also required. Must be proficient in Microsoft Office '95. Fax/mailresumes ta: Human Resourea 1094 Wetport Crecemt Mlsalsauga, Ontario UST iGi Faxr: <905) 670-8453 Mil fhak &Y fhose afin Wpê but ontg ffins. conuderod wNfbe contactait *«Ét. daiain àempion, Tuescly, ebW W,1 ni-â LmLOOK COMMUNICATIONS INC. W. are a dynamic companry diai has bean awarded a CRTC license to provide digital television serices and Internet services to residentiai customers ln Southem Ontario ustng Muttpoint Distribution Systeun <MOS) technology We are seeking innovaiv" Indivduels reffi the experftise and vision to helpo us offer televlson vlewers end Internet usera more progrmmlng chole, com- petltlve prlices, and superior customer servce Our offlice is baeed ln Milton, Ontaio and we have tue following ernplobyment oppoitunities:- TECHMICAL SERVICE REPRESENTAT7VES (TSR) The TSR's main responsibilities will Include: providing comprehensive tectinical SUp port to Look Communications' customera andi Contracted installera, handlinq ail tech- nical-related oeis intiated by customera and assisting field service technicians who troubleshoot problems at the customera' site. Applicants must have an excellent telephone manner and 2-3 years experience in a digital wireless communications Caîl Centre or in a related field. We are seeking quai. ified individuals for both temporary and permanent fuil-time positons involving shifi work. Please forward your resume in confidence no later than Octabîer 22, 1999 ta: Humain Resouroos Department Lookt Communications Inc. 8250 Lawson Road Milton, ON LOT lice Fax# 905-693-0674 Only candidtes undier active consleretlo Wl be ontactsd. Na telepone cabe or agendais pipas. ACCOUNTING POSITON An expanding Milton ompnyi ln the mechani- cal services lndustry le seeldng e ao for ils administration offices. Accounts Pa abl nd Accounits Recoivable entry plus other office du- lie. 3. days a week. ta start, eventually work- Ing up ta tuf lime. Knoafedge of ACCAC an assai, but we are willing ta train. Muai ho on- puter liferate, with excellent typng and commu- nications eila. Seary commensurate wfth ex- peic. Please fax your resurne ta: 905-875-09 BOGKEEPEI OFFICE ADMINISTRTOR Oakvills painting contractîng business seeks mature indivîdual la ho ils bookksepsr and office administra- lar. Outies AIR. AIR. J/E, G&. nvoicing, GST, psy- rail, Bank reconclliation, accaunts up latiai balance, plus employes records, filing and normal office rou- tines, 20hrs*eek, flssible hours, growih potential. Must ids accorais and able ta multi-lask, set priorifies and sait indspendsntly, must te pralicisnl in simply accounting and MS Office 97, knowledgs ai MS Office 2000 an assai. Send resuas dsfailing relevant esperience & salary especlaf ions ta: mapI tes 02 O ÊveIbaer 407 $Mme PAi., Îà vIls, Ce, LOE 384 M tuank ail apicants, only tuase seleded for interview bWi e contaded. CASING home evronmn has apaco avalleble for one. Infant wolcome. Cal 876-4415. DAYCARE evaleble. Any age vielcome. Reference avait"bl upon requosi. Loyer Base Une and Tre- falger. Cal 693-1491. TRAINING ABOVE THE REST FOR AZ/OZ * 40 hNs. in Gab Trsnng * In Glass Trsilir * 2 trip lHued on tririig *Succesfr Studerts vil gain F/T enlmnlw. MAleri1y.o serrce2 fyoe ltion willbe refssced. Gsial & Ruse" 1-800-231-0664 905-570-3737 PSYCfIIC TAROT CAR and Palm Resder tell past, present, future, luclcy days and numberd. Ad- vice on love, business, hesth. Reunites lover. For rppintment oeil 693-1592. 1-888-79-9903. 190 Min Street, milon. 5IankyouJor 20years qfyour(oke andjien&hp. I fWyo SHERRIFP'S SALE 0F G0005 AND CHAT- TELS IN THE ONTARIO COURT <GENERAL DIVISION) BETWEEN: CANADA TRUSTCO MORTGAGE COMPANY Plaintif (IN FAVOUR 0F PAMELA WOOD - Plaintiff by wyof crossclam) and BRENT HOOTEN ADALSO KNOWN AS BRENT HOOTON Defendeni. Pursant ta a Wrlt of Seizure and Sais lsued oui of tue Ontario Court (Genera Division) and to me directed ageinat the goodsaend chatiela of BRENT HOOTEN AND ALSO KNOWN AS BRENT HOOTON. I HAVE SEIZED AND TAKEN INTO EXECUTION ail the right, tii and intereai of Brent Hooten also known as Brent Hooton ln the foiiowing: Jennair stove; Kitctsen Aid stainiss M.,e 2- door Fridgs; Microweve; Freezer, 28, TV wflh srtand; Ousen size wrought iran cenopy bed #rame andl mattreas: matchlng end-tables; lad- der beca chairs; Iemp; golf clubs; wine gloa- es; varlous CDu; vacuum cleaner, lawn aprin- ider & gardien hose; ait worlç blaclaiher sofa and love sat atereo equipment and numerous other housohold tems. Ai of which I ahal offer for sais et Public Auctian, subjeot ta such conditions as msy b. made known on Thuraday, Octaber 14, 1999 ai 6:00 p.m. ai Hume's Auction Ferm, RR#5, 4th Une, Milton, Ontario f ot redeemed befare tuai lima. Sais cen b. cencelied wiihout furiher notice. Preview: 4:00 p.m. day of Sale. Termes: Cash, cerified choque or money arder. Dsted et the Court Hous, town of Milton in the Regionel Municipaity af Halton thia 22nd day af September, 1999. S. Hume Auctianeer. A. Hedden, Manager, Client Services. Civil Enforcemeni, HeIon. No employasof the rernastry or mhe Attome choe any gooda orcl mente expoeed by ea legel proceas, sither din -p SALS & isasas NEW & USED 4101 STEELES AVE. A FANILY WJ5INE5 WITH FALY VALUES WE - BOY- SELL - LEASE LARIMScTo.cnOOF IJ0SCU5 M M MTON 875-2277 house with garage. Close to schools. Avail- able Dec. 1. References rure. No ~es ~15~t.plus uies. epariment closs ta lown, avallabie Imme- ditt,$1,000.00 per m nto pets, rat. re- quires. Cali 854-2294. GEORGE1OWN, large 2 bedroom eparimentiln Victorien home. $1OOOImth includes hat and water. ý519)853-5080 or GUELPHI Une, Milton. 1 bedroom spt. Newly decorated.FridgeMsove, $5OSJmonth plus. 1- 418-787-1125 Eve. 1- 416-781-9410. IILLSIDE TOWERS - 82 MILLSUIE DR., . MILTON NOW LEASING 1 & 2 Bedroonis avelle on bus inskeundnm niquired. 905-876-1249 NICELY decorated, dlean 1 bedroani, 2 ep- pliences, S700/month plus utriie. Oeil Con- rad 905-039-8777 (day- lima ta 6 p.m.) 905-696- 0216 (evenings.) - S8SIWEEK to mature q9let non-smoker. Shred common arase & reeponsibie. comn- patible. Sinali pets wl- comes. 854-9989. yuense May pur-* atola, lande or tons- trial Unfa for reni. 1,200 h.riff for sais undor - 3,200 s.fi. L9ain acty r ndreti docks & doriveI. 19 277-934 or 1-905-275- -ï 6834. STORAGE - lnsidéloui. Boata, cars, RVs, trai era. Socurty fencsd. FICE bseutfuly ep- $30 monts up. CRI800 pclrstod, Hwy. 25 & 401. LTD. 905-877-1876. 1-905-277-9347 or 906- - 275-68214. SINGLE mature tomais Wn n requires lmmedleiely odom, 2 bt- 12bedrooni Apeilment rania, 5 appliences, n Mifon ares. Non- cusiani window cover- amokerdrinker. Sue, tige, aoutlsem oxpo- 905-825-2458. -sure, extonclod ciosing. - 878-7715. 2 BEDROOM Condo in Wo-oE Roccwood. Avallable --'1'OeN- November 1. Phono VV.. N 519-85&-9138. Newa ln toam? *Hai4ng a baby? -Ea<abaahIng a w buainasa? wtm us.PilAI CALa.UB Comam»e W.ieme 3 bedrooni bh- uses .....84-1563 roais, 3 applisncs Morlyn . 87".519 finlshed bassiment 00 .. ::332-4799 fencd yrd.Firt an Kahy ......854-0144 luat. References o L 86-33 pets. $la5offnontu. Caf Tracy ...8743 876-071. ia.....87- . Classifieds WORKSIa Cali 878m2341 "Tell Them You Saw It In The Champion When L'uyinq or elIIirie a vehiole, re memk'er ZJMe (canabîan. qtbamptNrn. 1 il 1