22-Ela Canadien Champion, Tueaday. Oclober 12, 1999 --M ciChiédleigh 'i - PRODUCTION FACILITY Required hy growing local compaay. Dedîcaîrd individuels wilh a desire to contribute to its suc- ceea. Muet possees ail of the foltowiog attributes, tenes player, abitity and williogness to learti, good izomprebeosion stitte, both written and verbal. A variety of Pull 'lime positions currently availabte. We provide a competitive wage, job stability to committed employeca, opportunity to advance, job variety and a great work environmeot. Reaumes may be dropped off to 624 McGeachie Drive. (878-8781 for directiona) fc Previous applicants need noS appty e've got great things in store for you! OPEN HOUSE Storefront & Production 5t.lf Paid Trsîning, Valuable Expenence. Hot Opportunities. AIl Shifta - FulI-time, Part-time. Wbat malcen our cuatomera bappy ta what motivatea our employecu. Honeaty, caring, a worlcplace that feets like home. 80 isarket DrIve, MIlton October l3th and 141h 8:30 ais - 4:30 pis Fax 578-2452 We An employer you mn count on. (in PART-fl ME HARDWARE SALES Part-urne pas~ian available for a mature indMduai ta wark In aur Buiders Hardware and Lumber Depts. Weekdays 16-20 hrs. Ideaiiy stited ta a semi-retired persan with some home maintenanoe expert- enoe. ApplIcation faims available for pick-up. Schuyler Home Hardware 3S5SteeIes Ave., Milton WANTED Genoraldsanciyperson/chauffeur. WoUd soit retlred or semi-mtimd k-sc~MduaI. For details cati Eric at 905-659-3351 e Are you an energetie persan wanting ta wark in a fast paced environment? We are cirrently sccepting applications for the following: FIT. PT Store Cashier FPL Pff Walters, Waltresa Pff. Dlahwaaher Pff. Pff Fuel Bar Attendant FIT. Pff Fuel Bar Cashiera Apply in persan: Flfth Wheel Truek Stop, 40 Chlsholrn Dr., Milton NO Phone Calte Please. [ KIDSI KIDS! KIDSI - Ages 2. Wanted for TV & Movle Jobs! No Feesîl Men/Women 16-65 yrs Nseded for samel No extras Parents Cmli <416> 221-3829 -w--- General Labourers Immediate apsnin~a for Gôneral Laboumra in aur issiseauga mn~ Brampton packaged food processîng warshousea. Please reply in persan or by fax: flophy Fooda mc. 71 Admirai BIvd. Mississaug., ON LIT 2T1 Fax: (905) 670-4256 Afin: Hummn Raources We require: : 2~yearOTR.Experience US Clearance PRODUCTION WGRKERS WANTED Fui-lime Light assembly positions in the Burlington/ Oakville aiea. Basic math and English stilîs are required. Currently hiring for afternoon shifi. PLEASE FAX RESIJMES TO: (905) 858-1316 * Positive attitude s Late model tractor e Good Safety Record 1212 Speers Rd., Oakville, ON L6L 2X4 SITE SECURITY OFFICERS MOBILE RESPUNSE OFFICERS ALARE MONITOR/DISPATCHERS Starting wage: $8.-$12./hour (dependîng on position & expenence) MML * Be avaitable 10 watt rotating shitts/eveniogs /weekends * Have asti retiabte transportation * Have prenions security or retated experience * Be reeponsible and client erienteti * Have Firsi Aid &CPR A~bpiy in poison wltb roui.. on Holiday Mon., lies, or Wod. botwoen 12:OO-18:Uhrs Large international roafing manufacturer looking for career oriented individuale for fuit Cime work aa APPLICAT OR S Large income potential. Experience in metal roofing and siding ta an asset but nat required. Fuit training te provided. Muet have awn vehicle. Contact M or John @ 1-888-999-6902 between 8:00 arn and 4:00 pm Mac Artist A busy desk-tap publlshing faelllty re- quires a mollvaled persan euh a back- ground n the pnntsng lnduatry ta 811 a part-lime <21-28 hra/wk) poallion. Can- didate elil be required ta demonstrate proficlency on Ouark XPresa & Photo- shop aoftware. Pissas apply in writing ta or e-mail mdiIIe@haftonseareh.com The Oakville Beaver Box 2076, 467 Speera Road Oakvitls, Ontano L6K 384 RETIRED? GOTSOMETIME ON VOUR HANDS? EARN SOME CASH! ADULTS W A N T E D To delîver The Millon Canadien Champion i~dn.or in aelected neighbour- hooda throughout Milton Tuesday, Frlday & Saiurday Flexible Heurs * Car an seuil '~ CIrculatIon DepI. ~ lOam ta 3pm Monday-Frlday et (905> 878-2341 LANOSCAPE CONSTRUCTION Eatabllshed landacape construction fins bas a position available for a DRIVER/ LABOURER * A-Z license * Willing 10 assiat construction crew when not drivin9 * Own transportation Pissas forward resume by Fax, or CalI: Fan: (905) 829-2795 * Tel: (906) 829-5509 Anhlouhlce your chilis birtis En tise Canadian Chaimplon ami 70Ut chili wlfl lie featurei wlth photo hi ou" DaIy Kiltion lis Jamuaay. I i SHIPPINGIRECEIVING & DRIVERIJANITOR A boit tecbnolagy repar eonrpany n Oattvîtte abjuires a Slsîpperlfleceiaer & Dnver/Janmtar. We aBer a coin- petilive sage md a generous benefit package. Indlviduale aeeling our requuranents aid alto wishto loin a progressive aid grostng coapaay elsauld FAX Ibeir resumes b: (906) 825-2009 Please ta speettie an ta sNcb lob pou aie appl~ng. Celebrating a Bîrthday Wedding Anniversary? Did you have A Baby A Graduation? Are you Iooking for a new job? wanting to hire? Do you have Something To Buy? To Seir? To Trade? Are you Iookh~g For a New Home? an apartment? a townhouse? Want to Seil Applîanoes? Fumiture? Treasures? Did you ose your pet? or maybe ou found a pet? Need a new car? twck? boat? trailer? Phone the Cbssîfieds 875-3300