SPORV4 Hom end Sml Busns Computera IInternet Acceas, Web Site Hosttng andI Design On-Sh Soerwe www.gensys.on.ca 875-3428 ~22;Cross-townclah Royals.reig over Mustangs By STEVE LeBLANO The Champion Bishop Reding's senior football teamn bas estab- lished itself as a division two contender in short Flghtlng Griffin order - by making short work of the competition. SeriSl Sott Hogarith At Milton District dispmys the award Higb School Thursday, o ls2 for hle Induction Into BR exploded early - - È the North Amerîcan for the second time in as Mutag 4. ~ Martial Arts Hall of many weeks - and Fame. Meanwhla used their initial dominance as the driving force toward toppling (Inset) Kan Wilson, the Mustangs 20-6. Tsmfiy Hogarth and The win pushed tbem to 2-0. Meanwhile, Milton District are 'e Thomas Droy (I*ft to winless in three games and are quickly fading from the playoff rlght) show off the picture. trophles thay wonl In The Royals scored touchdowns in the dying moments of the raenert compatition. first and second -quarter. Star Dan McBride put them ahead by intercepting a pasa and ninning it back about a dozen yards for Y. Quarterback Jodie St. John would then pad the Iead by connect- -ing on an end-zone strike to receiver Ivan Bosnjak. Reding's pivot would step to the forefroint in week three of the season - ~-, ~"-- *..~,.. ~*. -~making four other big completions and running the ball in hlm- self early in the fourth. The victors' other two points came on a precision pass convert a M O I_ to McBride, who continues to be the defensive backbone and - Z overall tnimp card in their success. S Ian Robinson once again was the lonte scorer for.the 'Stanga. L e 1 Rushing 50Oyards after brealdng an attemptedl tacide, hie delivered his third touchdown in as many gaines to spoil the visitors' ils, shutout bid with about nine minutes left to play. 404J ýOHe had some fine carrnes thmoughout the afternoon clash, bot Whfim MYpenalties and missed blocking assignmnents by die offensive Uine (0 « eAMý continued to stifie MD. Teammate Wayne Meinen blocked two f(ý convert kicks by Reding. juniors fanl short fWY e* -fi m nin wom 1àýùc A Home field advantage didn't psy off for die Mustangs' junior a*arý.ý bê*U" ý-eÛ1dbefouo= ùtý ffle i,ý0 «wnAý football teamn in week two - as they were upstaged 20-8 by ....viyt, ...ý ou. ay. .w ... Oakville's fIroquois Ridge Trailblazers Wednesday. Milton District felI behind by two toucbdowns in die opening AtýtbQ0 tKxtat Titt in half and as result suffered their fines loas of thc season, falling bo iWoW »udtW#on bek al. e léic$ Quarterback Rymn Page bad a numben of pass completions wtdiey"ng down the stretch, mostly to Aaron McCrimmon-Jones. Tom . ~ Daniel, aleft hafbcscored tie lotie major on a flve-yard off -in uff)c4 en iwà nd ho= Justin Preece booted the convert while fellow kicker Chance Stewart deliveoed another point on an impressive end-zone punt. #a t3kes Defensive standouts included Scott Carey, Jamie Johnson and of Mark Grimwood - who came up with an interception, the sec- In bothond in as many gamtes for the 'Stangs. vp, beyôlnt*fun",fý ts sutî- 1 Thse MD juniors will wrap up a lengthy home stand tomorrow against Oakille's T.A. Blakelock. Meanwhile, BR's seniors are at Q.E. Park in Oakville today. Fniday, Reding is at Oakville's St. Thomnas Aquinas while the È senior 'Stangs are at Lord Elgin of Burlinglon. Ali games start at 3:30 p.