il you nave dny quesraui uie:,-i professionals cani answer, please write to: "Ask The Professionals" do The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 - 1P.- *_. 972R.AA% WQMR UNTERRS e Carpet e Vinyl a Ceramie e Hardwood Paint a Wallcoverings Shwom RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL S40 Main. S#. E. MIII. 878-4280 Geadne Hoakotlt Q:My basement has dark wood panefling on the walls. 1 would like to brighten it up. Do 1 have to rip it down? A: Fear not. Transformn your roomn the easy way by painting or wallpapering over the surface. First wash down the walls with a solution of TSP or similar product which will dlean and etch the surface. Next and most important, is to prime the area with a super adherent primer. "Pratt & Lamherts" supreme #1 is an excellent product. After the required drying time (tip* leave longer than instructions stalle), you will be ready for your finish coat "Pratt & Lamberts" Accolade velvet covers well and has lots of colours to choose from. Try a textured roller for a faux finish and Voila'! If wallpaper is your choice then come see us at Comfi Interiors and we'll show you some special wallcoverings that will trans- form the look of your room. I Hawkins Animal Hospital Debbie Hawkins B.Sc., DVM Doctor of Veterinary Medicine 550 Ontario Street South, Milton 'A'. (Pizza Rut Plaza) Debie Hasdas Phnone (905) 875-6888 PET FOOD QIJALITY After having spent 9 years in practice, 1 have realized that, above ail, the most common medical problem that 1 deal with relates to unhealtby bladders. 1 would aay that every other day at lent one of my patienta cornes to the hospital with a urinary problem reaulting from an infection of the bladder. 1 would think that if one confronted fave friends, who own either a cat or a dog, that at least one would have a story to tell of sucb problema in Use past. The moat common cause of bladder infection (cystitia) la Use presence of atones (uroliths) in the bladder. Bladder atones vary in size from s grain of sand to a large pebble. Their presence in the bladder causes severe inflammation and often obstruction, which can be life threstening. Ille moat common cause of bladder atone formation is the effect' pet fooda have on the pH of Use urine, pH is a measure of the acidity (10w pH) or alkalinity (high pH) of Use urine wiUs respect to normal body fluida. Acceptable urine pH is between 6.5 aad 7;0. Any higher or lower will eventually resuit in Use formation of bladder atones. The ability of pet fooda to control urine pH is a reflection of tbat food's quality, quality control by Use manu- facturer and Use minerai (ash) composition of Use diet. Juat because a bag says "low ash" is not good enough. If you are in doubt about your pet'a presenit diet's ability to con- trol Usis problem, s urine analysis will belp to determine Usis. Having Uhs claecked, as a preventative measure ia very worUs- white because baving to deal wiUs Usis problem medically or often surgically can be quiet coatly. AIl of my clients, wbo have been Usrougb Uhs problem, will confirm Usat Use extra coat of superior diels is well worth it. Wishing you and your pets good healUs and happinesa. Marlon Hualy R .N.C. I6frgdt .aoiee 2vn MARION HEALY Registered Nutritional Consultant Manager 550 Otario st. S., Unit 18 (90)875-2889 SWhy Supplem.ntatlon? E)o you est s balanced diet every day? Does it iaclado al atacuata of food recoin- aaeaded by tise Canadia Food Guide? For almost everyone. tise aaswer is NO! Most of us find it difficult to est a balanced diet every day in tise quantities aeed- ed. But. even if we did do you ever seander about tihe quslity of food tisese days? Stadiea show that ose food sapply doesn't protide tise natrients tisat it did 40-50 year ago. Eveey Canadian bat a need for food sapplesocatation because proper nutrition is no0 longer avaitabte in tise 4 basic food groups! Couses af Nutrient LAna 1. Sali Depletion. Fartants have been sssing chemicat fertitîzera since tise 1950's to forc-gos food items for bigger yietd. This rotants very fese minerais and oie- mins to tise soul. 2. Macine Plckdag of Faood. Food is picked before it is ripe to prevens spoitage daring shipsarat. tise Iast four tu rive days of riperting mst ho done on tise vine to prodacti moat of tie foods natrients. 3. Procenaing anti Refining. Tijis prevents spoilage and increases sheif tife. - Tise reftning and rotling of floue casses a lots of 98% of natrienta. -Food processing praduces a 40-95% nutrient lots in ait foods. -ýAneâicasîlCaaadiass consume 3,00t0-5,000t cheiscats a day. - Artiticiai food can accouast for as mauchi as 8(0% of mass people's diets. Sacs tisings as, cheese, noa.dairy creatsaers. 088 substitutos, imitation sats asd prod. acta. powdomed deris mines. 4. Nutrient Robisema Sagar. aicohol. coffe tes, astibiotica. dmugs. aspirin, cberntcat additives, radiation, pollution, smokting, insecticides, stress. sargery, ill. ns, dietiag, job change, fantily situations etc.. cas drain naloients front ose bodies. Ma," sHéaly isa regisered Nuftiânm COmmsa swih over 11 seas espen- enStMoem igh kuandmnritao She o CliniDirecfr qfBviy HtbL Weight Managemn adNatis*k» Centre For more tqommnamo amfacfManomat 875-2889 Q: How do 1 deal with ongoing chronic pain? A: Chronic pain is a debilitating condition that affects every aspect of a person's life. One method of treating pain which many people have found effective is the Synaptic 2000 machine, which uses electriCal impulses to stimulate increased neurochemical activity in the painful nerve pathways. Q: Hwdo neurochemicals change the painful A: Neurochemicals play a role in modulating pain. Synaptic treatments help maintain these chemicals in normal ranges. These chemicals are produced in lower amounts in painful conditions. Returning to normal quantities reduces pain levels. Q: What kind of conditions' wîill the Synaptic 2000 help control? A: Chronic conditions such as fibromyalagia, rheumatoid arthritis, sciatica, neck pain, migraines, sleep disorders, bursitis, back pain, and tennis elbow. They also work weIl for acute injuries such as whiplash and strains. Q: Is the Synaptic a safe treatment? A: The Synaptic 2000 is approved by Health and Welfare Canada. No adverse- effects have ever been reported using the Synaptic 2000. i anner B.A., B.S.W.. M.S.W., C.S.W., OlP. SOC. ADM. Counselling & Paycholherapy Indivduels, Couples, Chîldeen & Familles 11084, 5th Lino, Milton, Ontario (905) 854-0801 m si p* WnÇ leopimu la. 1 mn b S uzu Nde isal' km »UN09br Ill M. Il" MssM*hMW WpyMiduif A: sa Ulqy is siaw« sf heipe peole mliel proflins; or moun. ldeaIly, upsc* du » Wnt uonoels, ters is a fMnma IUs sessisons. The thêrapists prosido a suppodive, nss-jadgemiental iosluoerei hc uples w lalk bou tirdfcfut. Tte Wsonahilor ofadipaOur, dir sIard histoy ad Mar pesent Ileiii pand bftMli a -usd esxpl d in ordet cd y dte and undsrsfand the present problenr. If Itm s a possitility of a medioal aI the Il uront conoein, a referai fa a lhysician would te made. If the concern is flot son as a mecli n naurs, a cnfiber of diffeuit psy. dloea andfor enotinal fxtors ail te iwolvsd. Wgt dlm hsp of t1e Ouiaisf, the milslsaplore theumof #m presen prolem, p&s sOui solutions and strafegles and sonsl goafs to wonitfowards. Eact wssk, fIhe couple is glives assignmrenfs and esercises fa do ai tomse Wtefsn semsions, dsiindopromoe iMfiay and municadmo. Couples may te smqione o f a aide range of seical profilons Winlg lack of kfle differes in dssirs, ein difficules, isatuli- ty to orgasm, premtafurs ejacufation and vaginismus. Nevsrftelsss, regardles of ftpe mf profilen, most couples sspssno a siiicant improverrsst i ftnr seua dOliulies i onl1 7hi 10 wsslcs. Farn Cl