1 6-The Césiadian ChaMesion. Tu UI you nasve eny qutrbuuan ut-,n professionals can answer, please write to: "Ask The Professionals" do The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 «%rv2av M., R79LAQ&q MONEY.FanW Pan Tel, (905) 876-0940 .' Fax: (905) 878-2934 420 Main Street East, Milton, Ontario L9T 1 PO Vilai li Wmla 'ower d'Atorwl A "power of attorney" la a document wlsicb shlows samneone ta nake decisions and art on your bebaif. Tier are two types of Powes of Attorney: 1) Tnaugb tie "power of iutorey for persontal cire," you authorize someone you taras tu nake deciaios regarding your med"can d persan- ai cars wbsn you are sot able ta because of medical or mental incapacity. 2) Tieogla Use "power of attorsey for fiansciai affaira," you authorize someone whom yau sua to latks cars of your fumociat affaira - eilher for a short period of tinse (ie. white os vacation) or for a losg period of ime (ie. as in dis case of as agiag purent). 'This type of power or attorney cas also appty ta specifie asst (ie. your RRSP osIy, or yourbanik accoui only). Your "atonsey" dosan't have it be a lawyer, ta could ix as aduit dsild, a tussed spouse, lasather or aisier etc. You should ix veny carefisi wbomt you choose su give theae pcwera ta. Your attomney has six asilsor- ity as nake any deciaioo wbicls you woutd make. (Boy, stI, give, recive mosey or valuables; siga contrari etc.) Powers of attorney cmixb complicatld documents. Malte sure Usai you consult wiUs s lawyer mnd ssderstand yoar tegal riglats BEFORE you aign a Power of Attorney. Mosey Coscepts' fancial plannera are ticesd ta seli mussai funda, tifs inseasae mnd related producis. WiUs Money Cones, you ales Representative eMa Ble Sprng Realty, (Halton) Corp. CHRI NEWELL ChriS @new-aIl.com S" aRPlwumwdv 878-4444 0: Wewmto<isahb.seistmmysuwa<imasiuioad tl newhiop ultbsut callissuesy antmlatown? A isre are sveral waya tai appocla dis, tr you have Internet acceau, you cia visil sites such as e.lags Use honneaite of Use Canadimn Read Enat Association. Or, you cas go ta ww.Rrââfkm s goldisin of local realmsali Inforation. Aaatber wiy ist late allumage ofianew, fre service which bas jast bee nncnded ta overcome grs sasteonanon fashiMson duit honnesy- as face - viewsssg s large nber cf bouls Us" don't meettheir needa. Software eseotivea have teasaed with top reai aimt professionals front amund Noah Asaici ta dovelop cusont software Usai elisainaies Use frustration cf viswiag bornai Usas dont mes yaisr nes. imagine Use tinse you'd save if you received a fax or ennait every day Usa canssined deaaied infonrmation on, and pictures of, ail Use nsw listings dist matsh your critenia. 'Ibis infornation, alang tdie addressa of dis praperties, is sent ta your every single day Usai new lis- ings are availible, FRIEEof charge! in tix confort of your own homte, you cmn decido whlics bornai you are isseeted in, and dam drive-by dus bornai ta make nse you lik die sigbouthood. WiUs dalis exclunive norvice, you'll heus about new listings Meore due average boyerdoies, wbich gives you a jump on du competitios' And slong wida dais PREE, na-obligation service, you aise gel as o daUs lowait issereas etai ivalible todoy, ta ixlP you Move 'lut yourdlrem bante nooserdum you ever dhuga paisible. To ixar a bsld reodei mesage <splslsdn bow Yeu ci bav SIda ealvce max service work for you, sal 1488-47546 , md esiriNP n ainsm athe.nlage Morts. Cai 24 hem nday, 7 daynp w«Lk Speaktu no Agent. ÙM today ta bsnm ait you rnd In kwno tu eliminae dusres md bonsw&si frainyourmnelying espenence' Tlo advese 70U? servie in Profesosionals" caflt. at 878o2341 ÇfODAYf GREG J. LAWRENCE B. sc.y D. cm. FOOT SPECIALIST / CHIROPODIST ~I I 350 Main St E., Milton, Ontarlo, L9T lP6 (905) 878"479 1A Prince» Anse Dr., Georgtown, Ontario L7G 4W4 OmgJawsnoe(905) 702-1611 and The Ontadto Cellee of Chmloots Q:m My toenas are thick tutti llacoloared? Whist coutl" Ibis? A: Our tosuaila will lassons Usick mnd diacoloured front tauma Iodase nail or fron fungus. In msai casai il is fram s fnngal infection. Ouir ails are madle op of a protein callesi Keratin. Tise saine substance Usai is in skia, exceptiti is bard. Fongas cmn easily geltarappedl wids dit mnd dobri tnor Use nailsanmd invade Uss.softer naslbed. Unfortunaiely, fongai infections con ix atnhbom mnd diflienît ta sueas, mnd recseresce is cosain. The appearasce of mn infection cmn ix small discoloura- fions, atreaka or wbots nail plats isfections. The nait oftea hecomes thick mnd due consinlency, lltte or soft. Sometimai there is even mn adour asnociaied wida fungua. Treasments for ssii infestions have sot lassa very auccesaful ustil recent yeara. Sioce Use infection tracka under due ssii, lapical creans or soûlations have veey poor cure rates. la Use palt 10 yeara, pharaa- ceutical cosapasis have develapesi se oral tabale which bas very few aide effectsanmd greas cure rates. lJnfortsaately, das medicationa are very caitly and ofîsa mass ix lakea for a lsngthy period of dîme. For individnals who would like se alterative tresament, 1 have noms- Using for you. By tssisg a carbon diaside laser, bois a mi places in Use nil Usroqug hUe isfecled nail plaie. issa wida due application cf se setifuagal mmea on Use top cf Use ssii. Use fungus cmixb tisnt- ai. If you would like sacre information, please costalt sy office ai 702-1611. Thse clsosc offera extemded hours. No referral da oseceaaary. Hoaase calis are also svaulasble. lin@ uofly Zbu iviin iL, svîulwn CSeonFranes87-11 PI4YSIOTHERAPISTS 8611 0: Recently 1was painting mj ceilsg~ and my neck and and arma frons getting soe dha malt Urne that 1 paint? A: Pantng svery chalenging task for your neck and arms. It invlvs agrat ea ofsutaiedoverhead work with your arms, and also, involves looking up with your neck for extended periods. Whea you make your arma work overhead for several minutes, it la difficuit for your body ta pump blood to your arma, aad your muscles become tired anad achy. Also, witls your neck looking up for several minutes, it puis a great deal of stress on the spinal chord and nerve structures in the back of your neck. You may start ta feel tingling or aumhness into your handa after awhile. Tlsese are ail signa that it is time ta, take a amati rest. The key to preventing neck and ana pain white painting, is ta take a break from painting every hour and do a smrait stretch. If your neck and arma fatigue faster than dhat, sake a break sooner. You can move your neck front side to aide so that your ear is trying to touch your shoulder, keeping your head looking forwards. Hold each side for 30 seconds aad repeat. Another stretcb ta do is looking dowa, and Ibmn aide bend your lsead. You should feel the stretch on Uhc opposite aide tlsat you aide bead your lsesd. Finally, ta get a full extension stretcb of your aeck, tuck your chia in first, thea look up ta Use ceiling, with your chia bcing Uhe lasi ta let go. Onîy go back as far as is comfort- able, don't push it. If your neck aad srmn pain persista for a few weeks without going away, contact your physician, orsa physiotherapiat. Helpful hints hy Tins and Connie i the Hilton Community %ehabilitation Centre, 86 Main Street Est, Milton, 876-1515. L Dr. Tong Wàangi 1. Tooth TaIk Towne Dental Group TnM.WnMilton, Mail - 55 Ontario St. B.Sc., D.D.S. (905) 876-1188 'tun pestin orf Mouin Plerslng Feeling a hli rebsliona? Bored wids your tatooa? 'fiere is mnalternaive: body pisc4g Sessan latsly siscren no tisait ta wbere you cmn poke a bols m 5511 il witb nonne sort or nhiny jswellsvy. Bat before yon sas ont mnd jais tix ranks cf die foensidably cool by piercing yonr longu, lip or cbeek, ensider due benidi rska isvolved in doisg no. Dentistesr sotnu opposed tu people pisreiag in or arousd dueir mandas. Il's yoanr body. Ir nyosens gaisg ta make a choie an pies tbsir body, they nSd la bc reapo<sible for da choie and resall %vialthei ponnible nids effecta are. And wbat are nons of thos possible nids effscts? For starters, you cmn gel blond poisonisa frosa impure nierais, ailergis, or n iscreased saiiva faow duht cmn resala in apernmanent drool. An sassas of batelia on due ingne coald cauemn m nderlyisg infection in due blondatrean. la nevere cass, a pisrced longne cmn nwelt no mach Usas il could obstruerthdu airway. Or due bail Usai holds dhe bartasîl in tbs longue can beconsé ans mdi ishalesi isto abs lang. There sre veoy npeciaiiont nervms dhas brisg tese ta due mterior (front) third cf due longue Usas cmixb damnaged, se yoa cmn affect your tasse sensation. Yoa as aima affect yonr speech mnd due way you ss. Tise womst culpeit of ail induh longue piirce because ahere are an samy rsntificatioes of wbat cmn happes durisg mnd after due pises. Even if evesythisa in ixaled, yos have due con- stnt worry of accidontally bitimag daws os the jswsltssy in or aronnd the mouds, causisa chipped or brokes tesda. If you nt decide thai body piescing in for you, tuite tins ta anvestigais tech- niques, nateuialsanmd background cf mny patestial piescer belore gaing under due needle. Ail instrumnts usadin iUe piercisg pess îhould be seilized mnd mny body part dia s a iig piecd should ix disinfecied. He advines pao- pIs ta consîlt dueir phyaicimn peins ta biig pierced. Their pnsysicimn may presesibe anmatibiatic andioram ai-inflnnnmaiosy to ixlp prevent infection or sassas nwellisg. Sans selvior for people wix already have mautn piercing and wmnt ta keep duesn bsalthy in ta keep dassa as cleanâ as possible. Try asisg ultmasanis lemn- ons for tix sassai jewellery, alunhing due bols with aunmait rinsn syringe, mnd nins h du out and brushing due tangue mnd osai tissues daily. Cosides chmnging the met jswellery for plastic oses sislt you cmn wsar white sating. Sa, in raipanse ta the baening question, 'lu pieecssg yaur tangue hastardons ta your hesithtit il eenes due amier ss a reaounding "Ponuibly." Wlatle sstezing lire Ibis proess wida as <mach information as possible easly iscreass ymnr chsances for a peoblen-fre piercisg esperlence. il dosant nscsarily aaan- tes il. lt'u rsatly about personai respanuibilily m payisg attention ta whsl's goisg on and doisg wlat's nigbt for you.