Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Oct 1999, p. 13

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Dateline ftram DATELINE an page il Sunday Oct. 17 flue MUtais Public Library Board invites lise public to its 25th anniversar>' open house from noon fa 2 p.m. lhe library iu located et 45 Bruce St. Monda>' Oct. 18 TieMit Seniors' Acfivity Centre hbsts a trip fa Okitoberfeat at thue Concordia Club in Kitchener. A tour of King Ludwig'u caufle is' includeil. CatI due centre at 875-1681 fa reserve a seat. The Milton Seniors' Activit>' Centre isosta a trip ta Caio-Ranna in Orillia. flue cost lu $7 for members and $12 for non-members. CatI duc centre at 875-1681 tausign up. flue Oateoporosis Support Grosap of thse Oakville Banc Centre mousx at St. Michaelîs Cliorcis, 181 Scecîll Dr., in Oakville at 1:30 p m. Thie topic is breasi cancer. Formoeifr mation, contact Phyllîs Spillone at 829-4863 or Kay Ducan at 827-6750. Tuesday OeIL 19 Tise Canadiin Mental Healtis Association, Hatton Reglon brancis, bous Seunimare for tihe Separated, a 10-week lecture series and self- iselp support group for people going tisrougs separation and divorce. Participants mect attse OaJcville Parent-Child Centre, 34f Kerr St., in Oakville frons 7 ta 10 p.m. Tis cost is $70. A flexible paymneet plan is available. Cali 693- 4270 for information ta reglater. Tise Peel Norths brancis of ithe Retired Waen Teadaura of On"al meefs at 10:30 a.m. et St. John's United Cisercis, 1f Guelpis St., la Georgetowrn. Sheila Winsor gives mIner- or decorating lips. Lunch cos $12. Cati Irene at (905) 793-2696. Need Soute Exta Exposure? Try Flyers Inserted auto Cati Karen Pierson Today 87Sk2341 ext 240 Low Cost Rabinm Vcolinton CIInIoqpte for Cals and (>op Saturday,. Octber 16,.1999 1:00 3 :00 p.M. 1'wo LOuillns Prospect Park AMmo Cedarvale Park, êeorgetow 410.00 par' aihimlal (i1mludilug êSÈti) Proper restrait of anilmais là requiredi CHWbI*m sp o ndIy by thle North itou Veterlary Assulattow anid the biot h qIw ffealth Pepartmiaewt LoOmI omi fron Ados (bit) tyl-mOl fer~tw (M05 87-8113I The Canadien Champion, Tueaday, October 12, 1999-13 NOTICE Milton West Special Study Area A Joint Board wiii hoid a pubiic.heaning regarding four applications ta amnnd the Officiai Plan for the Region of Haifon, and ta ainend fthe Niagara Escarpment Plan ta permit the inciasion of tfieir lands inolie Towa of Miltons Urban Expansion Arna. Parficutars ut each of these four applications are as faiiows. Janee Uia seefis t aumend file Regian ut Haltons Officiai Plan and the Niagara Escarpment Plan, respecting appronimately 31 hectares (77 acres) of land loto tfhe Urban Ares uft lTown ut Milton lacated an the norf h aide ut Steetes Avenue, east ut Tremnaine Road, in the Tomn of Milaon, la lie Regiona Municipalit9 ut Hatan. Thue legai description for lis fend is Pt. 1Lfts 1 & 2, concession 1, Registered Plan 20R-2604 in lie Fariner tomhip of Esquesing, 00W in the Town oif Milton. The sabject fend is lacated la an area deslgnated "Environmenta Protection Area" milila the Niagara Escarpinent Plan and f is designated as "Escarpaient Protection and Escarpment Rural Aiea" la lie Reglon ut Halton Officiai Plan. (Board Ffle 98-074). Juhn Grant seetis ta amend fthe Regian of Hattons Officiai Plan and the Niagara Escarpaient Plan, respecting approximafeiy 45 hectares (l10 acres) ut land loto lie Urban Area ut the Toma ut Milton, an the souli aide ut Staeles Avenue, est of Treenaine Road, In lie Town ut Milton, In lie Reglonal Municlpatity ut Hatton. Thue legat description for this tond ts Partutf Southwest hall ut Lot 15, Concession 1, New Surey, Tome of Milaon, nie subjeci tand is located le an arna desigeateri as "Envirooment Protection Area" wlliin lie Niagara Escairpment Plan, and fi s des- lgnated as "Escarpenent Protection and Escarpinent Rural Arna" in lie Region ut Haillon Officia Plan. (Board File 99-009. Centra Ine Hulages UrmNit and 60497 Octae UrnIta sent f ameni lie Raglan oit Halon's Officiai Plan and lie Niagara Escarpoent Plan, respectiog approxlmatety 63 hectares (155 acres) ut tand on lie norli side of Main Street West, mest ut Bronte Road Norli, le lie Tomn of Milton, la lie Reglanal Municpatlty ut Hation. The legal desciption for lis tand is Part of East Hall of Lota 14 & 15, Concession 1, New Survey, le lie Tomnofu Mietn, Thue suhtect tand is locadtd In an aiea deslijnated as "Escarprnent Rural Arn" wNil lie Niagara Escaranent Plan and lie Region ut Hatees Officia Plan. (Board file 99-M3). 25927 Omlielua. seeis to amend lie Region ut Halons Officiai Plan and lie Niagara Escarpinent Plan, respectieg appmudnately 40 hectares ( 100 acres) ut tand on lie norli aide et Main Street West, east ot Tremnaîne Road, In lie Town ut Mietn, ta lie RogaiMunlcipatlt ut Hailton. Te legai description for tistbdis Patoftlie WestHatofLot4, Cocession, Ne Survey, ToutofMitn.Te sieclands lcatedn an arn desIgnalad as "Envireamentl Protection Arna" wtl» liellagar Escarpmeef Plan and RI s desugnated as "Escarpenent Protection and Escarpine Rendl Arne le lie Raglan of Halton Officiai Plan. (Board1Rie99-04). Each ofthe applicants request <1) lie amneodmee f uthe Niagara Escarprnent Plan to dette lhir tandis frein lie hundury.of lie Niagara Escarpreno Plan, fa permît liUr Inclusion Inolie Town ot Miltton Urban Expansion Arna, or aitmav* liai lie deslgeatien of lhik ted he ctianged fa "Esarpin Urhan Arn" mililo lie iagara Escarpenent Plan; and, (2) lie amendmenf of lie Oficai Plan for lie Regional Menclpailty ut Halton fa alloue fer Urban Expansloefuttre Residentfl. Ttue Jaint huard miltihear each ofthe ahove applications to amend lie Niagara Escarpreent Plan togelier wtùu lie appeats fled la respect ut Regfonai Cauncls talre ta adopf lie reqeested Offcia Plan Amendinents. the purpose ut a Joint Board heaning Is ta huai ail ut lie isues related folihe endertaing at une fine, ralierlian havleg hua or more separate hearnga, fogethur hy heu or more hoards. nie Acta hulng con- sutidafed for ibis hearing and lie approvais haing soeghf are autiined huise in lie section entitlad Statutory Aeliorty. Please. rend liaf section carefelly ta ensere liaf yen are aware of ail ut lie pracesse and /or heafnga liat are helng cansuidated. STATUTONT AIJTHOIITY nie hearing Is humag held under the authority of lie Cansaidated Heanings ActR.S.O. 1990, c. C.29, as amned, which applies in respect ut an endertatilea la relation te mhich more liait ene hearnel la or may ha reqeired or held hy mure lian one trihunal under one or mare Acta. nie undertatileas propased requires a hearing under each of the folalong statutes: " seheection 12(2) ufthle Ntiagaia Escarpement Planning &WdDevelopment Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. N. 2, under mhlch a hring menthbe haid hufore a hearing efficer in respect ot an application for an aindment folihe Niagara Escarpinent Plan; " sussection 22(7) ut the Planning Ac. R.S.O. 1990, c. P 13, as amended, underuwhic a persan may appeal a mueicipailys refusai fa adupf a requested Officiai Plan ameadment ta the Ontario Municipal Board. HOW TO PARICIPATE Groupa or lodMvdeal ineenfed Inparticipating in lie heaefng may express ellier their primate conceros or lieir conceins regardlng he pub- li nterest. Tisey may participate as aliher a Presenter, Participant or Party. A Preseater may matie a statement folihe Board, aliher oraily or un mrtting. A participant may matie a stafeinent ta Oie Board, elhfer aratly andlor in wrting, may receive copies ut ail documents relied epen hy the Parties, ad affend site visifs. Normally a Participant is enpecfed f0 attend every day of lie Heaning. A Party assumes lie rlghfs and respon- sîhîlities ufthle fullest form ut levulveinent In the heartog process iecludtng lie rlght lu call wlfnesses andi cross-examine miltaesses called hy othur pailles. Parties are usualty represented ai lie Heaifng by tegat cunsel or an agent. The Board mill cansider requests for Party and Participant statas at the Prelimiitary liearng. Evidence or suhinissions regarding lie proposal I nli nue heard aithe preiiuuiacry hanrini. Such information %vli oniy be received ai fthe main hearing, mhich mli ha heid ai a date ta he annunce i athle preiia heuaitg. PIlEUMINMIY NEARING A preiii.ry heaili 1he held hy lie Joint Board appainferi ta conduct lie hearlag an lis uitdertaldng. nie date, lime, location and pur- poe ut the praiimimry hurlit are set ouf helom. nie pretiminar>' hearing mviii commence on: Date: WWediay, Ocieher 20, 1989 lime: 10:0U on Place: Cemeii Chambiers Tum et Mito 43 Broua Street Milton, Ontario Thue purpase ufthle preliminary hennlng isfo: "hbear suhinisslans train liase mIlu mAiI he seeting parfy or participant states; - ideetity lie issues fa he considered af lie hearlng; " plan -the pre-heaning process (informaion and document excliange; meetings ut parties and their legai and lectunicai representafives; scoping ut Issues; resoletion of conditions of approval; planning ufthle maie hearing); " del mlth any other preliminai>' matters. This Is lie second Notice mIlicIl has appeared in local nemapapero. In Febroaiy, 1999, a Notice mas pehlishud le respect of a prelimieary hear- log held hy lie Joint Board le respect ut the application made by Jannocti Limiteri. Subsequenl, i mas determlned thaf John Grant, Central Milon Holdings Limiter, 665497 Ontario Umiter and 825927 Ontarioa mc. alsa manted lu bneg similar applications in respect ut their nearby lands. As a moluf lie Joint Board han consolidated ail tour applicatiuns ia order abat ail ut liese malfers cao hu board together. MAIN HEAINS fhe hearing of evtdence mill commence aI a lise and place tri ha anaunced aithe Pretiminary Heantng eofed abuve. There MI ha no court repartieg services provtded by lie Office of Consalldafed Heaninga for the Hearng. If lie parties and participants con- siderlihal lhey require a transcrlpt f tIhe proceedings liey may, ilh the board% approval, ahtaln sech sentle et lhis oma enpense. flue Board bas no ohjection folihe unohîrosive fape-recordlng ufthe proceediegs. RWIAE NOTE: Yae may fie aftected b' lie decisian lie Bunl makes. If yau have canceins, you shautd corne ta lie preliminaiY hearing, or have sameone attend alto can represent yaur concerne If you (or your repreSentatlre) do nat attend lie Board Mnay praceed ia yaur absece and yae wlil nul recele an> further natice ofaimee proceedings. FOil FURTIIEII INFORMATION Copies ufthe applications and documentation sehmlted hy lie propoent pertainieg lu lis undertaklng are avoulable for Inspection dort ng nor- mal business hours ai: Rogional Manicipàiity of Halan Municipal Offices 1151 ironIe Road Oatille, ON L6J fiEl Office ut ConsolidaI mi Honrngs Suite 1201, 12li Flonr 2300 Yoitge Street Toronto, ON M4P 1E4 Phone: (905) 825-6000 Phone: (416) 314-4600 Fan: (905) 825-8838 Par: (416) 314-4506 For turther information about fthe hoarng, yu cao checti aur mebsite ai wwlsl.ovon.ta or cati Janet Martel t, Heanings Registrar, Office ut Conaaiidafed Hearings aI (416) 314-4677. The Board accepfs coiiec cails. Mis. Marii may aiso ho reached hy e-mail af t anet-martelMloeu envon.ca. If is your responsibillly ta contact the Office ut Cansolidaferi Hoariegs tri determine the dates, limes, and location for fthe horng as il proceeda. Daferi ai Toronto, lis Bli day of Octoher, 1999. Janet Martelf Heartngs Regfistrar Pour otenir on exemplaire de cet avis on trancais, vouiliez aneaz addresser an Bureau de jocton des audiences, en composant i (416) 314- 4M.

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