Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Oct 1999, p. 22

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22-1e Canadln Chariplo "*,t& V<CtÔ80r Dedicaied la meeting your nreed.i silice 1953 Doug Kocher Oanti= Esche Andiew Kecla * 24 Hour Service * Poe-am-ngnabnt Options * Grief Counseling Services * Cremnation Services KM A. I8lOP In icivlng memory of a deer eon-n-law who paeeed eway October 11, 1998. We lhink of youso often and min you every dey For Rf. le nol the sam loi us since you were ceslawy. We dchn't see you close yaur sys or heer your lest feint s19h We only heerd thal you wsre gone, too fate lo UI1SHOP, IN - Son, Huebend, Falher; Son-in- law, Brother, Nephew, Cousin, Provider, Ustener.. Fiand» Remlnders are Eve"yhere Memorles are Forever B BISHOP, KIM In loving'memnory of a Husband and Daddy who was taken away 50 auddenly on October il, 1998. October. Once my favourite mnh Now 1 wsh 1 could sKîp to November. Your Ide ended too soon. Though you are gone, you lve on in Alysha & Kaittyn. 1 teel so lucky 10 have had you in my Ide., Even if only for a short time. 1, hope and pray K(im that you know how much 1 love and miss you. Forever and always Pauline EUGENE MeEUIINNEY In lovlng nemory ot a dear husband and e specral uncle. Theywe lov don't go ews<y Z kbeside us every dy lnuheaits you wlll elvesys stay, Stitloved, sllmlesed in every wsy. Love forover WU@a Elncan. John à Mile arom Pffluma Clmu«oe, Bouclait Fwed Dm &bu Stw Nbu, Frft ei;i VA»rY Until frost: Appiu, %d Raspberdes, Elderberries, RY.O. Flowers, Hot BUttered Sweet Corn, School Tours FREE. Hay Rides, Playgroundi Sandbox AnWW Corral do au ft il 1 North of 401 on Hwy 025. DrW east on ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE MONDAY, OCTOBER 11TH AT 10.:30 AM preview rrom 9:00 ar. AT THE AGRICULTIJRAL HALL MILTON FAIGROUNUS, Roaxx T. MITON AN EXCEMTONAL QUALITY NOIDAY SALE Festuring antique fuinishiniga to include; 9 pce. heavily carved dinm om tuile. at hoosier. round oak table ndchairs, vict. aideboseda, bake table, dressera, amall tables, etc., quantity of table, floor snd ceiling lighsing, numeroun Roal Doulton figurines, Chinez china (incl. tespots, plates. cupsa nd saucer etc.), Cranbeiry mid other Victorien gluss, old toys, doUas (incl. 1958 Baibie), piinsitivea, decoratives and mmny more items of distinction. DELIVEY AVAILABLE, TERMS: CASH, CHIEQUJE, WITH 2 PCES. l.D. NO RESERVES, NO BUYERS PREMIUM FOR MORE SALE OR CONSIGNMENT INFO., FAX 0F PHONE Iftlu ir 11V Ai<rTnNKR tom~ IM2M CRAFT SALE OCTOBER 9 & 10 OCÎM. - 4 RI. RFALIL AND CIIRISM WILUING to màr cowso ifm otefaim chore ln exchange loi accommodation for two. Expert- enced lniail fecele of agilutre. Contact Glen Run- bIs (905)877-211Z oREE k ttes 0goad hm. OeIl 10.85 aI (905)330 requires COIJNTER HELP Il pmn - 7arn ovemnight shIift Pei training. Uniforme suppieti. Renumerallon based on experience. Apply ln peron ta: 8501 Hwy. 25 North, Milton 575 Ontario St., Milton 80 Maret Dr., Millon NoW interviewlrlg for eli positions. Starting at part time with the potential for full Uime. Muet be availal evenings and weekends. Please, apply at Swlas Chalet Rotiserle & GriR, Milon, 50 Market Drive. WANTED HighIy energetic individual for rapidly expanding Chiropractie clinic. We preter thal you have t legs, 4 arms, 2 heads and man do 10 tings ai once. Part- lime position, Mon. 3:3Opm-6:3Opm, Wed. 4pm- 7:3Opm. Fi. 7am-l2noon. Fax or dmOp Ofl resume 10: NOTTINGHILL PLACE CHIROPRACTIC CUNIO 205-1131 Noltinghill Gate, Oakiville, ON L6M 11<5 Fax: (905>-827-6945 SJd1Customer dSL~Service/ ,- . e4 Production 8A 8M INEI requirel part-lime for aIl- alleraliens business localeil On SPeer Road in OnIrville.mo "pda. ens and womnens alleralions remd. Day, evening andl weelrends hotrs. Du- dies iniclude cali desk & customner service. To apply cal fiiomena at (905) 844-5617 M PART-TIME HARDWARE Waman Eqal OPpoduni4ElY e 10 it SALES ULTM àBE Part-time position available for NGW HîRINC DAY à. AMTRNOON SHIFTU a mature indivdual ta work tin (>r - Mon.- IThurs., 7amn-4pm, Buiders Hardware and Lumber Depts. Fni., mam-i .5 m. 411 brM n ae 7W Weekdays 16-20 Nrs.L1 3 m* ldeally suited tai a semi-retired person Starting rate .55 incu hf r emum with some home maintenance experi- APPLICAT1ONS AVAILABLE FOR PICK-UP AT once. ATC-FROST liMeele lue. Application forms available for pick-up. 1130 Eighth Line, Oakville, ON L6H 2R4 35SelsAve., Milton WANTED Genoral handyporsoVchauffour. Would suit retirod or somi-rotirod indMvdual. For dotauxs cali Eric at 905-659-3351 TH4E GREATr CA= A BAGEL Honnin day sifts. Fui nid part time positions av=eoe Klcaustomr service or bks Eeec would ho ideal. Win train mature IndI- v ae wIegreat attIude who loves hogls Resus le 500 Laurier Ave. Mttlon. Ge erl ab urr Greg.1 a o r s lmmedliate openings for Generat A&W 1 PETite CANADA Labou rema in our Miss issauga mn9 Reqlrs dy aron Pea5 ppy in Wmso Brampton packaged food processtng wilh resuie to 235 Staeles Ave. mion. warehouses. Pleese repty in person SECURITY GUARDS Requlred. Apply et www.eecdlycnade.con or cmll 1-800-461-7731. SE ClRITY GUARDS REOUJIRED For Mitlon locationse. Fui lUme and part Uis Muet ho 18 yearsold. Excellent beneft. tain rate le $7.6Olhou. Suilablelo r grde 12 or 13 students. For interviewe oei (905)876-5200 between 9A.M-3P.M. MondayltoFiday. Must have A-1 Dri ving Record and be self motivated. Apply in person toi ~Himm Piymouth. Cffhrysier. Jeep & lagle eenmxsr mume 876-2580 ciChud/eigh's PRODUCIION FACILITY Required by growing local corapany. Dedicate individuala wîlh a desire to contribute le ils suc- icexs. MusI ponnensamil of tic following atariliaes, tem player, ability andl wîllingnesn 10 leain, good! comprehemsion skidla, bath writlen and verbal. A varicty of Full Mlme positions currenlly available. We provide a competitive wage, job slability ta ommitted employeen, apportunity ta advance, job variety and a great work environmrenL. Resusses may ho drappcdl off le 624 McGechie Drive. (878-8781 for directions) Previous applicants need not apply Wophy Foodle Ine. 71 Admirai Blvd. Mileauga, ON ULT 2T1 Fax: (91X) 670-4256 AtIn: Humain Resources We have fuît and pars-time positions available for security oflicera. located in Mîlsasga and Oakvlle. We offer excellent training, uniforma., licence and gooti psy rates. lnterested? Please contact th1e Recmstlng manager ai Emteralid Securtty: 250 Menton Street, Suite 303 Torento, ON M4S 1B1 Tel: (416) 489-3885 (800) 255-8539 Fax: (416) 489-3379 EMERALD IF CUSTOMER SERVICE PERSONNEL Fast paced rotait outtets requlre dynamlc sales people who provide excellent customer service -full and part-timel Oekville &Burlngtoni Contact Merlene: Tel: (905> 624-0297 Fax: (905) 624-909 qiired et Elton Menu- facturing. Heevy lifting lnvolved. Apply et 8M8 Niplaing Rand, Mi- AUTOMOTIVE Parts Manufecturing Compa- ny in Milon bas poSi- ton avelleble for La- bourera and Assemn- blera. Training provldied. Steit et $9.00 n hotu. Fax resume to 905-878- 3012. COUJN'mYSTYLE Do- nuts requires help liii or part Uime, eflemoons and weelcends. Pleaae oeil 878-4441. DRiVERS raquired im- medletey. Qualifiea- tions: Valid drivera lic., dlemi dihtng record, ral- able transportetion. Contact Yard Manager for mpplication: Toronto Auto Auctions 8277 Lewson Rd., Hillon, L9T 6C7, 1-800-667- 4656ext. 361. moon sit avmllmble et busy wood wortdng shop. No experience necessaiy. Rellabte bard worlcers need onty epplyt109Aoedemy Rd., Georgetoan. 877-6757. JOIN our clsanlng staff. Fut and pari tins posI- tonse evetable. Mondey through Friday aller 4:00 p.m. 119111 and heevy duty cleanlng leslie. Fax resumne to Sunshine Building Maitenance (905) 335- 6006 or complets applî- oetio et your local hu- men resiouroê centre, 310 Main St. E. LOCAL aes business ls eccepting resumes for e Dump Trucki Driver andi Boom Trucki Driver. Local runs, home eveiy night Muet bae Class A license with dlean ab- stract, boom experlence an eseti. Training aveit- able. Competitive rates and ben"ft. 905-826- 4252 Mike or Pets. bnop reqtures a uiniile Licensed Mechanie. No weskends. Cai Les 905-75-7737. PART TIME Stable l* required for privaIs sa-e ble ln George- lown/Limehouse are. Weekends and posby 1 - 2 eveninge. Norm experlence requlred. 877-7080 aller 7 p.m- PLUMER' helper re- SIIOP labourer for welding shop wented immedietely. Weldlng expeience preterred. Fex resumne 10 854- 2044. STABLE hend needmd for equestrien ban in 0510Mwe. Weeldays nd wselcends. Some ex- patence requred. Con- tact Claudia et 905-257- 1819. APPRENTICE Mechan- le raqired. Fax or drop off reaune le K li B auto., 715 Main Street, Millon. Fax 876-9958. Pharne 876-3148. PULL. lIme clly and hlghws? drivera re- qulred vritti good ab- stract nd minimum 2 yeare experience. Coni- petlie pay rate, bonus & beniett programe. Call TKO 1-800-724-3922. FULL UIme, expertenced weiders nseded. Muet have venld drivers Il- cerise. Motlvsted, re- sponsîble eppllcants need only epply Please fax reaumne to905-875- 1663. LOCKSMITII vWlh ox- patience, needed lm- medlaeIy, for a amanl gravlng connpany Cal Wayne et 905-878- 5080. ACCOUNTS Receil- able Clarki chstlenging position ieconcillng major eccounits for a lesding distribution company. Muet ho self- notvated, delalled, ex- perienced end bave e prof essicona telephone manner. Transportation necessary. PMasse o phone ois. Fax re- sue to:905-854-1800. PART lime evenlngs. Teleplione foltov-up (o selling involved) and computer worli. Email resumne 10: chrilenen- al.com IOEDAjI TRAIPOO is a successfui customer dnives international transportation company mecognized as tht qualily leauder ln the markties se serve. Currenlly se have opportunities for: 8E DRiVEs POSIONS Tht ideal candidates %!Il have aI least 2 yrs expenience in cily P & D andl have an Excelt rapiec knowledge of Melropolilan Toronto & surrounding arsas. * Excellent wages e Bonus Progran " Vears of service bonus a Compreheaxive benelits progran Responil hy Weephone lo: Mml T=appisud 6875 Invader Cres., Mîssissauga, Ontario, L5T 2B7 (905)470-0057 1-800-443-8281 ...Osw wopI na M5 hpof RETIRED? GOT SOME TIME ON VOUR HANDS? EARN SOME CA$HI11 ADULTS W A N T E D To deliver Th1e Milton Canadian champion deaL te..dor in selected inelghbour- hoods throughout Milton Tuesdey, Frldey & Saturday Flexible Hours * Car an assail Ir Circulation Dept. M' 1 Oum to 3pm Monday-Frlday et (905) 878-2341

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