18.- TIu Onidia Champion, Fud.y, October 8, 199W In overtime Merchants lose and end streak By STEVE L.BLANC The Champion Even in defeat the Merchants refused to skate <away empty-handed. Milton's first blemish of the season, a 6-5 loss to the much improved Kilty Bees, was delivered Monday night at Hamilton's Mountain, Arena. But since it came in overtime, the local lads gamered one point and maintained their first place position in the Ontario Provincial Jr. A League's West Conference. At Memorial Arena Wednesday, they padded that lead by toppling the Burlington Cougars 4-1. Coach'Marty Williamrson says hiehas been happy with the club's third-period performances, ~ though hie admits a more com- plete effort will be needed once 1M»Mýstem tests start coming with more frequency. "We played real solid hockey * ~and took away their chances," hie Inn Malcolm: SiiWý ta** mmtt*MonCmM« « n MmS»0# gpgqrtjg« remarked of the final frame On à tsar uum»w~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ »* mrw e tJfrudMWN «t Wednesday. ~' ~ "Had we been playing like that the whole game it wouldn't À - 4ý*k~ in, have been so close. We've made it tough on ouracîves a few tî]M attimes this year. This team bas to realize that if they work a full 60 H o t n old er * èh minutes, they're extoeniely tough to beat." __ ~ .. ~ ~Leading dmecharge this past week was lan Malcolm, who tal- ~*, ~lied twice in each game and is slowly starting to display some of m.-~~~ ~ ~ ~ to rn-àý7 o àxýo ds àf- the magic from last year when hie scored 47 times with Markham. ; - ty qçNýHe's now up to nine goals and currently shades an equally tali Iri Hoton SSaff Wn equascrm y ae R.ck tmxtr - ê we , aasGyMC3 ndu ented Elliot Altberg - who's currently centening the top produc- a WoWOld Star l »a' HokyHxonm aeVnKet. beoai oU i e th sa TEAM on page 20 xmx u e omt dfndngte at c, eot atwdc S"wu9X o M idgets powerplay car__ -,ihte oài h Mn orgasi h ir rm ocdwybcî h pnn t ht suffers an outage throghou th finls wbdo. in"C'diviionfuWspla apiut te te ount n thymoSTEVE BySLEBLANOAN The ombnaton as orethanTorntoTorados. *twThe Champion e*vht dsoeo Ryal LePage, fiiCamnpcdteofneb The AA midgets' powerplay suffered a power outage at whoff, 09 ")P (-2 setiq u teaimafl Koin "tead In epthe sfuted howdMemornal Arenaril A Monday.ay honour wenttu BeàAndres, Frak Pe ien an, Mik WaltAlýsosion tMgîltonlohad four oppoMiltnunitiesr with theies extrate attackerakeandd man -V" W*dtwie ad, elivve he ven setingforthechaps *m D Aboa ;èrus -1 I tae te %" tt>-aged a grand total of one shot on net - five less than the visitlng en«em mer wih just«Y« a inuteand Jori Skmm Kad Stel afùSimcoeunthamooer-woulde accumulateld c whmletekwlhngk offg theseespenall set upow numer om ed by rad Buke. Hi team ook a bl"ed p vMbOn aatnightnrwhenidlOnttle elseen separated se thete twoh combatantsnsthe bt64E 4çt hd ga and hVonme fpnlte al nwihý"M4tescr host team's dismal display with the man-advantage proved to he assisil whle &h scorng weç Mar Wledýthei mometum. erry oodmatheasdecidinghe di factorin inactrhen ifallingng44-1 cffl1tý0* ý4 pes thevwt. ) Wâ&beo o* The evening clash, which cut the local boys' season-opening Who y Mtt »ioOU. o 4fUedthe win streak short at two games, was painful for the Spectrum -4 6 ýWdv"fn rvdt b hýi*ihui Airways Winterhawks on two fronts. the oiitxciwx-of u lt a Air=M-tebqw They not only loat the contest but also goaltender Josh Arnold no- 'HAWKS on page 20 PUBLIC SKATIN itrIeAaliit Mm.n Fn. 10Oa.m.-12 p.m 0 Satunay, 12 p.m.-2 pm. rdySaua &uny 2300 2 Cornwall Road eveig 845-6989