Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Oct 1999, p. 16

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16 '-Thor Canadien Ohâffpiori, Friddy, Oetober 8,1199 Dateline Notices for Dateline ahould b. handed in at the office of Thse Champion, 191 Main St. E., mailed to P.O. Box 248, "Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, or faxed to (905) 878-4943. Thse final deadline le floof Fniday for Tuesday's edition and noon Wednesday for Friday's edition. Dateline items will flot b. accepted by telephone. Saturday Oct. 9 Milton's Saivation Army hosts a Ch ildren's Cartiaa from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. a 100 Nipissing Rd., Unit 3. Featured will be a jumping castle, face painting, a barbecue, clowns, balloons and more. Saturday Oct. 9 - il Haiton Region Museum offers the Autumn Colours Sky Ride, in which participants can take chair-lift rides to the top of thse Niagara Escarpmnent from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. They can alan enjoy guided hikes along the picturesque landscape that begin at il a.m. and 2 p.m. To register, or for more information, cail 875-2200, ext. 0. Sunday Oct. 10 Halton Region Museum hosts ils annual Thasaigiving Dinner on the Homestead a 1 p.m. Amid scenic surroundings, visitors can enjoy a scnamptious turkey feast with ail the trimmings. For reservations or furtber information, call 875-2200, ext. 0. Sunday Oct 10 - il lise Sdi annual Artlaan's Exhibition and Sale nins from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day at tihe Canspbellville Lions Hall on Main A worm welcome to ail former Cableworks customers mWr Say Hello toi COGrECO> You r new cabile com pany We're a Canadian owned company serving over 580,000 cuatomers acrosa Ontario, sud we're proud ta be s part of yaur community. Our goal is ta do everytlsing possible ta make sure you're happy witb our service. A SMOO)TH TRANSTON We want to make your change to a COGECO customer as smooth as possible, so your channel lmne-up, biliing options and service telephone numbers will remain the same. ANSWERING YOIJR QUESTIONS We are also mailing you an informnation package which you will receive in the next couple of weeks. It will answer questions about who we are snd what we're doing. A postage-paid customer survey is included in thse kit - please let us know your priorities and what you expect frosu us. CUSTOMER SERVICE Our friendly customer servsce representatives remain ready to take your cail 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Service cails remain sbsolutely free. Our fleet of service vehicies are located in the community, and our tramned technicians are ready to respond quickly. WE'RE BRINGING THE FUTURE HOMES At COGECO, we're committed to brnnmg you ail thse best that cable has to offer, now and in the future, mncluding more digital progrsmming, high speed cable Internet accesa and telephone services. We1Il keep you in touch with these deveiopments as they occur. Street in Casupbellville. Available for sale are ail types of arts snd crafts - everything fmom knitting and creative quilt items ta folk art and holiday omnaments. Admission is free. Tuesday Oct. 12 The Nutrition Expedition Junior, a free, hour-Iong tour in the grocery store for parents and caregivers of young people, is host- ed by the Halton Regional Heahth Department. Participants find out more about healthy eating for children. TMm tour at Loblaws on Nipissing Road takes place from 7 to 8 p.m. Cail 825-6116 to oegister. The Halton/North Peel Natumra l ub invites interested citi- zens to its monthly meeting. Mark Murphy from thse office of thse Environmental Commissioner of Ontario speaks on thse environ- mental Bill of Rights at 7:30 p.m. at Harrison Public ScIsool on Rexway Avenue in GJeorgetown. Infant Child CPR - a four-week course tassght by St. John Ambulance - takes place at tIse Milton Community Resource Centre. Participants achieve their Infant Child CPR Certificate. Cali 876-1244, ext. 12, for more information. TIse Lunch lunch seniors' group holds ils monthly get-togeth- er at a local restaurant. Senior citizens are invited to join in for fun and fellowship, good food and thse lateat news. Caîl the centre at 875-1681 for the October location. Wednesday Oct. 13 Are you or someone who know suffering frosu aniety/panic? loin a support group Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to noon. Cail T.E.A.C.H. at 693-8771 for more information. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., holds ils monthly Evenmng Euchre Party at 7:30 p.m. Prizes are awarded. The cost la $2 per person. The Milton 2000 Committee hosts the International School Peace Garden programi meeting a Holy Rosary ScIsool from 7 to9 p.m. Thursday Oct. 14 The Halton Hands-In-Motion Knitting and Crocheting Guild invites aIl yarn enthusiasts to ils monthly meeting from 7 to 9 p.m. at Georgetown District High ScIsool (staff diing room). Participants share ideas and techniques with fellow members of ail skill levels. SalIy Melville shows participants how to look at yarn in a different way and find a home for ail those odds and ends. Annual memberships cost $20. Non-members pay $5 par meeting. CalI Diane a 877-1521 for more details. TIse Milton 2000 Organizing Committee hosts its tirst fundrais- er - Community Night at Mohawk Raceway. TIse evening includes sarness racing, an elaborate buffet dinner, draw prizes and much more. Tickets cost $40 each. Proceeds fund lasting mil- lennium gifts to the community, including a millenniumn garden a Chris Hadfield Park. Call 878-7252, ext. 184, for tickets. The Schizophrenla Society of Ontario, Burlington chapter, meets in thse library of Port Nelson United Church, 3132 South Dr., in Burlington at 7 p.m. Appointments are not required. For more information, calI 634-6797. Thursday Oct 14 - 16 Apple Day is a Scouting tradition thanking community mem- bers for their support. Milton District Beavers, Cubs and Scouts are handing out apples on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. For more information, caîl Lynn Bousfield at 878-9760. Satssrday Oct. 16 Milton Bible Church holda ils first fundraiser to help rebuild ils new home a 198-200 Main St. loin thse church for an evening of entertainment with music and storytelling ensemble 'Thse Great Wooden Trio' and a unique art show/sale of local artists work. The cost is $5 par person St the door. Proceeds go to the Milton Bible Church Building Fund. Ail art sales go to thse artist. The Milton Community Resource Centre, 540 Childs Dr., hosts Dad and Me, 540 Childs Dr., from 9:15 to 11: 15 a.m. The pro- gram is an interactive time for dads and pre-schoolers to play togetlser. Caîl 876-1244, ext. 10 or 12, for more information. Satsarday Oct. 16 - 17 lise Canadian Red Cross Society holds a first aid/CPR course. To register or for more information, calI 875-1459. Sunday Oct 17 The Milton Public Library Board invites the public to ils 25ts anniversasy open hoqse from noon to 2 p.m. The library is located a 45 Bruce St. Monday Oct. 18 The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre hosts a trip to Oktoberfest at the Concordia Club in Kitchener. CalI thse centre a 875-168 1. We looke fomruad to being a good neighbour, and learnsg more about your community. Remembe, no matter where you want to go in the worlds of eatertainment and communications, COGECO looks foru'ard to taking you ttea ((O))CE OLGECQNS weww.cogeco.ca

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