26--The Carndan Champion, Iuesday, Octota - - ý Insurance Broker C.S.R. Required immedlatelly. A minimum of 5 years with R.I.B.O. designatian. Complote working knowlIedge of T.A.B.S. Real Terni a definite asset. Excelient aalargy and benefits package wlith exceptionai office enviranment. Forward resume by Oct. 12/99, to: David H. Coons t Insurance Brêkors Limltad 574 Brant Street Burlington, ON L7P 2G8 Fax: (905> 632-6269 Edward Jontes la a leadng investment dealer and mernber of tas Tranta and Montreal Stock Exchanges and tas lnvestment Dealers Association of Canada. Aiong wita aur U.S. affiliate, we now serve over 2.5 millon customers f rom over 4,400 branch offices across North America. Our Oakviiie, Ontario office le currently seeking an Office Adnnlnistretor. The Office Administratar supports the investment representative in a smali office. Excellent organizatian and communication skils are required ta periormi administrative, marketing and customer-service fonctions. The successfui candidate needs toebe self-moitivated and detal-odented with the abiiity ta work independenty. Related finan- cial experience la benleficial. Edward Jones la cammitted ta employmient equity and offers excep- tional oppartunhies in a highiy, praiessional enwionment. la apply, please send your resumne and salary requirements, by Octaber 16, 1999, to: Attention: AB 4402-N 201 Pragrees Parkway St. Louis, MO, 63043 Fax: (314) 515-1179 E-mail: OfficeAdmin OEdwardJanes.cam EdwardJonei 2 R.V.T.1à or V.T.'s wîth gaad technical akilis are needed at the Geargetown An- imal Ciinic. We are a progressive, amatil animal practice dedicated ta offering the beat care for aur patients. Piease send your resumne and references ta: Georgetown Animal Clinfc 4 Meuatainvlew Rd-S., Georgetowa, ON, L7G 4.19 or fax te: 905-877-8081 No phone calte pleassi CANADA Employment Guaranteedt VON HALTON la offening Home Support Worker Training FREE TUITiON Cati (905) 827-880 for mare insfo. Ask for , joanne Evetyn or Wendy 3 BEDROOM terrm- hous for lent In Milaon area. Alsa a termi man- ager job avallable at tas iarm. Cati (905)471- 4685. 3 BEOROOM hous, downtown Milton, $1 ,05/month, ail uli- lies included. Avallebie Navember 1. cati 905- 858-8723, Iany. COUNTRY - 3 bsdraamn home , appliences 3 car garag. Availebie imme- dlately, reterence re- quires.Campbellillle Reafty Inc., 834-2294. OLD I-bUSE, central location, 4 appliances, 3800monta + utiites. Avaiabîs lmmedlatly. 878-6818. nient inSIraeFJ0c- COUNTIRY - 3 Bedroom apartment close ta town, avoulable imme- diately, $1,000.00 per monta, no pets, roi. re- quines. CalI 854-2294. IWO BEDR00M Base- ment Apartmsnt,vs bright, Bnitanla & rai Mfoemeo r. ferred. Studants wel- came. 3325/monta. Ref- ernces required. 6n3 FICE beautifully ap- 843 siter 7, weekdays, pointed, Hwy. 25 & 401. anytime on wseksnd. 1-905-277-9347 or 905- - 275-6834. REASONABLE Indus-, triel Unlts for rsnt. 1,200 -3,200 sq. Il. Loadlng docks & drive-In. 1-905- 277-9347 or 1-905-275- 6834. CLEAN, brlht bsdsit- 'SHARED office space ting roore, Stesîsa & avallable. Professional James Snow, separate building in Milaon. Pho- entrance, bataroomn & to-copisr, fax, kitchen kitchenette. Available facilitios and parking Octobsr 15. Cal 876- available. 3350/monta. 4112. Call 876-0258. HALTON His S. 9.7 acres. Minutes to Irafal- gaer, 401, 407 Custom aideaplit, 3 +1 bsdraom, solarium, pool, bam. Excellent invsstmsnt. $449,000. 905-878- 2944. PRIVATE sale. Five lev- ai backsplit, fireplace in famtly room, upgraded broadicom, ceramîc fforing, reshingled roof. Cali 905-693-0422. CL^» A HEAVY TRUCK MECHANIC or Senir aprentice Required lmmediaely. Union rate ni$030/hr. aller probation, Overlime at- ter 40 hours. Hydraulic exil. would be an asset. MAII/DROP RIESUME OFF AT RECEPTION TO: Safety-Kleen, Ltd., 1790 Ironstone Drive Buriington, On.L7L 5V3 or Fax: (905) 332-1933 go Phoe Calta piaano HAWLEY Pontiac Buick Cadiilac BODY PREPERS AND LIC. COLLSION REPAIRERS ta handie overflow for busy GM Callilsion Centre. Part-time aftemnoons, evsnings and weekends. A~esc eppetm/fy te Mnaks exfa cash. If yoi're l nelae plais.CAILDem litvens te anrainge an Intmriew, (905) 896-3523 or FAX mremse (905)>896456 er5, 1999 Whether you are providing a service to the community; or are Iooking for an answer to a problem; check the Champion classifieds. We are here to offer our assistance. Cali 875-3300, and ask for Sheona. Auhlarid INSIDE SALES OPPORTUNITY An apportunity exists for an individul to loin the Industriel Chemicais and Salvents Division in the raie of Inslde Sales Representative. This la an appartunity ta build yaur aown business* in a rapidiy grawing and profitable business graup. We are loaking for a sef-motlvated, entrepreneurial, and peaple onientedI indiviual ta join aur team. The individuel muat team tas uses af a wide range ai industriel cliemical praducts, devslop and graw new business opportunities, and understand tas diverse needs ai aur custamers. Waring in an independent enviranment, the individuel wll b. expected tai tam tasse apportunities inta profitable, lang-term business. This is an entry-les position witain the sales arganIzatian, which can Iead 10 a territary sales position. The territary wiII include accaunits in eastemn Canada (Manitoba ta the Maritime Provinces). Thse position will be lacated in Mississauga. The candidate shauld have a university degres, preierably in chémistry, Applicants should b. camforteble working in a Windaws NI environment. The individuel must alsa b. bilingual in English and French. We otier a competitive salary, a sales incentive bonus, and a cors- prehemive benetit program. Anyone wishing ta apply shauld mail or fax tasir resume and a short caver latter. Plms repond to: District mager Ashland Canada Ie. IC&S Diviion 2620 Royal Windsor Drive Mississauga, Oitulo, L5J 4E7 Fax: (905) 823-0023 MU applications need ta be recelved by Octaber 8, 1999, Only, taass applicants wita suitabis quatificationis wUl be interviewed. Ibfis b yor e opprta it pore &Nrewat daPYoduct, Arcsive &o Bunaies iadaty seader if yor uaea & ufnto EXPEIENC & 5 CEssag Maretsa ow yu s ia ovie 0abi: rrsne Qarktext 4?Ifsa.peaseFayursmtts nmberplo e.e wIish ad ong tAppruiyyu RESUMESe &TO:vai D42 Harvoses eri Suit Illu Sargo &7 PhNIh Cati (905 63.4 fs, c e Fax 90) 639-8779 th M Our client offers competitive In addition to per forming compensation and the general administration opportunity ta grow wisth duies, you will focus on a coordinating schedules and an industry leader. For itineraries. planning ad confidiential consideration, organizing special projects as saayepcainqoigRf requred.Adv.rtldîng, 11 Church As aresult of five or more years Stesmt Suite 402, Toronto, of progressively responsible Ontarilo MIE IW1. If you wish administrative experience at a to include a Iist ofcampanies ta which senior management level. you yourresume shauldnot be sent please have acquired a high level of gmarkt yaur envelope 'carsidentiol. BERNARD RODES ADVERTISING CONFIDENTIAL We thank cil cppliconts for tieirinteoesLt cweer onily tho 'se setected for ain interview wili be contacted. - NEWSPAPERS have been around for 300 years, because NEWSPAPER ADVERTIG WORKS M Advertise in Zt Canabian "Have a Cup on us" Advertise your garage sale in both the Tuesday and the Friday issues of the Canadian Champion and receive a Canadian Champion coffee mug *Whîle Quantîties last Myr Canabian Qiamnpi'on MILTONS CHOICE SINCE 1860 Our client, a recognized leader in the specialty food netrvices industry has a key opening in OakvIIIe for an Executive Assistant ta support a senior executive in ail aspects of their daily business activities. DO YOU WANT A CAREER IN HEALTH CAKE? Executive Assistant professionalism and'discretion. Highly organized. tactful and responsible. you are proficient with the MS Office suite of products and ideally have a related degree or diploma