Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Oct 1999, p. 22

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-ýA 1î7w Tu75d Oct- 5 199 e4 1 19 F- M Yc>gr* iE>tain Wis toThak tef ligSor s n Partners 1 forF thi on Id upor FJguira Tent &Awning C..Morris Design Ltd. Maple Lodgc Farns. Milton Runners Fitncss Technique Dr. Jan Boxaîl Imperial Oil Goodlife Fitness Boresok Famity Farrn Werner Mikoibit Remax Blue Springs Swirn & Sports Timex Canada Anna Fintan Proctor & Garnbie Petro Canada - DerryI25 Unique Frarne & Art Dr. Heather Joncs, Cbiropractor Milton Greenhouses Carnpbellvillc Pharmacy Cristello's Foodland Fort Motor Co.- Great Lakes Reg Waltzing Weasel Charley Fitzwhiskey's Don Cherry s Trattoria Dornenico Il Ltd. Fifth Wheel Truck Stops Dixie Ford Holly McGaffin_ Noreen Hurren -Mary Kay Coast to Coast Installations Inc. Cross Training Club Niken Hcaltb & Wellness Canadian Arrncd Forces Halton Police Auxiliary Navajo Voortrnans Cooles Nutrition House Metforrn Jack Sprat Campus Auto Collision Drarnatic D.J.s McNcil Dupont Milton Physio Kwik Kopy Printing Suc Trerise Town of Milton Leisure Centre Trisport Promotions Bob Brewcr, Labatt's Lonnie Cadotte - Fcrn Bill Currie, Rernax Runnin& Roorn Erika Rîstok Rubberniaid Bolle Milton Masters Aquatic Julie & Ian Williarnson Total Skin & Body Delacourt's Karen's Flowcrs Daphne's Place Bruce Trail Eatery ion Marsha Zucst Bruncîlo Ristoranti The Dickens Pizza Hut Mohawk Inn Milîside Restaurant Hops' N Malt Quality Greens Wallace Pontiac Buick Kate McGaffin Lisa West Dan Voit Heather Joncs Larry Scott Body & Sole Country Mile Grant Sewart Const. Ontario Sires Stakes Trapeze Artist wants to be the boss on and off the track Tonigbt wben the Ontario Sires Stakes prograrn makes its scason debut at Mohawk Raceway, Trapeze Artist will be boping to make bier season debut in the winner's circle. After -a frustrating summer. the daugbtcr of King Concb looks like she is back on track, scoring a pair of wins in bier last tliree outings. Trapeze Artist's recent succcss mirrors the late ses- son surge she experienccd as a two-year-old wben she won the last Gold Final, and bas tramner George Peters bopeful that she can capitalize on the opportunities left on bier dance card. "We got started a little late with bier, she bad a cou- ple of problerna last winter, and she tried to get al caugbt up at once," said Peters. ".It wasn't us trying to pusb bier, it was us trying to case bier into it, but sbe wasn't having any part of that." Added Uic Erin resident, "To put it in perspective, sbe's the boss. Shc's thc boss in thc field and she tries to carry tbat to the racetrack. She secs a field of borses and sbe wants to be firat. She tries to do it ai andi screws berseif up." Forced to re-qu.lify I bier first four starts tbe filly made breaks bcbind thc gate and was forced to re-qualify after evcry race. Peters and owners MVL Stable and Charlotte Bygrave of Mississauga startcd to question the wisdorn of a decision Uicy badl made one ycar carlier. "Wc thought enough of bier last year to supplernent bier into Uic Breeders Crown (Oct. 23), bot carlier this year wc were kind of wondcning about that decision," said tbe tramner. "Tbank God she's starting to settle down, shc's corning into fonn ai the rigbt Urne." Peters attributes Uic filly's rocky start to two factors, the temperarnent that sccrns common to rnany King Conch offspring and Uic fact that bier first two atternpts aithUi Gold Series were on balf-mile tracks. "Lots of Uic King Concb's do sern to bave a bit of a temper. Tbcy make breaks and then land and trot like the wind." said Peters. "At Flamboro she bad the cigbt-bole and broke before the gate. "I don't know wbat happencd there, but at Elmira they had a recall and she made a break. I think she would have been fine if it badn't been for Uic recall. Il was a bad point for us." , Ho of 4t Beat The tilly and driver Keith Oliver will star from Post 4 in the first of two elirninations at Mohawk on Tuesday and although Peters is knocking on wood, hie adrnitted that hie likes lier chances. 'l tbink she's finally worked hier way into being in the right framne of mmnd," hie said. "And I'd rather have the four-bote tban the rail, although she's won two tirnes off the rail." Helping Trapeze Artist in bier bid for an Ontario Sires Stakes trophy is the fact that the last Gold Series champion C.L. Brigbtness will start in the second elirnination. Another fractious daugbtcr of King Concb, C.L. Brightness made a break in bier last stait and will be ,looking to get back on track frorn Post 6 for driver Dave Wall, tramner Dean Wall and owner Thomas Moberg of Enebyberg, Sweden. Post 7 toughest competition Trapeze Artist's tougbcst competition in the fourth race should corne frorn Post 7 wbere Drearnfair Tierra will be looking for bier ticket to a second Gold Final victory. George Zirnis trains and drives the daughter of Royal Strength for bis partners Dennis and Janet Fairali of Windsor and the pair bave scored two steady runner-up finishes in preparation for Tuesday's Gold Elirnination.> Mohawk Raccway's first race gocs bebind the start- ing gate at 7:20 p.rn. and the thrce-ycar-old trotting fil- lies uine up for their last Gold Series elirninations in Races 4 and 6. The top five finishers frorn eacb elimination will advance to the Octoher 14 $100,000 Gold Final. Witb four different fillies laying dlaim to a Gold Final cbampionsbip so far tbis season, the race for the divi- sion title wîll corne down to the final strides of tbe last event of the year. The Ifcino Waiy in our coninuous battle to "beat Uic bulge", and dcfy gravity as it pertains to cc over timc, wouldn't it be wondcrful ladies if wc could find a way to take off inc exertion of conventional exercising? Weil the good news is - there is a way. It's At The Fenunie Way Uhc empbasis is on passive reduction, losing incbes witli approacb involves thc methodical, rbytbmic stimulation of thc body's btood cir tinuous massage generated by thc tberapeutically designed passive reduction i down cellulite, saddlc bags and other unattractive bulges. Clients relax on Uie tables that move and massage specific body parts. There ani waist, tummy, bips, and legs & anni. WiUi traditional calorie-reduced dicta many wornen manage to decrease Uieir lx cellulite remains. The Feminine Way will betp Uic losi of tbis cellulite, but doe weight reduction. Tbe equipmcnt is designcd to meet Uic needs of womcn wbo wisb to -addrcss thi muscle tone, muscle endurance, assistance in a weigbt toss program, fiexibility, Untike traditional forms of exercise that leave you fircd and out of brcaUi, flhc actsially energizes your body. No sweat, no buffing and puffing, and bcst of ail If utilized Uiree dimes per week for one bour eacb session, you will get Uic equî isthenics per day! flic Feminine Way opencd in Milton about Il ycars ago. Two and abhalf ycars purcbased by Suc Murray. Suc was a former Lo 1o,,in8 inchs.. flain arcas of our bodies customer of Uic Féminine Way. Sbc had been very activein sports and aerobics over Uic years and as a bes wiUiout Uic stress and resuît suffcrcd damaged ankles. Wbilc sceking an alternative to Uic tr-aditional forms of exercise she dis- "The Fenîinine Way". covered Uic Feminine way and Uic rest is bistory. out stress or strain. This Wbcn Suc's lease cxpired on Dcrry Road, sbc moved bier business to 42 Bronte Rd. S., Unit Il wbicb is :ulation system. Ime con- a more central location for bier clients. tcbincs, work to break The majority of clients cornte from customer referrals, but Sue also bas clients wbo bave been sent by Uic professional sector. One of Uic biggcst pluses is that women of aIl ages, sires and condition, cas benefit fromn Thse Fenîini tables dcvoted to Uic Way, and as proof of Uiat Sue bas clients wbo range from 15 to 84 years of age. The cost for a one bour session is $7.50 and cas go down to $3.95 per bour wiUi Uic purcbasc of session ty fat but still thc packages. inot promise cither fat or Rigbt now, The Femiaine Way is offering a FALL SPECIAL. If you purcbase one 10 bour package for $69.00 you will get a second t0 bour package for only $30.00. epbysical nceds like - So ladies catI Sue today. You don't have to wait to get startcd, cveryonc bas a rcserved appointment time. and even rebabilitation. We aI bave Uic desire to look and feel good, but so often Uiis desire is unfulfilled. Lack of time, - ceryne la osesinces will-power or Uic inability to bandle strenuous - evryon loss inhes! exercise are some of Uic reasons wc al fall sbort of our goals. But now Uiere's a way to become Uic per- ivalent of two bours of cal- son you've always wanted te be. Stop in and se wbat 'The Feminine Way cas do for .. ago Uic business was 42 BRONTE STREET, UNIT il 876-2838

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