12 - The Canadien Champion. Tuesday, October 5, 1919 Halton Region earns high marks once again for fiscal responsibilityr By IRENE GENTLE The Champion The report card is in, and Halton Region has received another A. Or make that AAA. The region ha managed to hold onto its AAA credit rating frein the second of two extemal rating services. Halton's first tiple A was awarded last December after the Canadian Bond rating Service's annual review. Recently that rating was confirmed hy, Moody's Investor Service of New York. A triple A is the highest rating handed out by Moody's. The firm congratu- lated Halton on its conservative fiscal policies and accumula- tion of reserves. Moody's report also lauded the Region for being able to adapt to Joyce Savoiine hurdles such as downloading and cuts to provincial grants. Those comments mean almost as much as the rating itself, said Halton Chair Joyce Savoline. 1I think it is something we have to stand up and be counted for," she said. A tip-top credit rating allows the Region as weII as its municipalities and school boards to borrow at the lowest possible inteoest rates. Speedy debt repayment and pay as you go financing help keep debt Iow, said Halton's director of budgets and fiscal pol- icy services David Birkett. And eagle-eyed staff have helped keep the Region's accounts in tip-top shape, said Ms Savoline. "Il want to thank- staff for-excellent advice," she said. u'lt& 11LFl i v iiu vi T9QUALIT A ýTESE AT UNBNATALE PIE Ttabrics are irnisatced but the. quaht_ us top-notch 50oif you don't mmd yorbx ring being a different colour from your mattes. Nois the turne to buy! M'SSEOw SUPR SUPPRT over $499 POSTUJRE CARE ORIHOPEDIC- 1 cw inprcsofl DOUBLE 179 SET 319 DOUBLE 269 SET 439 QUEEN 229 SET 409 QUEEN 329 SET 499 NO NTRET sI. KNO 5 i? KING 539 SET79 er cop'p ustvffier IC % eI OaRe5 P T *Wmuasanslbofatiu I n noi @ *WsscoeptalfOflflsOpaYifllfl tOve25,OcoupontIUtOI *SumiorCMUflDIScO1 couponngvhIaI Pe C* a ii..uMuu.41d.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~jma rHpa. ia I HML auqPI,8uE 1 O Poby;AHM PANE PhIilp KeII.y, Adam Flnkbeiner and Cardle Roberts heiped organize Milton District High School's firat annuel Tonry Fox Waik, whlch was heid recently. The event reised more than $600 for cancer research as part of Terry Fox's dreamn to flnd a cure for the dis- euse. i Brand Namnes mat inctuae: ~~A. SOREL IRedeem this couýpon and receive an additional I -Ai- ofI4V ift any pwvhae IVolid until October 31*, 1999 i: 'w jý4ý #rCi f illf-ellIeA11ý7- A V tt VM- à