Dateline* -from DATELINE on page 8 Boyne Community Centre at Brittania Road and Higisway 25 hoses Euchre Night at 7:30 p.m. Ail are weicome to attend. Tise Halton His Anaphylaxis Support Group isolds its fail meeting fromn 7 to 9 p.m. at tihe Georgetown Police Station (across from the Georgetown Mail). Cali Susan at 877-1179 for more information. Thse Burloak Parent Support Group hosts ils weeidy meeting at 7:30 p.m. at Pinelands Presbyterian Cisurcis, 5270 New St., in Burlington. This non- denominationai self-support group witis traineci lead- ers, helps parents of children wiso are in trouble at home, at scisool or with the law, abusive or taking drugs. Cai 1-800-488-5666 for more information. The Milton Community Resource Centre, 540 Cisilds Dr., begins offening Infant Child CRk, a four- week course taught by the St. Johns Ambulance. Participants acisieve tiseir Infant Chîld CPR Certificate. Cali 876-1244, ext. 12, for more informa- tion. Kilbside Area Preachool has limited spaces avail- able for ils fali termn half-day programs, wisich run Tuesday and Thursday mornings as well as Wednesday and Thursday aftemoons. Cali Leslie for registration information at 878-0739. Wednesday Oct. 6 Can alternative medicines help you? Wisy not find out. Tise International Association of Alternative Medicines, in conjunction with thse Electrolysis College of Canada, hosts an information session/open ~- GEORGETOWN CINEMAS 23GEN.PSTREET 873-999 0 DRIVE ME CRAZY ÉP &L & So.16 Lsm. £ r 6th SENSE FMM 1 DiyMlà M pm OL àal Su 2as.10 pin. i na~uedroeuinsw 1 FmTgLOUVINÇTIE pa 0 BLUE STREAK1 IE S D&WMalySlpu house from 7 to 9 p.m. attse Electrolysis Coilege of Canada, 550 Ontario St. For more information, con- tact 878-9113. Do you or someone you know suffer from anxiety/panic? Join T.E.A.C.H.'s Peer Support Group every Wednesday. For more information, cail .693- 8771. Tise Milton Community Resource Centre, 540 Cisilds Dr. begins offering 123 Magic, a four-week course for parents and caregivers. Tise course includes a variety of topics such as behaviour, arguing, whin- ing, screaming, demandîng, disrespect, temper tantnsms'and pouting. Cali t76-1244, ext. 12. Thursday Oct 7 RTOIERO Diatrict 15 Halton of the Retired Teachera of Ontario isolda its faîl meeting at St. Volodomnyrs Cultural Centre in Oakville starting at 9:30 a.m. Jim Baker, RTO president, speaks. Tise evrsst also iscludes a lunch for $20. To register, cali Mr. C Baxter aI (905) 643-3732. Tise Victorian Order of Nurses holds a foot care clinic attse Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Cisilds Dr., from 1 to 4 p.m. Cali tise centre at 875- 1681 for more information. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre holds its week- ly Seniors Cissemas at 1:30 p.m. Admission is $1. Cal 875-1681 for tisis montis's feature performances. The Canadian Federation of University Women, Milton and District, ists Art and the Women's Movemsent with Brigette Schreyer at 7:30 p.m. at Hugh Foster Hall. Tise public is welcome to attend afterward at 8:3 bp.m inr-irJ Str Houri: Monday-Saturday 10.5 lEi l± 5380 South Service Rd@ (a: Burloak) Burlingt@fl 631-6515 TeCa3nan Champion, Fri, Octaber, 1999- GET A FRESH START. Get SOLUTIONS now for: Credît Card Prbains Loss of Job or Loved One Repasassions Woiýor Cash Flow Problems Waga Garsisanusi Evictions Parsistant Bill Coliectan Judgemnts, Law Suils Sludan Las DainqluentTaxa Fosaclasures Divrc "eae Financil Prabama *I PADDQN + Duakupscy cma bc av"&a CaUI a! No chpfr in"ilcauiiia P-q FNqum 875*mba 225 Main Street East (Main & Marlin St.) Milton A bdfe ouin ADVERTISEMENT MAXIMIZE YOUR BUYING POWER MILTON: Industry insiders have just released a new FREE report tisat shows you how you can buy more bouse with leas money. For most of us, shopping for a new home also means shopping for a new mortgage. In both exercises, you'll want to be a amart shopper. Working witis a real estate agent, you can find a bouse you'll love. Witis tise aid of Ibis special report, you'll also find tise mortgage tisaI best suits your needs. Different buyers do have different morîgage needs. Fortunaîely, lenders today offer many mortgage options to choose from. Unfortunately, lenders ail- too-often don't tell you about ail your options. To order your copy of tise FREE Report entitled "1.1 Ways to Mcsximize yossr Buying Power", cali our toll-free lime 24 isours at 1-888-475-8645 and enter I.D.41005. Speak 10 no agent. Cai today and receive a special bonus Report: »Questions To Ask Your Lender" with both general questions te ask and questions that depend on tise type of boan you take. This, rpt is cci.Y of Ch,, N,,,, R.,M, 5. .pcvg. <14.5,, Ccp. Coc rIC-igP-loM 1n97 1 The memibers of the Sumnier Jobs Partnership, Human Resources Development Canada, Sheridan College and the YMCA Career Development & Learning Cen *tre would like to thank ail the Halton area employers that hired a student this summer. Thanks for making this sumimer a tremendous .success! Working together to help students find summer employment Job Ccvo. Fccd.d by GC, o f na,., i , SheridanY~~ Vu .*" Sponsored by: h',siop....cid. Canadl