Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Oct 1999, p. 6

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8 Thé di"iÙianhpMàipbýW'fgg bIT6I4cMT EAXY NG -4A CkW'I SCOMMENT wl o5AT AeR 1K Caiooeration starting 9f to take a toil on policing Crime-related problems that corne part and parcel with a casino oper- ation have erupted at Mohawk Raceway -- bringing previously expressed policing concemrs to the forefront. .Counterfeit buis have turned up, a driver -- allegedly drunk -- struck another vehicle in the parking lot and, worst of ail, a Halton Regional Police officer was threatened following the ejection of a casino patron. M sM S As more of the same can be expected, the toîl taken on policing , ~ ~ f resources must be addressed. It's crucial for the safety of citizens as well as police. While the Ontario Jockey Club hires off-duty officers privately to_ help secure the site, problems can spill over to require the services of regular police on duty -- officers that could be needed to respond to calîs elsewhere in town. The sol ution is simple; more officers must be assigned to Milton. If that means hîring additional officers, SO be it. There's a way to do it without raising taxes. t's not unreasonable for the Region of Halton, which funds policing, to ask for a share of the Town of Milton's casino revenues to cover the cost.0< Karen Smith 0 UR READERS WRITE __ Resident tells her side in Milton Heights incident +THE CANADLIN CHAMPION Box 248, 191 Main St. E., Tbe Canaiean Champmion, publshed every Tuesday and Friday Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 at 191 Main SI. E. Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9 (Box 248), is one of The Metroland PnInting, Pubilshing & Distrbttng Ltd. group of sub- QP7Q~~~urban companles whlch Includes: Ajax I Pickering News (905) 878 -2341' Advertlser; Alliston HeraldlCourter; Barrie Advance; Brampton Guardian; Buringlon Post; City Parent; Colltngwood I Wasaga Editorial Fax: 878-4943 Connecflon; East Yort Mirror; Etobicoke Guardian; Georgetown Independent/ Acton Fros Press; KiOnston This Week; Lindsay Tis Advertising Fax: 876-2364 Week; Mantham Economisf & Sun; Midiand / Penetanguishene Classified: 875-3300 Mirr 'or; Mississauga News; Newmarkef I Aurora Era Banner; Northuamberland News; Northl York MIrror: OatnvIlie Beaver, Ortf la Ian Oliver Publisher Today; Oshawal/ Whitby I Clarlngtoa I Port Perry Thnis Week; Peterborough Tis Week; Richmond Hill Thomilil I Vaughlan Neil Oliver Associafe Pablisher Liberal; Scarborougli Mirror; Uxbridge IStouffville Tribune; aiii Beffin General Manager TodaY's Seniors. Advertislng Is accepted on fthe condition that, In the evant of a Karen Smitha Acting Editor typographîcal error, that portion of fthe advertising space occa- Steve Crozier Circulation Manager pied by file erroneous item, togefier with a reasonable allowance TeriCam ffic Mangerfor signature, will non be charged for, but fthe balance of the Ted eena Offie Maageradvertisement wiii be pald for aithfie applicable rate. Thle publisher mmla Cbles Production Manager reserves file rlght to categorize advertlsementn or decline. Dear Editor: Thtis letter is in response to an article by Karen Smith on a recent front page of.Tbe Champion. Ms Smith wasn't given the naine of tbe resitient who was hosting the paity on Trentaine Roati I was bosting the party for my son plus two of bis frientis wbo cel- ebrateti birtbiys that week. First of ail, the party was well chaperoneti witb continuai checks on ail aspects of the party. The party starteti as approximate- ly 7 p.m. anti titi not enti until Suntiay. At approxmmately 11:30 p.m., 1 was infonneti someone came onto my propeity anti assaulteti a female guest. She chose to forget about it. Later, wben I noticeti people mun- ning tiown the tiriveway 1 immeti- ately went outsitie. I matie sure everyone came back onto the prop- erty (Iess than 10 mrinutes> prior to the police comning. Wben I noticeti broken glass on the oati I hati guests clean it Up. Wben I was toit what happeneti 1 found a maie guest who had been assaulted, brouglit him into the house anti tentiet toi hs wountis. My husband went out to talk to the police. The assault was comn- mitted by someone who was unlcnown anti uninviteti. Constable Greg Braun was one of the oflicers on the scene anti eveoything was deait with very pro- fessionally. The person assaulteti went to Milton District Hospital wbere lie received four staples and four stitches to the heati. Dealing with the only informa- tion available to her, Ms Smith itn't reflect the whole picture in ber story. The guests have been known to my family for several years. They are wontierful, consitierate anti fun- loving teenagers. They have always been anti wil always be welcome to my home. They showed poor jutigement wben they chaseti the stranger off the property. But this was because somecone, cously assaulteti anti left uncon- scious. I'm truly not sure I woultin't have tione the samne thing. These teenagers are so open tbat 1 was encourageti constantly to stay outaide witb tbem. They are not the brawling, obnoxious type. Any person wbo was tirinking and diti not have a designateti dri- ving stayeti. Perioti. I welcomed tbe police towing vehicles left on the roati (two of which were tiriven by teenagers unknown anti univiteti). Not ail teenagers are the saine. Finm fortunate that my sons have sonne very special fiientis that con- tinually bringjoy to our lives. Any trash left along the roatisitie was cleaneti up before 1l a.m. Suntiay anti my property was left as though no panty bati occurreti. Usa Mowat Trentaine Road Pud by Steve Nease

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