28-The Conadian Champion, Friday, October 1, 1999 Classified ~2Itfl4IZQ I Ijil *1 I 9' I rkHpyRetirementlC KEISH (Hesath) Adamn a plessed 10 announce the birth of hila brother Alden Chralaophur on Soglember 5, 1999, weîghîn in at 5 ibs, 12 oz. et Oakvile Trafalgar Hospital. Son af Jady and Jonnifer. Proud grsndpsrenta Chris and Shirle y I-eath, El gin Kelsh and the laIe Carmen Kelsh and also Daye and Leona HibI. - i MACDONALD- Henry & Vicky (nes Cargii) of Orton are pioased 10 announce the birth of thotr second daughter Sydney Le veighing in aI 8ibs. 8 oz on Thursday Sept:rhr2, 99a l-eadwaters Hoalth Gare Centre in Orangeville. Big aister Haiiey is thnilled by her anivai. Proud grsndparents are Bill Cargli of Orlon, Bolibi Suthcott af Milton and Freda MacDonald of I-feruncl elngwayned ariva o oud niecou- Jeuy& wayneun. We slloe ylou Kni lt CLASSR ,W4ilestones MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9:00 AM -5:00 PM " -*ISée Todays Champion for aur new "Mifrstones? section. To ainounce your special event, cail Tie Champions Ciasssied e . Department at 875-3300. In Lavîng Mernory SA million frnes we've wantod you, A million fîmes weve cnied If love coOlld have savad you JaUf Vou nover wauld have died. Wf we could have one Idletime ish One drearn that would corne true - - PUBLC AUTIe isventory tram FORMER BUCKHORN GALLERY ON THE LAKE AND SCENE CANADA MLUS - COLLECIORS GFWMAI1E aI lise MILTON LEGION HALL 21 Charlbes Street - Milton Monday Evening - October 4th 7:00 p.m. Preview - Auction 8:00 pr. Over 100 pen of irand sew fise qaality frsred galîery art, teslaring Wildlife, Fiorada, Landscapes - aigned, limiled cdblions by Michael Duns, Terrence Andrewn, George MeLeso, Bresi Towsed, Elizabeth Berry, specusi. ne yei u psynentSI Then $l16Ivesk. (OAC) 400Mhz, loaded, printer, monitor, internet soft- ware. Freo scanner, de- llvery/set-upi 1-800- 516-54w. Happy 40t]ý Mom & Dadt se jý 1 fth love, your fami at Le a jo Hn Mouse Sun. OL33r 1 ait Lenn and Joann RETIREMENT ýwe- 74ms WOd 0prY to Iwu sOrlmt Bey Hagan, Joyce Beis, Patricia Bourque, Jmdi Kent For yesterdy&yu LoeawyMois, DM and Scatt Cheng, Alan Busnard, Neil Blackwell, Murray Smith MECHANIC required. EmiI DaidRicarc NioleEdwin Matdîewî and many othe fine Canadien Fax or drap off reaurno INGi, Mary .In lavtnq mer o0f a deer noth- EMGRYUM Rare collector plates, (Chistian Street Milton. Fax 876- _________________ e o and grandrnother wopessed away Septem- Bell, Faiimont, Rockweil), and many other items, 9958. Phone 878-3148. ber 29.1990.Broedway cult figains. Disney collecior figrne ASSEMBLY popl re- MA RA EIra tions ninO years 110w and othe gPa gifts. qulred at Elton Menu- Andnota ey oesbyTERM: CASH, M/C, CHEQUE per infé at facturin. Hoavy lIfUn Witta great jay, we are proud ta Were heme by ar aids ae ajc aadiin n eein Nlplsalng Road, Mil- annune homarîge 0f u hlrnAw Lave and Remembered *No Buyers' prema ton. nouic te ariae o or hidienPatay, Seon, Dana & Ker THE MICHAELSON COMPANY INC. *REmZ Corners res- X Anisa Maench - Auceineer taurant roquiros exponi- enced walteralwaitross- 1.88849-2790 or 905668-4249 as. Apply in porson to Rememboning JEFF LLOYD Great shopping - Lots of Bargains 1480 Hw., 6 North. Junol10l975 -Octoberl1 1998 (an05)r59v1556. And 1 F thank God that ha lot you Bring afriend & enjoy the fan! DRIVERSBR ES 1 arn better for the Urne we apent together ___________________ieo/xpedite compsny. And thefriendship that we shared willlive o". î s a i Wfth own car, van, or conuie &AdasLave -- , *,truck. CornpeiUve wag- daughter of Disse and Joh Macitre and son Kae s andl rnfllhy in- af Erika and John GrinberS. lhe wedding 100k AtslyCmlfity Centre, 287 Old Guelph Rd, ceritives. Corne loin our pluse nIthe ont door chrc a Cusp Sidrobene, Dns,(5)686116 * A sale coolainiflt 1 00s tearn andi work with one Bsdington on August 21, 1999. Many this aannlsa &o csecaLsle items large & srnaii. of thie lasteat growing in- piasor Ilze Kupiens-Ewriadaso SilbyhtralI or individualy. Lois oi Interesîl dustries inl Canada. Vsrsbergs-Pazs (thmeron osi fru Seoherei9ryon & Sons Cash/aplp'd cheque Piasse contact Dosgalt Rovrille, MO.) soail MIf the fusily andi friends ACTIONEERS: B. MacKAY & JANDERSON. POWER UNK EXPED- who malini Us vOIy special da. SINCERE thanks to rny many friends, neigh- Bir irni. S oi Ciappisos Crors, (#5&16), imi N oi ITE, 295 Alliance Rd. bouts andi relatives who attonded my 9Oth birth- 1403, 1/4rni W of 16, via York Rd #116, Miltoni, 1-888-847- dayparty Au s5t 29th in Nassagaweya Church 5515. Pcioolroom Cny thlks for the beastftul birth- GARDEN & NURSERY day carda and the gonerous gits 1 receved. Centre help wanted, full Thanks to the women of the congregation for orpart Umre. Some ex- prpng and serving the bosnhtful lunch and perionco inecessary. lafdycake. Thanks 10 Mayor Gord Krnt for b nApply in persan wlih ro- hîs humrnous remarks. i wîlt have chenished FEMALE Standard Po e, answers to Sa $1 Urne ta: Langhalm -mernones of that da as long as 1 live. the ares of 151h Sid Road and Guep Line on Nursenies 6711 Ifwy. 25, Incerel Sunday, September 26. 854-0616. Milton. WALSHl- Karen, Do05g, Katîna &a Sm proudly Il Ile endorson LOST Naia Digital Plus Seil phone. Cai Gina at' HVAC apprentice. Reli- annaunce the birth af Jack Douglas Larau. 878-2244 days or 878-9610 evenings. able, seltmotivated in Jackarried i 1912 o Setembr 9t, 199, -- dividual. Must have cur- weiging ibs 4 z. Or exellnt cre wsrent dniver's licene. In- cai) Koslcorndwsk a rnd arer nts;il dividual ta bo mechani- aicl & ern Wis h wl o f Hamhitn Joanns FAIngfud in Zellors. Cal 876-2446 ta idan- cally incfinod and able to Wickharn of Kingston, Stan & Manianne tiy. .n Send lrelsuertoi Wickham of Indiana, and Great-grsndma Bruat Puinpkl* Ch allêtt, -ie vis ti n and ret Georgie Torney of Kingston. To aIl aur wonder- nUH uilue Forest, Corn 0a0e Heat103 andle fui fitenda who oflered us Sa rnuch support Maze, Straw Maze, Free fa INCH Jumba pîiiowAvoe.înichairs 7eskiLlTo4K Thank youl ~~~Admission, Farm Wmnory top IoCHlemcopi wobl caattressakL9 46 Untîl f rosI: Apples, Raid Raspisernies, and boxspning, shull in oo spnnshs tiedom IN lanart esnîngsf Eldarbe ries, P.Y.O. Rlovers, Hot Butteredt plastic cost $00sc- wa iîhs Od lFi n atun ai Sweet Corn, Schooi Tours rifice $1000 (905>57 ahit Customn Wood rat in- bions availablo. Monday HOUE M Paceul inMifonon4042. ishing and furnlture re- thraugh Friday atter Wednesday epebr9, .rsJnon Ob R& E pairs. Fields Custorn 4:00 p.rn Lighi and HLOvm g Vee sr M .ored by her so n MROt FRnd hladý redegsdso Coptmer299. SuVdb ers nnm t His idas5~ tEAbrnd. Cal o Fu mi72 Uhlter, 9~g 7y source c lentr30Min sadinly riss eed by her arn nd rind hs n- Nni 0 o ndb 435 Driveh eston 06 . daMillsk 875-427 St.sn E. lig an Mrirak., 128r Lraohof are n d E. l (0ima Cora Coplt -n au of n rd Irs LOong ft-ora plac qIre by Mit adoc aestf IuotnStMisauao laeurou RsGi eace ent bu for olte tansport05 ca3-60 e doatns a Sthey 0f her ch ce Jouhn; and an hard to i i. Chamidon olt applcan t ioDy n hea arec Coer arie by _________Jean________________________ or Discount. Fields asfas Cî 9-41 w Flre eMadB BAer Jn& o n. Se Sl be Ctr nd al9S Upholslering C -li 8 754urecetr,310Mi I aj I i seb e for ndfins.Ammo ot of 401iost Tn Mlo oitrn Hoaita i' 25.ai rie aprcat. on 06.dy9ek 875-4427. St.l E-.o a s I8826