The Canadien Champion, Friday, October 1, 1999--13 M I w <2ý=N&)PT1CAL1 COMPLES PACKA0E m NCLUDES: ARAGD VFRAME P V SINGLE VISION LENSES FAT VSCRATCH EICIEN COAT SERVIE Vl 1 YEAR FRAME WARRANTY 15 Matin St. Milton 1 LEII"t% ea e - LEAVER MUSHROOMS CO. LTD. Campbellville, Ont. 878-9375 575 Ontario St. S. very enesday s SENIORS' DAY 5% DISCOUNT on ail purlae excepi tobacco -dm emttsyt Milton Denture Clinic " Same day a Myoloc relînes dentures " Complets 9 Lost dentures dentures made in 24 " Partial hours dentures e Soit rubber " Implant liners dentures . Repaire HALTrON HELPING HrANDS SERVIMO THE ELDERLY AND DISABLED HANDYMAN SERVICES * Grab Bar Installation * Carpentrylentn * Minor etectricai/piumbing aAir Conditioner installation For more information caîl JOHN at 878-6403 Friday. October 1: Its "Bet 'n Bld" Casino Nigbt at the Centre starting at 6:30pm.The Lions Club witt run Crown & Anchor, Black jack and Horse Racing Carnes. There wlt be Bingo plus a Super Auction! Light refreshments and a wet bar. Entraisce Fee $5. gets you $10 grand 'jùinny money"to enjoy the action! Monday. October 4: Entoy a fah outing to "Casino- Rama"! Plenty of action, a great buffet and a chance to, "bit the jackpot"! Centre membhers only $7. others $12. Cati Centre 875-1681 and sign up today! Thanks to Treasa & Ken la mb, the "Waldng Club" will head out every Monday for a hike along the heautiful Bruce Trait. Join them. Hikers meet at 1:30pm at Senior Centre.Entrance fee at some areas. It's "Seniors Day at the Matt"!Come along to meet & make friends, enjoy the challenge of "Seniors Bingo- and great shopping values too! Wedssesday. October 6: The Computer Club wilt get together at i :3Opm in the Library to review filmn on interne fottowed by group discussion. Edith Winney and ber crew invite you to tbe Centres "Lunch Counter" f'or a great pick-me-up of sandwiches, soups, salads & desserts on Wednesdays. A "bot meal deat-is also avaitabte on Wednesday but must be booked by 4:OOpm the previnus Monday. Thursday. October 7 and everv Thurs: "Seniors Cinemnas" I:3Opm at Seniors Centre. Admission $1. See October Feature Performances betow. Mondav. October Il: Tbanksgiving Day. The Senior Centre is ctoss'd. Tuesday. October 12: The "Lunch Buncb" seniors group botds its montbty get together at a tocal eatery. Monda y. October 18:Corne atong for another great fun day at "Casino-Rama". Plenty of fun and excitemnent, a great buffet and ait for onty $7. If you're a Centre member; $12. If not! Cati Centre and book your passage today! Wedssesday., October 20: Its the event of the season! Cet your tickets today for "Step Outin S Style"I the Centre% fah fashion fling! Sec the latest in fali fashions from "Jo'leens Ctothing for Women"! There witt be sandwiches, picktes and rnaybe a few sweets!Tickets are $5.and are on sale now! The "Friendship Club" meets tbe 3rd Wednesday of' eacb montb at 1:00pm. Come Atong to hear and share great memories froi-n the past! One storey building located on beautitul spacious grounds situaient betwe.n Rockwood and Eden Mille EDEN HOUSE CARE FACILITY INC. NURSING HOME RETIREMENT HOME 519-856-4622 SERVING HALTON AND AREA SINCE 1968 Wednesday. October 27: Tirne i 1:00am- at the Centre for our 2nd annuat "Coolde Watk"! First take a walk to view the mnost decadent coîskies in town! Then grab a bag, make your choice,and pay the price.Then,see if yîîu can resist att of the temptations! Thursday. October 28: Juin the ghosts & gobtins at the Hallowe'en Pottuck Party-! Att it costs is a$1. ptus the scary dish of your choice (register ttish).Bring atong that speciat young friend. There witt be haunted house,scary storieshbingo and ptenty more. Dress is fun but optionat ton! See huttetioîs board for tatest info Thursday. October 28: its the Fatt "St. lacobs and Farmers Market" excursion! Bring an extra bag and corne a shopping at the Farmers Market,Factory Outtet Malt andti any îîtber craft stores. Cati Centre today 875-1681 for att detaits on trip and to book yîîur pas- sage. Tbe "Diners Club" hotds its mcînthty get tîîgether at a nearhy eatery Join thein for camaraderie, great food and ptenty of socializing. Meet at 5:30pm. Cati Centre Coi-ne for fu & fettowship, great food and the latent news. Timne: 12 noon. Cati 875-1681 for Oct. loîcation. Wednesday, October 13: The' moînthiy "Evening Euchre Party" at the Centre kicks off at 7:3(lprn. Corne for great socializing and keen competition! Prizes awarded. Cost: $2i/person. Mondav. October 18: Its "Octoberfest" tirne! Corne atong on a excursion to Kitchener to cetebrate "Octoberfest" at the Concordia Club. Yîîu'it aisîî explore King Ludwigsi castie and view its disptays. Cati Centre 875-1681 today to book yîîur excursion! 875-1681 for October location and/or arrange car pooiing. "Seniors Cinemnas- Octuber perftormances at the' Senior Centre, Thursdays, starting at l:30pr-n. -October 7 - "The Horse Whisperer" -October 14 - "The Deep End of the Ocean" -October 21 - "Butcb Cassidy & Sundance Kid" -October 28 - "Thse Miracle Worker" SHOP ZELLERS MILTON FOR CLUB Z POINTS F S .ITO:IN ALLVII I ~~~~~~THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND LIMITATIONS. Cnr,5 NAI T G .1eI5tofl, Dentuist For further details on activities at the Milton Seniors Actlvity Cete Hours: Mon. - Fil. 9:30 -9:00 Ca3 (905) 87 -1 8 Sm.9:00 -6:00 Sun 11:00 -6:00 10% discount A~~ O HOURS: SENIOR DISC#OUNT Trhe apl eies, 54 %3 8M0.T pats ander itms, 9:00 arn - 7:00 pm HWY #7 Friday D Y reen h ouse pat much Z :00 am -8:00 pm Be Sure To Z~ EMBLETO 3 Moda, ueda adCOU NTRY TryOur M U8175 8:00 am-6 prn mU ~ ~~ Granny May's --e-2L55 a auda Wednesday IVMRKET F'ied Cicken 1 *0 :0am-60 r 0 Milton Seniors Activity Centre Current Events "Shine in '99" OCTOBER CURRENT EVENTS L ROBERT (PIE> LEE, B.8C. B.B.A. LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY .:fe - Disab:iliy - Ansailles -RRIFs -LIFs RRSP's - Maltai Funds <LiC. with M.S.I L) Miltowne Insurance genc Group Life & HeIth & Pension 245 COMMERCIAL ST. MILTON 19T 2J3 OFFICE 878-5786 FAX: 878-3692 RES. 878-1150 We sre SENIOR TRAVEL SPECIALISTS Resorts e Tours e Insurance cSê% "i t iravel 878-2886 M th, -Ad 1o usine1961Ié