12 - The Canadien Champion, Friday, Octaber 1, 19M Art therapy helps bring pent up feelings to surface 7 - f rom DOING on page 10 That's wbere ah. that earlier hand- holding cornes in. "We are aIl supportive," said Ms Chamberlain. "If someone needs a bug, if someone needs to, talk - wbat- ever unfolds." That is also ber pbilosopby of teacb- ing. Heeding ber own advice to "flot pusb against the river," Ms Chamberain bas been known to tbrow away ber garne plan if it doesn't fit witis tise vibe she gets froan the class on any given nigbt. Being able to read that vibe comes courtesy of years spent exploring beal- ing arts such as yoga, tai chi and heal- ing toucb. Teachinga from a medicine man during a stint on an Indian reservation have belped sharpen ber intuition. And sise applies her knowledge of colour theory - or isow hues affect emotion - to ber classes. After tbe circle, Ms Chamberlain may take the group tbrough visualiza- tion exercises, asking thean to follow her on an imaginary walk through a forest. Or she may tum on the tunes, and encourage thern toi sway to tise music. The point is to bring pent up feel- ings to the surface. When those feelings are t«atisrnitteCt onto paper or canvas, the resuits can be powerfisl. And emotion is sometbing Ms Chamberlain knows a bit about. 111 had a lot of things hap1pen in rny life growing up," sise said. 'I had a lot of traumatic tisings." TMe moast recent blow was the deatb of an older sister after a long battle *witb cancer. For weeks afterward, Ms Chamberlain found herseif unable to do soi much as lift a paintbrusb. "I was thinking 'l'an supposed to be calm, pma supposed to be dealing with this,"' she said. "But then I tbought, Ilo. tmi not. Fin humnan, too Wbcn shc was finally able to paint again, the resuit was a piece that al but bowled witb fury. But it belped release a littie of the pain, too. Today, Ms Chamberlain is stili struggling witb her sister's deatb. But she is also out there, doing ber damnedest to get better. "You are allowed a certain amount of time, get il out. Then get out and help someone," ase said of ber strate- gy. And, simple as it sounds, making a conscious effort toi look et tise bîighter aide of things belps. Thiat ineans Ietting go ot ncgativc emotions, replacing them with posi- tive ones. In an art therapy class, painting can heip others achieve that. III want to help thean get to the point of getting it out before they get sick or go crazy," she said. Ms Cbamberlain's classes run from 8 to 9:30 p.m. The cost is $10 per ses- sion, and participants are asked to bring their own supplies.. Supplies are low-cost and basic, and some are always on site for those who arrive empty-banded. For more information, call Naturally Be Wellness Centre et 854-1654. FALL SERVICE SCHEDULE 9 am5 - Early Worahip Service 930 am. - Sunday Sclsool 10:45 amn - Second worahip Service 6.30 p. - Evening Proue Celebration Childrena Progratni & Nursery Availabl - Minleter - - nelMneeRev. John Benhem 5't'N1 TlRev. Or. John Ambrose 0 Hu R - Director of Msic - *x - Judy HunIer Corne to Worehlp SUNDAY OCTOBER 3,1999 1O:30-a.m. INTERGENERATIONAL WORSHIP (na Church Schaoo classes) WORLDVWDE COMMUNION SUNDAY Faclities are tutiy wheeichir accesibte S Vis our Wabalt.: http./www.gobaserve.net/-stpalsmiltor#/ Information Une 878-8895' Milton Alliance Church 2850 DERBY BD. (betwveen the Fre'HoU and Hospital) Phsone 878-5664 a Fa'x 878-6676 Pester Greg MeCombs - Senior Pastor 11 amn. SUNDAY MOIINING WOBSHIP SERVICE Sennen Tapie . -W le tess Worshsp?" Il ami, ADVEN'IUREIAND FOR CHUDREN Tues. 7 pan.1t )IL1CRG - (g. 6-8) Wed. 7 pin. PIONEER CLUBS (ega 4-12) ises. 7 pan. SEL. 121H (W 9-OAC Fwmonw dmmyâmddd GrowinglnLo ve Have you ever felt like you've been looking for love in challenge of jvtiry belîever is to "flesh out" faith in ait thc wmong places? Have you ever dreamed of a Ctuistn '0 eIl o 4 onstrate to a scepticet society that e wonderful relationship, or wishcd for romance andîý- elattotýa>p «4ý Christ cas transform any individuel. intimacy, only to find your dreais waasýtVc, Ye~u£ -_ wish was out of reech? - 'Wibsi the ýr *comimunity of C hristian.faith. dedi- 'r'e~tnunist rs -ive to creete environnmenta wherein Or, perhaps you reelized your dream, ai tnd njj'in .pgecana feith in action. Congergation miembers reality il was more of a nightmare hnayc e, 1 pov plcswcepopie cas experience Emotionally, you may have been lacdêaoMedon"f*~" ta l>fral love and ecceptance. pavement of death, divorce, separaui i1r'.. f epret u hyaesI ekn Every individuel nceds to, be kNtd~ !L1ct$erl i c'nt impact upon the moral fibre and uhns oecn ptng hangtth m *flat c f the community. If you have been tise pat and solncofU 5*> church in the past, don't blemne God. appoîi,ments I reed e ssory of e man, who, wàtking 0W .o .cg you sp.te .one pessed aeuscd-book soeIn i11 se k Uic wîndow, wîth ds de, Hos , l t ,oas ad atte in a new assembly. mi ght tic an înterestîng book he to e W fbo'lov is. Receive forgivencss. Let hcating waa disappointedltofind ouitthiti aece urne of an encyclopaedie cove il etsa oi ï e-Ucloa hrh ietr withtis wods "ow"Uiru u' -: ~f1 btowBe faithful in your ettendance Churches cen sometimes beid r nscd et the meny positive changes encyclopeedie on theology insteed of e practi /é~ result in youir life as you grow in love! demonsiretion of how to live out true Chciatianity. St. George's Anglican Church Lowville, 7051 Guelph Uine (just north of Derry Road) SOHEDULE 0F SERVICES FOR SEPTEMBER 8:30 arn -~ Altemattng Moming Prayer and Hoiy Communion 10:30 arn - Aitemating Hoiy Communion and Moming Prayer. Nursery & Sunday Schooi provlded 10:30 arn - Vouth Service in the auditorium SERVICE 0F PRAYER FOR HEAUNG 7:00 pin - Sunday, September 26 Radaor: The Rev. Canon Charles F. Maatera For additionai information cati the church office et 878-1363 MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. e 878-2022 10:00 a.m. - The Lord's Supper il1:45 a.m. - Sunday Sohool 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study 1 give unto my sheep etemal life; they shall neyer perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of mv hand. John 10.28 S HOLY ROSARY PARISHjiL Ï878535 (T.T.Y. 878-9044) 0IIOLY ROSARY CHURCH " 139 Martin Street Mass at 5:30 pm Saturday 9:00 arn, 10:30 arn & noon Sunday ST. PETER'S CHURCH 9th Lina & Britannia SMass at 9:00 arn. Sunday Rev. Earl Talbot, P. 44tMILTON BAPTIST CHURCH TIiOMPSON & NIPISSING ROADS, 875-1626 Pastor - Rev. Greg Macaulay Sunday, October 3rd Sermon: "That Horrible Queation-Why Lord? PUMoming Worship - 11:00 arn El'., Church Sobool - 9:45 arn 7:00 pmn Special Mission Presentation "Bolivia-1 999" - John & Ruth Lawrence Aff iliated with Baptist Convention of Ontario & Quebec Monthly Devotienal Meeting "An interfalth Spiritual Gatherlng" " Join FeIIow Mitoniana in a Gathening of Spiritual Readinga and Devotions. "Brng a Favourite Passage to Share» Date: Thursday, Oct. 14,.1999 lime: 7:-00 - 8:00 pm Place: Hugh Foster Hall, Miton Info: (905) 878-0011 Next Gathering: ThursdayNov.il 1999 VlOTONY BIBLE OMUMON POWR SUTS POWER TIE& Join us tbis Sunday to find out how you can tnp into God's p0wer. Check out Pastor Charles Boyce Wednesday evenings on Cablewrks 14 in bis 'WLçsdom for dhe Week"seganent on the ceble tv show "Plugged In!" (5:30,630,730) 1O:OOA.M - MerninWorsip Milton I£ismCentre (Board Rom) (separae services; o hildmi 9 yeum d eider) "Living A Wtoious L4ifeBThe ldQOf God" PastorChaiesfoyoe ("0587-5-2162 Email cboyoe@interbo.net Grace Anglican Church 317 Main St. E., Milton the Church orn thse Hili 878-2411 1ev. Dr. Mark MvDeaanot SUNDAY SERVICES 8:00 a.m. - Holy Communion 10:00 e.m. - Sung Eucheriat (Nursery Programn, Church School & Prayera for HeoJ.rng) THURSDAY 10:00 a.m. - Holy Communion "WiIEELCHIIÀi AccESS TitROUCH PARKING LOT DooS Th1avte ,s hri UI j15 100 Nlplaang Road, Unit 3 WiI5!IiUPastora: Captalit'. Dan nid Wer mnyrons Saturday, Oct. 9th 10 arn - 2 pm Chiidren's Camival & the Dedication and Officiai Re-Opening of Our newiy renovateI Church Sunday, Oct. 1lOth il arn Service of Thankagiving Specl Guests Uieut. Colonel's Bram & Ruth Meakings For more information please cai 876-2420 Ecclesia Why la there s0 much Evil jand Suftering in the world? You are invited to come and hear a taik on this subject et: HUGH FOSTER HALL VICTORIA SQUARE MILTON Mon Oct. 4th, 8:00 pin (God Wiiiing) The Dawn Christadepihians www.bibienews.org. 0 1