4 - The Canadia Champion, Tueeday, September 28, 1999 iL~9~f ~ Accredited Test* & Repair Fadlity e fw ol thre Mikon Pull Fair mmdCIIDItSfwi unmom successful rwekend! Caquia ta du.9 Ma 0'va Il. Mat w Ibio h ui 0 Un 4 cii elIN. cuartiua tawm 1 m Md tir a lm M kW kWu raca- bd a 811111111111Y uns Maauls iaKlstrk ks Mi b tt M ouhls Miy ah *i uutwwsa m MMy hmv ietri lmy àm~ à maml euy wr 1AC Krantz holding his position strong in proposed NE bid efrom NEC on page 1 This is their job, to be a guardian of thse escarpment." But that job makes it uniikeiy the NEC could arrive St an unbiased decision, charged Mr. Fasken. That is why applications have been made to bring the suebfre a joint board in November, he said. Teoadis made up. of members of the Ontario Municipal Board and the Environmenta Assessment and Appeal Board. 'Tise intention is to get a fair and objective hearing based on practical, tangible, documentcd informa- tion," said Mr. Fasken. That would necessitate swceping aside thse emotion- ai pull of items such as an 800-signature petition argu- ing against thse applications, he said. "There has been phenomenal public pressure put on these applicants," he said. 'Thse board isn't subject to tisat kind of pressure." Developers are attempting to strike a fair compro- mise, not CarVe up tise escarpment, suid Mr. Feaken. lissue dut and dry, says activist But protecting the escarpment and its vicinity means no land sisould corne out of tise NEP, said Ms HaIsali. "Before tise actual plan was finalized tisere was years of back and forth whittiing down," she said. *The compromises have already been made." Releasing any more land will only open the door for otisers in tise future, said Ms Halsal. "I have attended enough of these (isearings)," she said. "Precedent is held rigist up there with the Bible." Sound planning principles were what guided tise commission's decision, said NEC senior environmen- tai planner Marion Plaunt. She said tise proponients didn't prove their case when it came to making an amendmcnt to tise plan. "Wisat is tise public interest served in cncroaching. into the escarpment?" she asked. "Thse proponients simply hadn't justiticd tiseir smnendmcnt." Granting the applications would mean going againat the grain of Haiton regional planning, argued Ms Plaunt. "Our point of view is (Uic Region's) policies include tise protection of cscarpment and escarpment rural areas," se said. The NEC vote came as no surprise to Mayor Gord Krantz, who said he expected to be in tise midnority when he voted to release ail four properties from Uic NEP. His vote was consistent with that of Milton council, which deait wîth the issue about a ycar ago. "It is overaîl good planning," said Mr. Krantz. "Notlsing bas changeci my mmnd on that." Developers could keep corning And there is nothing to stop Uiese or other develop- crs from coming back in thc future if tisey lose at the joint board, he notcd. "People have the right to make these kinds of appli- cations," Mr. Krantz said. But that is no reason to approve them, argucd Ms Halsaîl. "It is like your chiidren asking forcandy," she said. "Just because they come back and ask again doesn't mean you are going to change your mmnd." esee related etory -on page 5 Teom: Frorn date of Appontmnent to Decrnber 31,'20WO herige Milton is comprised of private citizens, eiected representatlves and municipal stafft Its purpose is to provide advice and assistance to, Mitori Council, the Dopartment of Planning and Deveiopment and private property owners.on matters relating to the conservation of the Communetys histonoc buildings and architecturaltieritage. Hefitage Milton membors, ail volunteers, promote heritage conservation, provide educationai historia information, maintain an lnventory of historic properties and features tlrd provide heip to owners resoaivhing the history of their properlies. Heritage Milton aiso assists owners by providing information about rehabililation and restoration techniques. *For Commlttee appointmnts, the aucSnatu appicant muai b. a resident of Milton, or an owner or tenant of land In the. munlcipalltyç or the apous. of an own.r or tenant~ and b. a nmnum e lghteen y.ars of ege on the date of appoint- Individuels Intèested in epplying etiotld do soin wrltng, statlngthelr qualifications. Applications wlll b. accepted until 4:,30 p.rn. on O<CTOBER 8', 1999. Furher details rnaybe obtalned byeoçntacting the CIerk' Office et 878-7211. Helen Usi,Town Clerk The Corporation et theTown of Mition 43 Brown Stre MiltOnitato L9T5H2l WANT ED MOTIVAT ED FEMALE VOLUNTEERS FOR A MOTUVATIONAL STUDY We need 50 femoale volunteers to porticîpate in a fourteen day fitness umprovement study. You do flot need to be a member of Goodlife Fitness Clubs and there is no cost to participate CAL476-1 822 200 Charlofte St. GoodLife Vstted6o alu no STONECROFT COUNTRY GUEST HOUSE OPEN SUNDAYS FOR: 1 in wo e w i dvl i. brutcne If yau ore a women 50 yof aiag or over, Moka your appoiniment toiay.i For the centre nearust you coii: 1 -8 00 -6 6 8 -9304 Wl. M-51. l r-111«omii.g ro.pmd1bo" maTu~w.iI..ahFdgb