The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, Septemnber 28, 19»9-21 DRIVER For parts p/u and deiivery in Miltan and the G.T.A. Qualifications: " Neat in appearanoe " Driving abstract " Knowledge of the GTA " Fast pac. environment " Willing and able to work ta gel the job completed Opportunîty to advance ta Order Desk. Startîmg $11 .00/our Pisase fax resume ta 905-876-1106 PERMANENT Pwr Milton Poaltionir Avaitable: " Materiai Packagera " Shippers/Receivers " Production Line Workers W. Requise; *Warebouamng exp. *Bondable *Availabie to work ahift & weekend work *Must bave own transportation 7qAttn: Cheryl Establlshed manufacturer of matenal hanciing1eequipment seeks applicants for PLANT SUPERVISOR The succesaful candidate will possesai extensive fhdtng and welding experience, min. 5 years supervlsory experience, self- orgnizaion seilîs, excellent verbal and wrltten communication aMills wltii the abili- ty ta achedule and coordinate within a job arder shop. Electrical and hydraulic knowledge would be an asset. Fax or mail your resumne to: Plant Supervisor Position 955 Centur Dr., Burlington, ON L7L 5J8 FM: (905)632-0027 Choos Iran a variefy of opportuffilies thai are rigt for yvu. Administrative Assistants elleceplianisîs :Data eeilry operalars *Execative Secretaries eGenerai tabourers *Packagers Leuding campasies on OakviiiW/ Buriinglan/ Milton s eed people like yau. Came la oar s. ~ ~ ~ ~ i ae t $ Il yas are uauhe la attend, pieuse cuiltlt Irea i1-88-110-4-EU.Y 1-888-M6-5355 WAL.K-11111 WELCOME! <~Ciass"B" or «E" Witt Train COMPETATIVE WAGES WITH A PERSONAL TOUCH ATTRIOBE TRANSPORTATION ERVICING MILTON, OAKVILLE AND SURROUNDING AREAS CALI 1-888-749-1515 LET US STEER YOU INI THE RIGliT DIRECTIONJ SERVICE MANAGER Carlisle Techaelegj, a Ieuding Bar Code Systemrs Inlegrator, with installutions across Northi Americu is seeIsing a Service Manager ta Iead its lechnicut serv- ice depurimeol. The ideai cangduae wiii possess un eiectrsnics or engineering degree and several peurs ai proven management exporience in lusl-puced envi- ronnmenl. This assertive individuai witi have knowl- edgeo! PC nperalmng/neworkinig software and reiut- mihrdware. PIlese send pour resame and coverisg eatter sluling pour unlicipaled saiary reqairemenîs ia1S ' n confidence la: jafSl dtvries@ntltCotlca or Technology ffAlt (905)332-9 13 Expanding companty needa ta fîtl 22 posi- dons yesterday. We are 7aead in produc- tion and heind ti good people. No experience needed. Ali positions can tead ta management promotions quickly. $400wk te atart FULL TRAINING PROVIDED MON &TMES 9 AM - 5PM (905) 828-6894_ DRIVER Fallime delivery driver wanled with ciea abslrad. Deiivery ares incides Brampton, Oak- ville, Mississauga. FAX RESUME TO: Frld à Runeel (MI5)8454611 Opporiun:ites with esiubiished Oukuille manuaturing tacîiilp. Required-DeMtdable- leamt piayer, excellent % e, hund coordination, asic Engiish/ Mata, iighl assqrnbiy worh. Sleady aflernoons. Access la vehicie. Gond wages/ henef ils. Contact AMe (90)>814-905 Fax (905) 858-7316 *StartIlmmediaieiy GAS FIREPLACE INSTALLER/ SERVICE Union Energy co. reqaires FULL-TIME euperienced Installer. (Gas lirepiace exp.) Must have vaiid G2 lic. & citas driving record. Téos & veh. sapplied. Fax: 5)ds 630-10 Attentin: Donna [LEAS REL THI LiE CAREER MINDED AN OPPORTIUNITY lIAS ARISEN *We provide profeational developraent field support and a guaranieed lirai year income of 30K for qualified applicanis. *You provide self.raotivaiion & deterraination, organization and a high tevel ofcuistoraer ser- vice for a long-terra goal. The position ia in Marketing, delivery daily ta, exieting cuatomers and new accouris. Calt Mr. Jaceb's (Toit Free) 1-8773 ALIRON ext. 331 CAPTURE THE MOMENT AND CAPTURE A GREAT CAREER! Do you enjoy working with children and other people? Are you outgoing, energetic and creative? Are you seek- ing a career witb greater fiexibility and growth potential? If so, explore this unique opportunity with CPI CORP. operating the Sears Portrait Studio iocated at: Burliagiton Mapleview 900 Maille Avenue Burlington We have SEASONAL PART-TIME PHOTOGRAPHER & SALES POSITIONS available. We offer: - Fully paid, comprehensive training - Fun, flexible environmreni - Excellent advancement potential - Strong commitment te, intemnai pro- motion A customer service/retail background would be helpful, but not necessary. To leami more, APPLY IN PERSON TO THE SEARS PORTRAIT STUDIO AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS ON: Monday, September 27th 10:00 - 12:00 2:00 - 5:00 Portrait Studio --I KIDS! KIDS! KIDS! - Ag.s 2+t - Wanted for TV & Movie Jobs! No Feestl MenèWomen 16-65 yrs. Needed for same! No extras. Parents Coli (416) 22143829 Fuil-Time & Part-time Journeyman Bakers Must have experience with mixing breads & buns, and aven wark. Please apply in persan with resume ta: 1 521 Rebecca St. OakviIle (Holpedale Mail) Attn: Joe Grande UGHT ASSEMBLER requlred. No heavy lifting, flexible daytme hours. No expengence necessary. Mas p in umon ta: 2 A Houseware Sales, 72 .bp:g ctetween 9am & 4pm. LOCAL business loaldng for watt àn kgitchevistaff. If you are mnterested plsse fax resumef tot876- 2164. PART TIME Materlal HanidIer Mre.Sudnt pre- ferred, 2 hours per day. Phone 9f76.4118, ext. 227. PERMANENT part-lUme, Sales ClerkI Service caunter position avallable immedlately et Sargent Faims Relsil Store. Weeleends and some evenwsgs. Must be reliable, tustwafthy and have excellent ln- terpersanal sklls Pilase cant for an interview. Ac- counting Manager 878-4401, 10:OOam - 4:00pm. REUIABLE laboureis for lumber mit In Actan. Able to waefe In a lest paced enviranmient. Soims lifting tln- valved. Training pmovided. Fut limie days and aller- noons avall sUe. $9.0(nr. Fax resumne ta 519-853- 4537. REOUIRED immediately. Mature part ta) f ull Ume stock persan. Responsibie for handling and distrlb- uting industrial gloves throughout local plant. Piease fax resumne tai 905-560-9616 or contact Lin- da ai 905-560-9394. SOlIOOL bus company requires fulftfme Otasa A mechartic, gas and diesel emperience. lnterested candidates contact Laidlaw Transit. 877-2251 Lai- dlaw Transit sa an equal apportunity employer. SOHOOL bus driver wanted, Class B preferred, but witling ta train suitable candidate. For information contact Laidlaw Transit 877-2251. Laidaw Transit is an squat opportunitv employer. FIRST Choice Haircuttera requires Hairstylists for busy locations: Walerdown- Burlington- Milton. Guaranteed hourly + excellent commissions. Ad- vanced training providied. No clientele necesssry. Cali (905)815-3216 or (905)689-7003. WANTED full or part lime alespemaon for grawing HVAC and firepiace stores. Eperience in fumace & tirepiacea required. Insalation experience benafi- ciai. Good saiary and commission for the righl per- san. Fax resumne 10 877-3116. SALES OPPORTUNITIES *Product Maflaga- Our client very welI siluaieri in the indasiriai eieclronics mgl. indusiry. Must have slrong seliigs skilis. elalda Sale- Worid reader in the gig. of eiec- Iricul moisis. *$"rvCe Salas- must have succassisi Bus. la Bus. seliig and overachiever. eAag. Salas MaillE- Successîxi suies mngi. experience iv direct sales & Bus. la Bus. seliiv. Send resumes attention: AI Terpatra A. TEmPSTItA li AS8GCIATES 201 City Centre Dr., SeIt 9- Mlsatauuqa, On, L58 2T4 er fax 905-306-9387 or Cali M-306-937 PERMANENT AZ DRIVERS REQUIRED Longhaul Positions Tearas and Singles 2 wks out, t wk home Excellent psy, full benetits Private leed laie modet equipment Locat positions aiso available Manday ta, Fniday Days and Eveninga Junior Drivers welcome CatIlirai or Caroline @ 1-888-213-3375 Our weat Mbflat g clent la loedng fer an eçpeWncd blngua (Frnt à Ergllh) romep ilianqe e loldin for on hdMde mite la MWgn t. work wht a grewg cetnpény and le eut- gc4s end raIHIa Thia pfreo aMt "e have atong knomiègdge ef Word rd Excel. lTe alary wMt rag bottellen 30%- 33K< dePandlng1 WSe expeeettc. kdtrea$¶ applieenta piees fax your ru"ttt te Tel- 905-N424173 CUSTOMER SERVICE Roc.ptionist. Etobleeke boaid int'1 cempany la leelng for Individual wltlt excellent cemmunication akiffs & peraonallty. Mut Ille capable et woding In a fast paced enviroument. and handiîn dîffer- ent tusiamnltanesouly. Expuleaca wltlt culauola and shîppîng la ant suet. Company effra full benefia and opportunlty for advancament. Fereîgn languagest are an muset. Fax raume te Ms. Clarke ai (M0) 671-2888 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT We are a growing intemnational consuting and training organizaition which requires a well organized, protessional administrator ta handle customer liaison, prof ect management land general bcokkeeping funictions. Vaur akilîs should include knawledge af Microsoft Office 97 applications and Project Manager. ldealy, you have expenience with IS0/OS- 9000 and/or TE systerais documentation developoment. A knowledge ai toreign Iant- guages wouid be an asset. Vou must have your own transportation. Please send your resume ta: Operationa Development Group, Box 832, Kilbride, Ontario, LOP 1 GO, Attn,: Prealdent. SENIOR LEISURE TRAVEL CONSULTANT Join one of the fastest going agencies in the country. The Roos Travel Grîaup, ceiebrating 25 years in the in- duatry, i 's growing. If you have ait, least 3 years retail travel experience, believe that your service leveta put you above the crowd, then send your resumne ta: fHeme Buebansa Phone: 905-873-2000 Fax: 905-87-01494 MECHANICAL AutoCad draftsperson required for design and fabrication af custara testing equipment for aulomotive components. Practicai warkingfl pnn knowledge af autoated machines an asset. Inter- CAREGIVER required availabie. Toddiers weI- esiing and chailenging mark. Salary based on ex- in aur hame for pre-cae87-45 penience. Fax rasume 905-693-0867. schooier and Imo oe87-45 achooi-aged girls, sîart- EXPERIENCED chiid ing Ocoe .Tann/care/ nannie required in Octoer . Trinig/Our home for 3 children R.PN. r HC.A imeditei fo prvaexepenienco, driver's îi- (one 2 peur aid, and Imo immdiaelyforpriatecosse and relerences 5 year aida). Loalring for hom-e care, on a part lime basis. 8pm - lOpm most required. Must be non-~ mature, nurtuning, and wseknighis at $12 an hoar. Please contact 878- smoker. Lighl hause- creative pravider. 4196 and leave a message. _ kesping/ erranda. Cali Pleas cal Joanne and SPECIAL Services at Home Workers- Haitan. PIT 873-6339 (Georgetown) Howie eveninga at 876- flexibla boums. Provide sill developrasnt ta individu- -0750 or daily Joanne ais with Deveiopmental Disabilitias, ages 2-up. Par- 693-0927. ent directed program. Starts $10.50Oiour. Cali (905)849-8000 Fax (905)849-6980. DAYCARE accepting Seplember enralîment. Fullime chidcare for chidren 18 monihs -5 yas 878-7552. EXPERIENCED dlean- mng lady available. Quel- ity. deanin:g. Reason- acte rates. References avellable. Cet Delbble, alter 6, 875-2085. HOUSEKEEPER want- ed for wouldng parents of thrse school aged ichildren in Milton. Twa Ita thrse hours deily marnings ýonly. 87ï- 6103 attr 6:30 PM. TIJTOR available for mata, language kindor- 8 atnt a e6. Oell Wl4AT are you issing hepyuWthat ope- cilsriog.Tomonts tradiliana matchmaker. 416-77-M30. vos atira conoinori. Loaded. One owner. Complets service record. Dont buy e 4x4 until you su. taie beau- tyl $8,000, Cel:416- 1996 Sabla LS, ioaded, 200 homse power, JBL stereo, leather, $11,990. Cai 905-854-060. sale. varear ousiness ltne hsrit o>aon Weil as- tsrse otsm wlth a steady dlientei. Ail eqaipment indluded. For tarther details and full list plase caîl 905-876- 9933 atter 65:00PM. Ase- ing $23,000. TwinIr i rficznub>iziau,* couple wauid like ta find s House Sitting position in the Milaon Area.Cali 905-875-4064 before mcon or atter 6:OOp.m. 3 BEDROOM farm- house for rent in Milton ares. Alsa a larm man- ager job avaiiabie at the faim. Caii (905)471- 4685. AVAILABLE 3 bedraom hous in Lauri- er/Thompson ares. Ga- rage. carpets, a/c, fridge, stave, deck, $1 250/month plus utili- lies. Firsi and iast me- quired. Femanda 876- 1653 sfter 7:0Op.m. 1 BEDROOM minutes sauta of Hospital, mair floor with deck, utiuities mdcuded. Available lim mediatey. Non sraoker 876-1158. Cdl 875-3300 le Md. Yomw