Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Sep 1999, p. 20

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20-Th@ Canadien Champion, Tuesday, September 28, 1999 Classified tirLA SijFiED HOUES MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM I LI Son TodaYs Champion for aur new "Mile.ntones' section. To m announce your speciai event, coul The Championsý Classified M Department ai 875-3300. J HILTSfPOWELL- Lia and Mati of Mifton are pleaaed to announce the blrth of their son Caemon Richard Mstihsw Powell weighing 8 Ibu., 14 0z., ai Oakville Trafalger Memorbal Haspital on September 8, 1999 ai 1:59 PM. Praud grandparents are Dave & Leona Hi8ts and Jira & Kathy Powell. PS. Ifs about timel LEEI DONOFRIO -Michetle &Davidi are exlrsmsly proud and very excitsd bo welcome prcaa agtrea Los Donofrio. Bons Tusday, September 14, 1999 ai 10:41 p.m. lu Bwllngton, wssghing 7 Ibu. 13 oz. She ai also lovlnigly, welcomed by: liri lime grar4zpar- enta Anti a Dermott Les. Gale Donofria, and Don Ddnolfric; aunts and uncles Diana & Dave, Mlkey% lAs aud Disne; grsaot graudimothsrs Rita aud Margaret and spscial frsndiAmy. We [are truly blessed by aur swssl gsrr. MIEDIEY- Guesa who came mbt the world amlllug? Alidae Maris Malsy bom Ssptembsr 20,1999 weighiiug 6 Ibu. 150Z. Wslcomsd with love by parents Jon and Greta Msdley, protat master Chazzly and grendiparents. Thank youfo Dr. Barry Huutsr of Burtingtou. ROMANO- Fabio andi Camile (mee Sneyd) of Toronto have besu blessed with dms safe arrivai of thir liri ciil, Conor Radmonti arriveti ai North York Gainerai Hospital September 16, 1999 weigbing in ai a bealthy 8 Ibs 12 oz. Over the moon are first lime grandparents Peter & Patricia Sneyd of CalgaZ (formerly of Million) and M11 lime g randparsnts Marie & Vincenza Romano et Toronto. Mont andi son are doing great. WAGNER. Stelphen and Nancy are proud 10 announce the birth et Jeasie Jade Rose on May il, 1999 weighing 9 Ibu. 1 0z., ai Joseph Brant Hoapital. Proud brothers are Lukas and Adam. Many thanka ta Dr. Kostomuki and Dr. Wu andi the LAD and Obsîistnics staff. Thanukgivig Ockobr Il 487 laurier Ave., 878-2881 Jlm Straîn 190 Ontario St, Milton 1878-522 Monuments Markers - Bronze Markers In lovlng msmory 0f Denise Lord, a wonderful wifs andi loving mother. Denise passed away on lbe 29th af Septamber 1998 and as desply miaaed by ber chiltiren, Andrsw and Amande, and husbaud Ken. Denise, you wttl always romain in aur heanis andi thoughts as we go ou secure lu your love and with the strength you gave us. TgdrFr» lu Rememrbrauce 0f Peggy Vancedar We are onty certain af tadlay Yestsrday la gans and tomarrow la always CSIadly isssd by Ruth & Harvey, Yvonne & Jeanette, Darlene & Todd, and Gen & Tara. PEARCE, Norman I n loving memory ef a dear huabanti, lather and granddad, who passsdi uway September 28th, 1997. Always in our tlioughts. Madan, Susan, David, Barbara and familles. REMEMBRANCES in the form ofe donations ta The Milton District Hospital Foundation are apprecialed. - FAMILY ring t0usd in wite cal. Apposaety Zellers. Cati 876-2446 2h year id.Deae la idetify.Lomer Biase Lise and Trafalger. 845-1551. ClaigAuto Sal e It Oc.2 03 i For: Mrs. Marion Inglis. Lite lime ares resident. Properly Sold. Gond. clean ollering. LOCATEDI: On Campbellnille Rd., 1/4 ro. wesl et the Village ot Campbellville (Guelph Line/401). Walch for signs. aII.LaLa.Kenmore washer & dr er, dovelail blankel bos, maple round tab e cars iebench, piano stool, high- back rocker, 5 shell corner whal-nol, 8-pc diningroom spoon collection, odd dress- ers, bed cheslerlield, milk cans, microwaoe, sleigh belis, apl. size lsglis washer/ dryer, nid lrunks, EX600 massai treadmili, 1 dont bookcase, 'sel. comfoliner glass- ware, card table/chairs, Sentry floor sale, dehumidilier, horse harneos & access., sel. glass & china, sota & chair. Maey more household related items. 12 hp Graoely ridisg mower hydroslalic (Ilke new), 4 HP power mower, Burgess 1500 psi pres- sure washer, H O transmission, jack, steel lence pool, sel. garden bools, port. engine boisl, cliain binders & chains, shallow well pump & molor, 5 HP Comp-Air air com- pressor, tour 6x6'6 sliding patio doors, Anîkeos bol waler-lumace & pamp, lawe orniaments, etc., 1981 Chev. Caprice station wagon. Jin Meoriagi, Amissl Sales Uld., [91111 M9-M78, Wàtsedsw UPOMING AUCTION SALES uit the Agricuttural Hall, Robert St., Milton Fairgrounds, Milton W.dnesday, September 29 at 6:00 pm sharp aud Saturday, October 2nd. ai 10:00 ara. sharp AUCTIONEER DON COLLING (905) 877-0117 AUCTION SALE THURS. SEPT. 30 AT 5 P.M. AT HUME'S AUCTION FARM, 9313 41h lime, 3 mils noaltheait of Milton. lncluding furniture, collectibles, out- sida equipment, walking plows, buggy wheels, large propane B. Sherwood & Gordon Hume, Auctieneere 905-878-4878 MILTON Womsn's Hockey Team is loong for a coachi and ssistaut coach. Traval as involveti. Cai Augoet a905-875-2780. -Im le INCH Jumbo piowtp Pocketcodl Mattresa and boxspring, stl lu plastic coul $3000, acrifice $1000 (905)567-4042. BED, black wroughl iran caniopy, Quesu orthopedic maltreas/frame. Neyer opened, coat $1.200. Sacrifice $490. (905) 567-4042 Buy Now Dont Pay t11200, 0% Intereat. 16 11. X 24 Il. o.d. rectangular above ground Kayak Pools. lncludiug deckts, fendung, lier, 2 lacidiera, santi filer, pump & motor etc. $5,995. 1-800-668- 7564. BUYISELL Stair tits, porch ilts, sievatora, scoot- erý, betis, etc. Freis informalion package cali 1-800- 572-9310. CARPET Carpet. t have several thousanti yards ai new Staitimaster and 1000% nylon carpet. t wifl car- pet your living roore and ball for $349. Pnice indludea carpet, pad and installation. (30 sq. yards). Steve. 905-639-2902. DOUBLE anommoble traiter. Cati 854-9859. FIRST TIME GARAGE SALE FALL CLEAN OUT SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2 8 A.M. - NOON 813 MERRITT DRIVE GARAGE SALE 3700 DERRY RD. (BETWEEN WALKERS UNE AND GUELPH UNE) SATURDAY OCT. 2 0 8A.M. Living room suite, babyluids clothes, Oshkosh, Peg perego high hair, stepper, ocreen door, toyu, etc. Somelhing for eneryone! RAIN OR CHINE HAY for sale. Firat, second anti third cul alflia plus limolhy (ne rais). Aise square, bales dlean wheul slraw. Cati Merrybrook Farmis ai 878-6237 MILTON PHOTO Requires Mature, Energetic, Hardworkong sndi- vidual for the following: -permanent days -permanent part tirm (1-2 sightshwek and weekends) Sales or photography espenience an aaat. Apply in peraon with resmme to Mifton Photo, 55 Ontario S t. Miltion (Milton Mail). A&W IRequirea a full time moming peraon. Pleese a pply sn person with resume to: 235 Steetes IAve. THE GREAT CANADIAN BAGEL Moming day abifts. Full and part lime positiona available.Kitchen, customer service or bakery. Experience would be ideal. Witt train mature individual with a 'great attitude' wha loves bagels. Resume to 500 LaurierAve. Milton. 693- 0842 Greg. acres. $600/month or $80/month individuaiy.Pu Kelso/Glen Eden area. Phone 905-854-1668. l Are yoa an energelic parson wanting to work le a fast paceti envirorment? We are currenly accept- ing applications for the loliowieg: FREE kittens te go F/t P/T store Calhir homes. Cati Leslie at F/T, P/T Walter/waltrssa P/T Dlahwaaher 905-330-2147. F/T, P/T Fuel Bar Attendant F/T, P/T Fuel Bar Cahanas Appiy le person: FifIli Whaet Truck Stop .40 Chiahotre Dr., Mlton ÎAPÎ flrequied.NO Plhons Calle Pleas. 10 K & B Auto, 715 Main 9958. f requires ASSEMBLY people te- COUNTER HELP quireti ai Elaon Manu- facturinq. App liating Ail Shlft. Paiti training. Uniform supplîsd invaived Helyaybl86 Apply In persan ta: Nlpiaalng Raad, Mil- 8501 Hwy. 25 North, Milton toni. 575 Ontario St., Miltion DRI VERS requireti im- 80 Markt Dr., Milton mediately. Qualifica- tions: VaRid drivera tic., C C u /ib' diear driving record, reli- d h deg ' able transportation. PRODUCTION FACILIT1Y Contact Yard Manager Rqie ygoiglclcmay eiae for application: Toronto Rqmeib rmnilclcnpu.Ddctt Auto Auctians 8277 lindiniduals witb a desire to contribute 10 ils suc- Lawson Rd., Miltas ceas. Mut posueso ail af the fallowing aliributes, L9T5C7, 1-800-667- teare player, ability sud willingnesa ta leste, good 4656ext-361.> comprebenuion ukillu, bath written sud verbal. A EDEN Cars Faciliiy, varnely af Fuil Tne positions carrently avallable. R.R. # 2, Guelph, re- We provide s compelitive, mage, job stabilily ta', quires houaekeepin~ comnsitted employeca, opportonity ta advauce, job and gainerai sta Please cai (519 856- vanlety sud a great work enviraumeet. 4622 betwee 10 - 6 Resumes may be dropped off bo p.m. MuaI provkle ave 624 McGeacbie Drive. (171-1711 for directions) transportation. Previaus applicanîs need flot appiy ESTABLISHED faod pracessing plant as sx- pancling. Curranliy me REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY have 3 fltlime praduc- Due ta tucresd volume we bave openiuga for lions positions avait- TUNE-UP TECHNICIANS. able. As watt ose fuitll ___ Wr offer. lime shippar/ receiver ' Profit Sbaring position. To join our Drug & Dental Plan lesen pisas formard re- * Lifc Insurance sume in person 10 Pro- Employer purchase discount Vesi Ce. Inc. 251 Hi- *Performance Bonsu pissing Rd., Milton, ON - Paid training belmeen 9A.M.-4PM. or Apply lu persan to Service Dept. fax reoume le 905-693- Canadian Tire Corp., 8980. i 975 The Queeusway, FULL lime marehouse Toronto, Oui. heip required for inven- . Weuarcanuapro>d euun a ir en repair station tor prcis, oeckng HOSTESSESl-OSTS heip required, tati andi part shelves andi gene'aut lime. Also required Muitre'd & Disbwushers, fuît sud inteinanve. Theav poi- part ime. Please cati 876-0499 Milles. in invove. STis y' JOIN our cteaning staff. Fuit andi part lime positiona lionsnoes Sluray.avaîtable. Monda y through Fridlay alter 4:00 p.m. Pisase sesd resume 10 Light and hevydlcesning tusca. Fax reomme toi Unrda Mounlais, Cous- Sunahine Buidin Maintenance (905) 335-6006 or tnj Depot. 28 Branle St. complele application aI your local humas resource t Miten, OH 1_9T 25. centre, 310 Main St. E. ait)-ee-v+ Uavb Ur 010-M lu tivullillub.

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