Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Sep 1999, p. 18

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r' Il - The CanadIen ChampIon. Tuesday, September 28, 199e -Van Loosen new addition to .Burlington Cougars after an active summer at Under-17 playdowns By STEVE L.BLANC The Champion Travis Van Loosen has clawed bis way onto the Cougars. The 16-year-old recently earned a spot on Burlington's Jr. A club, making him the latest local player to join the tier two ranks. "It feels really good," said the young forward, of sîgning on with Burlington. "I sbought I'd lie one of the Iaat culs and only gel called up for a few games this season. Actually making the team was great." Van Loosen's jump to junior hoc'key follows an active summer Toe~s Van Loosen in which lie advanced aIl the way to the final round of the Teain Ontario Under-17 playdowns. 'ibis experience - plus the confidence acquîred from beîng a banlain age draft pick of Uic OHL's Oshawa Generals, as well as beefing up by 12 pounda - no doulit served bim well wben il caine lime to try out for Rick Tmtter'a Cougars. Remarked Burlington's 6' 1", 175 Iba. freshman, "I'm not sure juat wby, but sny physical gaine bas picked up lalely. I'm not scared of Ibe checking (at Ibis level) sofar." Tbat was fairly evident in bis firat lwo regular scason appear- suces - botb versus Uic Hamilton Kilty Becs. Tbc neigbbouring rivals split Uic games. Burlinglon took the scason opener 3-1. Stceltown tben evened Uic season sciies, winning 4-2 lasI wcek. Althougb not netling any points, tbe local rookie sbowcd strongly in botb conteals - creating some scoring opportunities sud bolding bis own againat opponents up to four ycars older tbsu hum. "I bave to admit I was a utIle nervous for Ibat first game. 'flic Vour leaders in pipeline cleaning technology Yourprotessionalsinliydrant& waten~iorks maintenance JACKSON-TKACH e I N C O R P O R A T E O PO 9~75URIITP ZAPSTALoJtET.aAsuT~& G«A~ L1R4IO TEL: (905) 639-6770 .24 Hr. Emergency Service PMIC sas * sais c~osais MOBILE * .uumw. EI.EC1SESI1WSS IACCISS CONiSOS. .usuua us.. 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Tbc Red Sox got off b a slow starl, losing Uic firsl conteat 3~2, bul recov- ered quickly to take gamea two sud Uiree for su excitîng comc-from-behind series lriumpb. A 7-0 wbitcwasb in gaine Uirce - wbicb clincbed tbc tropby for tbc local lads - fcatured sîcîlar pitcbing by Andrew lie led Uic Burlingbon AAA major bantama' top scoring unis. Bul Iben again, iî's not like making Uic junior leani was a picce of cake ejlher. "I've jusl gol b keep working bard and capilalize on opportuni- lies," lie said. Van Loosen's Jr. A debut at Milton Memorial Arena - againal Uic Mercliants - comes Wedneaday, Oct. 6. Kirklsud. He wodccd Uic firal four frames sud surrenderedjusi a single bit. Relievers Zack Cosby and Brian McComb were solid as well - wiUi nei- tbcr allowîng any runners past second base. Tbe trio rcceived ample defensive support, witb contributions coming from cvery posilion. Catclier Chris Dumencu picked off two runners at second to furtber cripple Waterdown's meager offensive efforts. Dave Brawlcy led at Uic plate for Uic vic- tors wiUi a mulli-hit performsuce. * Jamie Wbytc bad four solid inninga on Uic mound wbile Dumencu led wilb Uiree bits in gaine two - wbicb Milton won 4-3 to iniliate Uic series tumaround. Adding two bita apiece were Roli Hatje sud Kevin Sales. Tbc Red Sox pulled out Uic victory in Ibeir final at-bat, wiUi lbrce consecutive singles to score both Uic lying sud winning runs. Overaîl, Milton finisbed tbc season at 12-3-2. Making up Uic reat of Ibis year's cliampi- onsbip team were Jeif Antbony, Greg Bell, Dan Digirolamo, Adam Fredricks and Ricliard Roakain plus coaclies Herlo Hatje, Murv Fredricka, Paul Antbony sud Jobn Roskam. 40 Chisholm Dr., Mîlton 878-8441 * Store * Motel * Restaurant Garage s Tire Service Red Sox grab gold Midgets rally to triumph in playoffs Royal Canadian Legion Branchl36 E PIE YEN iON 21 Charles St. 878-9005 FIRE SAFETY HOUSE FIRE EXTINGUISHER KITCHEN SYSTEMS FIREALARM SALES & SERVICE MURRAV MeCONNELL 590 MOORELANOS ORES 71 (905) 878-8303 MILTON, ONTARIO L9T4B5 4 o MERITOR.. A Heritage ai Rockw.ll T.chnology Fornlarly Rackwefl Intmniatlonal SuspelsIon System Company 150 St.ul.S Avenue, Milton, Ontarlo LGT 2Y5 FIFWêWFEEI OPEN TRU~Y STOPS 24 HOURS e Fuel Bar

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