Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Sep 1999, p. 16

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16-TieCaain hmpoTuaay e K*MPLOYMENT i%* Town of Nation FlleH Reoreiois "m Parks Depaibmn Requin teswk oee f e Full TIres PARKS DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION COORDINATOR Thse poaition la responailie 10 tise Manager of Pars anti Cemataslame for tisa parformance of lie f oltowlng *Praparation of prolsct dign, costrutio ddratnetapctcetoo ad cnet asftinatam "ProvUsiofa prolect managemnt nid contraci adisiotaation services. " Provision of techical support on In isouaV anti vcintaar basec< capital project "Aaalatln nIon ranrge planning of municipal -ailn anti open sace " Aaaatln in Site Spaclc Maater Planning Eaarciaa "Praparation cf construction tiraseinga anti parka mapplng in AuIloCAD "Develcpment anti maintenance ni digital park invantory data basa " Assfln ahi s evatopnsast raview procasms (E.g- site plan comptiance) " Maintenance of current produot andi services information basa " Asdgtn wilis park operation and maintenance prolecta anti initiatives as raquireti. Tisa W"e canidate wilf possera tise tollowing qualfications anti clsaractestica: "Menibarsislp or elglliy for membersip in tise O.ALA. " 5-7 yaars of progressive aspaîfenca astis municipal parka design, construction anti prolect management " Supedre computer siffis including AuIoCAD anti Microsoft Office Suite software " Effective comsmunircations, interparsonsi, organlzationai anti problern solving tIl " Damnonasle abitty to work wtii minimal supervision on0a varfly of prolects concurrently. Sotary Range: Grade 1013$42,045 - $49,502) Tise Towen of Halton His Recrsation and Parka Department Requirse the fervcea of a Contracita FUNO RAISING CAMPAIGN COORDINATOR Tisa Tomn of Halton His invites applications for tise postion of campatgn Coorruloator to impllent tise Towns Funti Ralsing campalgn Plan for tise constsuctions of an Arma anti Recreafon Centre. Tise position wltrbe baseti on a twel monts contracf, conmencing on Novembar 1, 1999. Tise position reporting to tise Manager of Recreation Services is respensibla for tise coordination anti implementallon of tise Fond Raising Campaign Plan. "In ooparatiori ati communty volunleers, coordinata ant i mplement a #unti rasng campag plan "Davefsp anti implement a pubic asearenese anti promotion prograre "Proovide admInIstratve support t0 f unt rslisg commtteets) andvolunteers " Devaio anti manage tise Donotisase anti Recognition Program "Proven emportance ant succes seth managing mal«r commwslty baseti fond raislng campaigras " Excelfent Organhzatonal. Communication anti Preaantation Sitils "Marketng anti Publfic Relations esperlence " Knoseage of Halion lIf ant ifs corporate anti comrami* rgarizatiofla "Coniputer Sitit (MirMtt office Suite; Desldop PwAting & Fond RaWsng Software) " Elpetlrsc in wodltng selti volunteera ln a " Demntril abitty to work seits minimal Qualfiait Appicanta are invileti ta suismit tiseir resumea selti references 10 tise attention cf K. Lavera, Towen af Hatton Hîtîs, P.O. Bot 128, Halton f8118 <Georgetosen), ontaifo L7G 502 no ater thin October OUI boaSl 179 ebr 28, 1999 Dateline event list- Dateline ings are fre. to non-prof- it groupa. Fax the details of your - event to 878-4943, drop the Info off at Our office, or mail i iln. We wii run it at Ieast once. - ak~obe~'Frd Volunteer with the FritAilis In-Sohool Mentoring program. For information about volunteering cali 905-333-4441 x282 Request For Public Comments on Proposed Submissions for Long-Tenu Care Centre Beds Halton - 320 Beds RFP 99-007 On Aprol 29, 1998, the Ontario govemrment announceti a $1 .2 billion expansion of Ontario's long-termn care %rtem. As a resmit of tbis initiative, proposais I0 develop new long-term care centre beds in Ilalton were requesteti. Tise next phase of thc process involves isviting the public 10 comment on tise Applicants who have bid for the beds. If yon or your gronp wish to comment on one or more of tise applicants, yon may do so at a public meeting or tltrougis a wsitten submission. The public meeting will take place at: Monday, October 25, 1999 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Centennimi Ha,1, Durllisgton Public Llbrary 2331 New Street, flnlgton For moce information onthis initiative, or (o receive: " A lust of existing Long- Term Care centres in Ontario currently owned by tbeApplicants " A lust of Long- Terre Gare centres in yonr service area * A lust ofApplicant in your service area " A su mmary of each pposa4 or " DemogepLc injbnnaition for yur service area Phone: (416) 327-7755 or 149e8414-4774 or fax tie nosnber below. Written submissions may be handeti in aitie public meeting, or sent belore flsay, Novesaber 2, 1999 t: Mlnlstry of Hcttlth and Long-Tern Car RFP Coordinator, Central West Reglon 119 King Street W., 111th Floor, ltanll , Ontario W8 4Y7 Fax: (905) 546-8255 Dateline is a free listing of coming avents only. The col- umn is available ta local community groups ta assist in pro- moting their future avents. Only charitable or non-profit c munity groups may use this service. We can only guar- antea one issue of publicity-closent ta thse date of tise occur- rence although more insertions are possible if tierand i8 low. Notices for Dateline shoulti be hantied in attse office of Tise Champion, 191 Main St. E., maileti to P.O. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, or faxeti to (905) 878-4943. Tise final * deatiuine i8 noon Friday for Tuesday's edition and noon Wednesday for Friday's etition. Dateline items will not be accepted by telephone. Wednesay Sept. 29 Halton Helpiag Hand sholtis ils annual general meeting mt 7:30 p.m. attse Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Cisilds Dr. Tise guest speaker la Halton MPP Ted Csutieigis, wiso atitresses tise future of hsome support services - sucis as tisose provideti by Halton Helping Hantis - ta tise nrems senior citizen anti disableti adult populations. Refresisments are serveti. Confirm your atten- tiance by calling 878-6403. lise Milton Community Resource Centre, 540 Cisiltis Dr., ists Jumpin' and Jammin'l from 9:15 ta 10:30 a.m. Musical fun lime witls music, gamnes, sangs andi exereising is tise focus of tise program for cisiltiren aged 3 to 5 years. Call 876-1244, ext. 10 or 12, for more information. lis Milton Conimunity Resouree Centre poesents Earth aMd Me fromn 1 to 3 p.m. Chiltiren ageti 3-and-a-smlf ta 5 years aid create ani leamn about tise ensuis andi tise environmient with lots of banda-on activilies. Cali 876-1244, ext. 10 or 12, for more infor- mation. Thuraday Sept. 30 Tise Milton Résource Centre, 310 Main St. E., holtis a firee workahop on job interview and prementation akilla in conjunc- tion with Sheridasn College at 1 p.m. For more information, cali 876-9828. Tise Milton Resource Centre, 310 Main St. E., presenits free worksbop 'Stress, thse Mena mnd the Budget' at 9:30 a.m. For more information, cmli 876-9828.è Tise Milton Community Resource Centre, 917 Nipissing Rd., hosts Drop-In from 1 to 3 p.m. Cisiltiren anti aduits are invitet 1 play anti socialize. Participants meet new frientis in an informai environment. Tise cost'is $2 witis a membership. Tise Milton Community Resource Centre, 917 Nipissing Rd., bosPlaygroup fromn 9:15 to, 11:15 m.m. Tise progrmmi provides a mml group experience for adults anti chiltiren througs circle fimie, crafts anti active play. Cmli 876-1244, ext. 10 or 12, for more information. Fridny Oct. 1 St. George's Anglican Cisurch Collée House takes place at tise Mohsawk Inn at Pop.m. Tise event fecatures live entertainment by tise Stu Mactionalti Combo. Everyone is welcome.. It's-Bet and Bld Casinso Night attse Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Cisiltis Dr. Tise Lions Club operates gaming tables anti bingo. The evening winds up with tise Super Auction. Ligist refresisments are serveti. Tise event begins at 6:30 pro. Tise entrance fee is $5, whicis includes $10.000 in fuinny rooney. Thé Outremeis Comamttee of tise Halton Rape Crisis Centre anti tise Women's Centre isosts a drop-in cvery Friday froro noon to 4 p.m. ai Hopedale Mail, 1515 Rebecca St., in Oakville. On tise first, second anti fiftis Fiday of tise monts, tise group meets at tise Wornen's Centre in Suite 210, anti on tise third anti fourts Fritiay of tise montis, tise group meets at tise Halton Rape Crisis Centre in Suite 227. Cisilticare is provideti. Tise drop-in centre is open bo ail women. Fridmy Oct. 1 - 3 Tise Canspbellville Ares Business Association presenits tise tisirti annual Cnmpbellville Village Hmrveatfest featuring a m-idway, wellness fair anti demonstrations of iridology, aromatiserapy anti reflexology. Otiser activities include face painting, sausage barbe- cue anti musical entertainmnent by Marion's Country Bandi anti tise Swift Kickin' Cloggers. Friday is Looncy Nigist. From 4 to 10 pro., any carnival ride costs $1. Tise midway is open fromt Il s.m. 10 10 pin. Saturday. Sturday Oct. 2 Euclnre nigisis are iselti every Saturday at 7:30 pro. at Hornby Community Centre on Steeles Avenue. Everyone is welcome. Tise Milton Community Resource Centre, 540 Cisiltis Dr., pre- sents Dati and Me froro 9:15 to 11: 15 arn. Tise program offers an interactive time for datis anti pre-scisoolers to play togetiser. Caîl 876-I1244, ext. 10 or 12, for more information. Saturdmy Oct. 2 - 3 St. John Ambulance Saint-Jean isoltis a two-day first nid mmd CPR course for general interest or workplace'requirements. The course runs froro 9 arn. 10 5 p.ro. Pre-register by calling tise Oakvîlle-Mîlton brancis at 469-9325. Mtt.ToN M%'Q1rAIOLM

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