The Canadea CampIon, TuaadaLy. Sp<tMaru 28,1999-13 Dispute escalates, officer cails for back-up A man was charged with assaulting police after allegedly- threatening an officer with a steel chain that hie grabbed from the back of his pick-up truck. The 12:30 a.m. incident in the parking lot of Mohawk Raceway September 19 arose after a man was ejectcd fromt the Canipbelîville casino. Thei man liadt gotten into a disruptive dispute with his wife and security told him to Icave, said Det. Sgt. Jackie Gordon'of Halton Regional Police. Thc suspect allegedly thrcatened to bit Constable Trent Chalccky with thie chain, shc said. The -officer managed to calm down thse man until back-up arrivcd and thc suspect was arrcstcd. A 32-year-old Guelphs man was charged. Impaired charges A minor fender bendcr in Uie parking lot of Mohawk Raceway Scptcmbcr 18 rcsultcd in dnk duiving charges. A 38-year-old Mississauga woman was chargcd with impaired driving and driving with ovcr Uic legal limit of alcohol in her blood after a 1999 Chcvn:>lct rear-cndcd another car. flic incident occuroed shortly before 10:30 p.m. No one was huit Track break-Ina continue Police say thrce recent Uiefts at Uic Mohawk Raceway resi- dence for track workers are likely connected. flic most recent break-in September 20 saw Uic thief walk off with $65 aftcr cntering Uirough a window sometime bctween 6:50 a.m. and 3:45 p.m. On September 16 betwcen 10 a.m. and noon, Uic saine scenairio left a track employce short of $550. Anoter such incident occunred carlier in Uic monUi. Purse snatcher at work Police are warning elderly groccry shoppers to watch their puises aftcr two Uicfts were reportcd at local supermarkcts. A female suspect appmoachcd an elderly womnan at Loblaws on Nipissing Road at, 2:30 p.M. September 15 and distracted lier by asking in broken English Uic prices of groccry items. Moments later, the senior noticed hier purse containing $75 was missing from Uic buggy. About 10 minutes later at A&P on Laurier Avenue, a similar incident left an clderly womnan without $250 and credit carda. MY SISTER'S CLOSET YF aUl Wearie5 Arrivng Daily We have a great densand for designer fashions and good condition clothing PhMeci -t amaig Mn appoiai.m. es Man SL L_ Milie irXd 7p OoTu,-Ukd 10-5 m fl $u, 11- change For that new fail outfst w corne in and see Our new and gently used Ladies Fashion Clothing. Accepting Fail & Winiter, C-onsignnft Clothiing, No appointmient neeusar. -. Arts & Crafts -Hours: Tues.-Sat. 10:00 - 6:00 7Brnte Strnet South 75-2426 Police Blotter In both cases, the suspect is describcd as a young, East Indian woman. In the A&P theft, the woman is also describcd as five- foot-six witb a slender build. More arrests in booze heist Two more people have been arrestcd in connection with a trail- er break-in at Truck Town Terminais on Steeles Avenue ovemnight September 2 and 3. Police have charged two 22-year-old Frobisher Boulevard brothers with break and enter for allegcdly taking part in the hooze helat. Barlier in tic month, it was rcportcd that a 17-ycar-old youth who workcd for tic company was chargcd four days aftcr thse incident with break and enter and thcft under $5,000. More than $2.000 worth of alcohol was stolen from a tnuck's trailer on the property, and $700 damage was caused to a comput- er monitor in Uic office. Phoisy billa turning up Counterfeit Canadian currency continues to tuen up at Mohawk Raceway. Following a report of a bogus bill bcing passed to a wagering teller carlier Uiis monUi. two counterfeit $20 buis wcre discovered September 16. Police are investigating. Tools taken A thief made off with $3,500 worth of power tools fromn a McNiven Road residence sometime betwccn September 12 and 14. Thec culprit used boIt cutters to break Uic lock of a storage trail- -he i ý POSTRE CA OOEII IChI2 »EE