Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Sep 1999, p. 4

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4 - lbe Canadian Champion, Frday, September 24. 1 M -cal Qaick Labe ci, TAI Qua1I oker Ste Accredlted Test* & Repair Faclllty 011 ruIlters. This Friday, Satarday & Sunda Us the. Milton Fmi! Fair. Comno out and .no USe activties milwkudlog Service. te 011 a C..muddÉou #nu " zooumls a @ mmm...*....... CI 102 IUN.a oo............FiSUeDvse I. SuayEvm.sDe.Deb Wizâ rIn ,, 'A'uto dealership business manager is found gulty of exposing himiself at office Bv KAREN SMITH The Champion A business manager at a local car dealersbip aras banded a conditional discbarge Wednesday after being found guilty of exposing bimacif tb a customer last December. Brent Ricbardson, 34, tbe son of Ricbardson's Cbevrolet-Oldsmobile Ltd. co-owner Morley Ricbardison, was given a year's probation for exposing bis penis te a woman wbo came te Uic Ontario Street and Dcrry Road car dealersbip te buy a ticket for a cbaity raffle iat fcatured aPFurby doîl as the prize. Ontario Court (provincial division) in Oakville beard Mr. Ricbardson gave tbe aroman a ticket te fill out and dme left tic room. After waiting a sbort time, sbe met up ami Mr. Ricisantlson in thre ballway and saw dtia bis penis aras exposei. B flic sanie aroman also told police Uiat Rice Mr. Ricbardson bad exposed bimself in front of ber carlier tbat year - in bis second-floor sales office at Uic dcalcrship in Marcb, 1998. Sbe testified tbat sbc was embarrasseti whien Mr. Ricbardson, wbom sbe bad known only tbrougb patronizing tbe car dcalersbip, left tbe office and retumnet wiUi bis penis sbowing. But sIre gave bim thc benefit of dic doubt Uiat it aras an accident. Hoarever, wben it bappened again, sbe complained te police about boUi incidenta. Mr. Ricbardson aras cbargeti witb taro counts of indecent exbibition, but tic cbarge in connection witb Uic alleged Marcb occurrence was droppcd after it sur- passed dic six-monUi limitation in whicb a summary offence mus ha reporteti. Justice Douglas Latimer ruled, hoarever, that evi- dence of tbe first incident was admissible in the case. On the stand, Mr. Richardison denied ever exposing his penis to the aroman, but said he accidentally left bis fly open after using tbe wasbroomn on the day of bis second meeting witb tbe victim in December. Crown attorney Mary Ward bad argued! that Mr. Ricbardson bati plenty of opportu- nity te expose bimself witbout anyone else noticing. .'Tbese types of offences only take sec- onds," sbe said. "Part of tbe theili is taking tbe cbance and seeing tbe sbock on the woman's face." But Mr. Ricbardson's defence lawyer called i e allegation "ludicrous" and sug- mie phot gesteti dut tbe aroman didn't see abat sbe rent thougbt she aras sceing, if anything. rdson In dbe endi, Judge Latimer accepted the 32-year-old victim's testimony anti ruied thse December encounter aras no mistake. After beauing of Mr. Ricbardson's dlean record anti profeasional position in dhe community, Judge Latimer tolti tbe court he would grant tbe conditional discbarge hocmmre the act didn't go any furtber tban exposure. Tbe conditional discbarge means Mr. Ricbardson won't bave a conviction on bis record, bowever be must report te a probation officer for a year and abide by thse aw. Outside tbe courtroom, Mr. Ricbardson's upset father professeti bis son's innocence., 'I know my ion didn't do it," be tolti Tbe Champion. ~WA t LC 0V Iii NO s -:~ 4Q%* * kA' mm bou txes oase contactthe Qsrpomt tM4ooiay te riday. recived in theCorporateServicoeOffi= on a bred on de flrsday ofdeetilt anlon the fi M4 ltof du rxepayer te nsumt dg theataxes a caniril Thunumy be p.* a)Byn t IbeCoipoiteSesNios'Ib Depuamoi1,43 Bmwn&S, MÎitoON L9T5H2. b) Byphone if ycu bank with Canaa'lust, ID Bank,~ CIBC, Royal Bank or Bank of MontÈ al.ease cail thein for detaiks c) Byuisng die maildeporitto ekft ofdha gass dorsatTown Hal. d) Bt e heurs of 8;30 am. and 4:30 pm. at thaCrporate SweriesTax Depamaot, owni hall, 43 Brown Street NbMilo(CbequeormnonyaRdesprefcned raianas). DirctDebinow acceptee e) Pease contaatouroffioe fnr&tils regardingz di"e " prWmeË ea ta paymnt pmw The Town of Milton Is Accepting LetterofInterest to ProluoeandMarktet frIeniuMPomPodonéIens lirMilton Milenum CoiiflIttee ia a volunteen community gmoup that aras thied t coodnaMdea ra xxl acfiiviieOv de next tw Yeats. Ashdi noar Milenium approachea. we tend to retiect onhdi part wbile athdusame tinas, anticipMt an exciting funrm Our Coninitnity ssill commemnorate and celebrate thia once in a ilétm e tinuiqueaid vaied ways. The Milton Millenium Committee is looking for interested usiness to produre antd nmarket Milton Millenisan Pmchsicts.Ille Committec arii receive Lettrs 0f Interest fnxn inwtoe parties. fIse Towns of Milton ill be respaumible for: 1. Approve items or item to be pro&u=&i 2. Piovide camera ready ait of die Millenium logo. L.temof intmaertaehîdude: 1. Naine, addreaa of company and contact person. 2. Numbr of years ha companry bas been in buainess& 3. Detaileti desrition of itenma you are proposing to prsxluoe andi madret 4. Detaileti mareting plan for retailing hae product(a). MrlsCommdtt will ti looking at tha appropriatenesofthe item, marketing plan te prmmcie item in ira aclection. In tha caseof duplication of any item being proposeti, only one sunpplier will be chosen te produce tha itm Examplea of hae type of itema tiattha committee is Iooking for am: spoona, plates, Christmas Omnamints flablgltabdls glasses qW clodig. tIeo oflInteresateobcaubmitred by0cbe 13, 1999 t 2pirn. te. 'LeteWdlliam Parcbasing AdmuistatorTown of Milton, 43 Brown Strect Milton. ON. L9T 5H2. 878-7252 x 138

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