Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Sep 1999, p. 29

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The Canadien Champion, Friday, Septaniber 24, 1M99-29 HEALTH food store in Milton now accopting resumes for the tollowing positions: manager, l/t & p/it staff. Manager position requires previ- ou$ rotait management experience or rotait helt store sales experlence. Fax resume to 905-878-4869 IMMEDIATE apenngs for tabaurers-helpers bnfsntona vesset mncur.~a resumne ta 95-878-6937o JANITORIAL Controctor retire art time Cleaners for everilng and weeken work in North BurIlnglon. CaR Frank, 905-371-3032. JOIN aur cloanlng allait. FuI nd part Urne positions ovaltebte. Monda y thraugii Frlde effet 4:00 p.m. Uight and hav duty ctoaning tes. Fax srto Sunashino Building Matitenance (905) 336008 or complote application et yaur toae humain reacurco cendre, 310Mein St E. IPEIIIANEPIT part-Urne, Sales 010mWl Service oun- ter posiion evoiteblo lmmediatoty et Sergent Ferme 4 Rotiait Store. Weokonds and sanie evernnp. Muet be mel"el, trustmorthy and have excellent Intelpr sonal alit Pleese cuit for an intrview. Acaounting ~Manger 878-401, îOOOam - 4:00pm. PLUMIErS helper requtred muet be rie. Ask for .itm. 876-1145. f REUIABLE "aorerm for kniber mili In Antan. Abile vatvod. Tratntng provided. Fui tmedyeeand aler- nm ativeal". SBOWhlr. Fax reaumne ta 519-453- 4637. REQMD kmmediately. A@Matr ptto fuil Urnne etade persan. Reapanaibtotfor aein nd detrbu- Ing industil lo tOO5hrouglmut plant Pleese fax rueno 905-560-9618 or contant Llirxde et 905- 5504394. SALES pereon for art galloy. Knomwledge ai artho- fui but nad neaeeeoiy, wml teont. Requiltes e mini mum ai 3 daye e week Content 906-878-0496 ira 9AMN9PM. SCitO0L busco nY quiliestuum clos A inscarl us *el weriece.tnterested cendidetes content Laidtem Transit. 877-2251 Lalluw Traneit le n lequel oppaetunt employer. SCUtOOL bue driver wentsd, Cils B proioerred, but ing ta train aultte cendidae. For Infammation contant Lail aTransit. 877-2251, LaidimTransit le n oqul oppo&tunty employr. TUESDAY ta Satluiday etemoon daspetcher re- quire for Naion eres transport Compny Excel- lent tasomledge ai Canada nd US locetions, muet heaebleo ashun trilera in yerd, tol motor nid dock uqeuten . ar tolr lot Unte tattomlng oMhexce ncationprbem soMvng Un abky toworkend complut- or exiperlenaL. Selomytfi commenaurate mlle expem- once. Fax reaumne ta 906-3002. WANTED conseoiue, erly moming person mlle miablo vohicle ta ddilver Conadas ra" rnespl per In Milan nid aurrounig avoae 873-0103. PlUT Choi Haircuttera requires Mairatyllt lot buey locations: Weterdawn- Burlington- Milton. Guarenteed hourly + excellent commissions. Ad- venced training provtded. No clientolo necessary Col (906)815-326 or <05689-7003. ANEu luit or porane eepro o rm i'VAC and ireplace stores. Expeence in umece& flr ices ru rad. Instellation expe'ece beneli- ca odse ery and commission for the right pet- son. Fxresurne ta 877-3116. SALES REPRESENTATIVE Viking Instrument & Contrat Ltd. is loting fot a key sales persan to tilt a vacancy in aur Bndington, Hamiltton, Niagara potinants ternitory. tf you are look- ing tor a chatlenge anti an opportunily ta excel, thon look o turtiter. WO are laaking tar an individual mito marks muli on ibrir oma anti as part ot a progressive sales tram. Il you have industieal sales experienie or equivalent oti- ucation and ame looking tar a nom chalg c/m prop- er compensation lot yorefrs tben mue muni ta tait. Pleas tormard pour rsm ymail or o-mail o lte stitress listai belam. Viking Instrument & Contrat Lti. bas bren in business Sinice 199 anti selis tube littings, tabing, valves, ganaes anti associaltid pradacts ta lte industrial mat- ketplace. Wr offer tali benetits andi a stable mark envi- frnment. VM buIstreaaà1Cetral LUd. Ne lle plamoa- Fax us yourdCassifieds 876-2364 JOB REDIES WO' e' "NEW SALES PROFESSIONALS IN THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY' MUt Ceomta, leading solutions providers ta the sutomotive induntry, in paitnership mile Maman Resauce Dovelopment Canada, are lonting for can- didates ta paiticipate in a tunieti job reatiiness marksbap commencing Oct. 12/99, Nov. 5/M9 anti Janary 3/0. Participants mdl gain the confidence anti motivation to enbark on a remarding anti successial Career as a Sales Praiessionai in lte autamotive indusiry. Job placement assistance mill be pravideti ta modcshaP . neetdcandidates shoulti ment the e Englisit liloracy; " Customer Service andior sales roperinl *Wiltingness ta participale in a groap environment *Neeti assistance in career planning & rmptlobiiy ' Currentiy la meceipt ai Emplapment Beetts or bave rrcsiv F-l. wititin the tant 3 pears. Pleas catiIl Zanatta or Terni Crame al (905) ta arx resuate ta: (905)816-9942 auecontacts.com Fuddb HeiUM tCauda l ip.OLYPMR POLYMR STRIUIJTON MC., a ele in dry WmiIdWibuon ckainand mesing hma PULL/ME-Tu A We equni iciulinalA-ZDrIver ta itrSdry butl e dlan abat an d sale record gond inap *ontads) *custamer orlenteti oserlenoemith dry bulkor liqid W.e arle ele, tooldig for a put-Urne driver mll n A-Z acenise ta do saine shuriig on ans reial basil No ospel ec emsay. SemI-reet indu- viduete melcomne. Weofaler a veiy competibve coin- ponseion poctiege itictuding benetits mnd profit sharing. Please lex yaiz resumne ta: Humain Reeourea flapi. Pollme Ditriutinu fric SET-UP PERSON Manufacturing plant in Georgetown bas an apening for Mechanicat Set-Up Persan ta, work with packaging/car- toning/tape machines. Previous set-up experience an asset. Shift work te- qlu .reti. Competitive wages plus bene- fits and profit sharing. Pi«e, fax re- sumelOPPiicaliOm t. 905-873-8746 or drpofe.P.L Iroodls Led. 120 Armstrong Ave., GEoffetown. Ontailo, L7G 4S3 DEMONSTRATORS WANTED If you are:VOutgoingV'AsserlivewSelf-motivated Wr muni you tloin the Club Poesentations taa! to-Store produet sampting demonstatars are ralic inatte Price Club marttsause in Oekilt lTe position averages 24-30 hrs/mk, inctuding shift-morr anti meetenis. Ne exparlenet Ne probleut Fail traeel ull lie prewlded. Cait aur tecruiting bottine ta arrange tnt an interviem taday! 1-877-25w-20l PART Umne energeio persan p ~aIdn fl a nedc AIR ontrloss el ais EXCEL andi WORD muire for e lAiton fimin. Wamtdrsg knamledge of AcCPAC Plus detnly n essi but miii train depending an eprec.Otr relttdoc dulies mul be re- turd.Pa efx reaumne ta, 90fl6-5-09 etten- Longtetm care facitity tocated between Acton andi Guelph requires a Parttime Foodi Services nutritianat manager. Please send resumne ta: Bei 2444, C/O The Indepadeat, à 11 Armsatrong Ave., Georgetewa,ON, L7G 4X5 R.P.N or iLCk Neel inmeciael lo priule home cure, on el potme baui. 8pt - lopte maat vqmvbtUt et $12 i haut. Pleeee content 878- 4196 and le e meaage. Seaa&Aaaoclies Umited MoutAmRmuant Respansibilities includle, preparaion and enelysis of manthiy lînenomel statements, job cast and veriance anolysie. geleraccauniting dulies of, account nd benk recanciliatians, journal entiies, bond requeste gav- emment reporting inol. GST/QST. 3rd Levai CGNICMA wuith 2 yearsàwork experience. Job costing in the con- sItuction induolry would be an eset. Fox yaur resume ta: Humen Rlesourcers Sayons à Aaaclies Llmuted 2240 Argentie Rad Mossiseauge, Ontea (905) 821-0664 (Only candidetes soele wiii Senior Leisure Travel Consultant Join one of the fastest going agencies in the country. The Roos Travel Croup, celebrating 25 years in the in- dustry. is growing. If you have at least 3 years retail travel experience, betieve that your service leveis put yau above the crowd, then send your resume to Herma Buchanan. Phone: 905.873-2000 Fax: 905-87740494 Excitin,,busy, protessiona and t.rlendty educationa ctnc ad privatel scitoot relquires th tatlommng protessionals ta compliment aur current staff. Toachors Ifyu ,tahnggmrups af tive or lass mn an envirn=7 wheoe daîldren matit ta sucoed, tDu consider Chlsmolm Contre. W% are tldngi forltouchers mtth lueiatomoing am ai expertise: Elenmntaiy, Mat & ENIst; Secandary: Matht. Englsh, Scenc andi tntegraied TMMextlgs. Toachor 1 Program Supervsor Pait-time Ta write individual praginis lor students and ta0 melth ile parensd staff. Must be a certiio taucher mitit a min, of 5 yoar expertence. Masters deqrée pmterrod but equivalenit expeience miti bo considered. PsyChologlCul Assocatos Fuit and Pait-time Pasitians. Toéopee sco eucalaaassessments.ttfyaua ý: Moknrgira position ai mespansibittty wm you are treateti tn a able ta moiti in Hamiltanmd Oakvilte. Appty mitit a detailed rosumne, stafiag mhich position you are applying far, ta: or.8S. a ptulsok, Chih" elt em 440 Inglehart St. N. Oakville, ON L6J 3J6 Fax: (905> 844-7321 CAREGIVIER requlred ln aur home for pro- achooler and two school-eged girla, steit- lng Oclober 4. Training expeulence, drivers Il- cenise nd redevances requimed. Muet ha non- smotor. Llght hause teepl ennda. Cai 87"M33 (Georgetown) CIDAEopening We Nemi You Motel Simdt lmmedieteiyl be nu v iiWl i oe 87--415 ELECTRICAL TECHNICIAN* Local Budinglon manutacurinu ce. requires a luittime, experienceti Tecitaician mile basic bacti panel miagrv A o u expenience, as malt an tnomletige of DC motor contrats R eer e " lii anti troublesbonting recammendeti. We afler benefits anti competitive mages. Resumes: Reserve America is a leading saftmare pravîder for recreational reservation systeros Att: Drro Fenor Fa: (05>336850 for national patin recreationa aclivities, mildemens ativenitures anti mator tourîst 2280Dare inust re tBtFiax , N0 336-850 artions. Wr baîti large, sophisticatei set-oabei soler solutions for cli- 228 InusdalSi. Bdintc Pll etsacross North America. Dur Companp s success bas resatteti in expaotl -1 gromtb andi me mant ta expanti aur meb tearo. aStanl Immediatetp Experienced We Designer Vaur skitls anti espenience mdll include OAS FIREPLACE INSTALLER/ SERVICE a stroog creative anti lcnicat capabitly for designing motiti-clasa meb sites anti Union Ener ro aires FULL-TIME user interface modela for business applications. Yu bave a strang tnomledge of- experienceti nstaller. (Gas tireplwexp.) meb design standards, HTML, Intemet grapitic tiesi n anti relevant grapbic Must bave vatiti G2 lic. & cdentriving recordi. tonîs. Te ideat candidate mitI pessess stroag interprona9ý anti consultative akilla. Tools & net. suppliai. Top Wages. Ex -npera d Wb Programmra: Vas have demonatrateti experi- Pb: (905)0343 u or ence la designiag anti devetoping comptes meb-enabtai commercial applications. Fan: (905) 039-110 Atention: Donna Yan bave experienc in UNIX, Java, HTML, ami SOL. Knomletige of Java Servor Pages, Enterprise Java Brans, RMI, anti XML sua plus. Salary for bath of these positions as open anti dependent on experience. If pou mun an opporlunily 10 mark mitit teing aige tecbnotsçp in a tram environroont antilpou bave lte desire to mate a difference, iben come loin the fraro la Milton, Ontario. Cuadian Ladin' Goit Asseiation Please forward your resume to: "er Gnvrrnivg Bof Lades'Anuleur Goufin Canada » 1Siln @ eevA eiacmo a:958521 FULITIME CONTRACT POSITION i Accoantant-a ReserveAnerica Holdings tac. is aerting an individral for an Ac- lleeelllffl effcepiîanisi duis, ing, fit- ing, pbatocapig mail. updating manuasi record- ing miaules for lte Board of Directors meetings. llalllcata.a Excellent stills in Microsoft Office- Word & Excel; Excellent lelepitone stilîs; Excellent communication anti inlerpersanal stilîs: Must be able Io travel imice a pear across Canada 10 meeiings; Must be a team plaper capable of murking in a smrall office; Must bave golf tneIge Pieuse subroil resume by Octaber 8,1999, t0: Cenadian Ladies' Golf Assocattan I1333 Derval Drive. Oukvllle, ON LOI 4ZS Kt ffiankal applicants, howewî on/y leiose consideiedfor an interview en// be contadod. and abilities to msrk independentiy ant in flan, and mort in a ligit tiad-iine en- vironmrnl. Responsibilities mili inclade: AIP.NR, General Letiger, lnvoicing, anti Reconcilialions Monthly boaktrrping up to Firancial Statements. Qualifications requirai: CGA lene 5 or 6, CA linalisi: 5 yrars accounling rnperiencr prelerably in apdblic accounling ravirosment: Excellent stilîs in a mintiom environ- ment ant imt Excel sprradsbeel. Experiroce mitit Peacitrre accoanting ls an assel. Please lormard pou resurnr, inclutiing salary rnpeciation, in confidence bp e-mail 10: hnguyen@ReeerveAmerica.com Classified Telephone........................ 875-33 Cati Sheena Classffied Fax----------------.................876-2364 uooLge puî-, d ,V6, tlt cruise, a/c, ongîai condition. Ex- celtnt tunning condi- tion. Muai seit. 1750 or bonI aller. Aller 6, 878- 7617. 1995 Jeep Or Cherocea V8 Mint condition. Loaded. One omner Copoe service.- r'ec.Dnt buy e 4x4 i E you C e t t:1bea - l - elo- mooti. 336-2965, asicfor Don. LOCAL business lor se. Ornai business Ipp nh the haurt ai aId Mmla. Weil M, tebiahd tee ol mta e seady cllenltell. Ail @qupmand incudaed For fueleer dtaile ai ti lkg please cal 906-- Un8 iaffer 6OOPM Aalc- kma S23000. 3 DEU~Uc ungmom wt large bockyard In qitneighbaurhood. inshied baerent mile al oeer1. Call No8 Av66 t- caref aerequired In AVAU L ero aur hao fr3uildren hause la Laudi- ne "a od, nd tMo er/hompeon ue. Ga- yoar ".Loldng fo reqe carpeta, a/c' creative rvdrsi 2epi tý Ples.e cal Jon n ds ii n test e Hoieevenitiga et 7-qie.Fml 86 693-0927. COUNTY oew o RAINBOW VILLAGE tant. 3 badroorn, con- DAYCARE eccepting tampomary styo burnga- Sertomber erd lo to sectudod on 14 Fuidmechdicre orbeautituto m adecres aiuidran 18 months - 5 wm pornd, traite, 4-cet years 878-7552. garage and starage shed. Locateci approx- - ~imetely 81cm nata af 401 & Guelph Une. EXpERENCD clam- $2100/rnonth. Refer- lng lady avelleble. Quel- mmce requlred. Camp- lly cteaning. Reesn belie RIEett fic. 864- able rates. Relererîces 2M9. eveieble. Cati Dabbie, eller 6, 87-2085. of three schaot eged sautao Hopitaplte, main childrma in lAion. Tiva filM itc , utlu ta three haurs daily, indludei. Aveitebe m- rnarings anty. 878- medetin Non sinoker. 6103 effet 6:30 PM. 876-1158i. 1 EDROON pat mlMain Street -c boquiet building. TUTOR avaltebte for $65 Plus hydro. Reler- meth, languae tindet- ences required.78 garten ta grd 6. Co 2326. 905-876-4469. 1 BEDROON. Primae antrance, brosdiaarn air canditianing, lire- pce. Tiva Kilarnetera tran Milton. Escatp S0 yau thint match- ment vMm. Non srnak- meleng services are for ers. Aveilobl Noveni- iosesa... thint egein... ber lot. 878-6653. dactors, lsmyers, huai- 2 BEDROOM epart- nuss people, bunkers, mentelith betcony avalt- health prolessionets, able Navember 1let ongineers, fîîremen 8 mnhIc liis truck drivers, lbran5ans, NoPM. Ce RM.878302 entrepreneurs jolin Mlsty 3. - 9M 7-03 River Introductionis Tor- anitos tradibocnet match- meker (416)777-632.

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