AR~CYWeekende Milton' Independient Pharmacy *' 10% seniors Discount * MOqPlans Aeeepted 0 Ib VI) * me Dnig lnfonfnation Audila «At Zak's We 0 L an SL l. A Me~trnhrnd Cnmmunitv Newsnaner Vol. 140 No. 55 Friday, September 24, 1999 32 Pageés $ 1.00 (GST includeti) I r1noio Dy IJMAMlM rpw',- IvStre-tched to thelimit Jal"'OrImbly, 12, tries her hand et the bungee run game durlng an open hou»e nd car- nival e4$Johnaon Controls Saturday. Procese from the event went to the United Way. Fan fest ini Camp beilville the Ciimpbellvillc Area Business Association will holti ils third Harestfesi Ociober 1 anti 3. The event fealures the Gable Bros. Midway along with the "Experience the Alternatives" Wcllness Fair - which includes demonstratiolls on iridology, aro- matherapy anti rcflexology. Marion's Country Bandi anti Swift Kickin' Cloggers wilI pro- vide musical cntertainment fromt 2 10 5 p.m. Sunday whilc Snigs thse Clown will amuse the young oncs between 2 anti 4 p.m. Salurday. Children's face painting anti loatis of refresisments will help round oui the wcckcndwhich begins with Friday's Looney Nigisi froro 4 10 10 p.m. Just $1 gels visitors onto any camval ride. The midway wil mun fromt 11 a.m. 10 10 p.m. Saturday anti fromt 11 a.m. taL6 p.m. Sunday. Chailinor says permit parking may help soothe frayed -feelings By IRENE GENTLE The. Champion Debate has been revving into high gear at Town counicil over a decision to boister enforcemnent of a 1984 parking bylaw. But issuing parking permîts could put an end 10 new wrangling over lte old bylaw, suggesled Councillor John Challino. Re said council has alrcady spent too much lime haggling over the issue when die majorily of people are Iaw-abiding anti in favour of the swccp. 1I honestly helieve that people want to sec (a parking bylaw) cnforccd. Thcy have been inconvenienced by other people's ignorance," he saiti ai a recent counceil meeting. 'I'm really getting tired of dealing wilh this.", To help endti he dispute, he asked staff for a report on thc feasibilily of a permit programt in town. Thar would entail looking at which sireels would be besi suiteti for Uic policy. Staff will also review if there is an ade- quate number of signs warning of the parking miles. Parking is already a problemt in certain neighborhoods, saiti Milton's bylaw enforcement officer Ian McNally. "Our economic situation is Uiai many of our childrcn are coming back home and bringing their cars with them," he saiti. "Anti some of our subdivisions have very short drivcways." But options coulti be exploret 10 sow parking in certain arcas, said Councillor Cindy Lunau. "Parking bylaws are not there for cash or inconvenience, Uiey are ihere for sale- ty," site saiti. "If ihere are no safcty prob- lems, parking coulti maybc be permitteti." More sîgns shoulti be in place to ensure people underatanth rUicmes thcy are being asked t0 obcy, saiti Councillor WaIly Hunier. "The calis I have been get- ting, somte of themt are from out of town. They didn't know that parking on the street outside the bouse is John Challinor illegal," he saiti. "Coming fromt outside thc community, ses COUNCILLORS on page 7 Tour the galaxy Ifs Mountsberg's version of a hitch- hiker's guide ta the galaxy. On Saturday, Oct. 16 at 7 p.m., astronomy expert Phil Mozel wiIl ho the guide to the galaxies through an informative presentation and slids show. The cost la $10 for aduits and $7 per child. The evening isn't recom- mended for children under 5. Pre-reg- ister by calling 854-2276. Mountsberg Wilduife Centre is on Milborough Town Line, five kilometrea west of Campbellville and between Guelph -Une andi Highway 6. 5'r 1 . ' ' *'t -J 'I Metroland Comrnunitv Newçtnaner Friday, September 24, 1999