Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Sep 1999, p. 8

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8 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, September 21, 1999 *CbteMp 487 Laurier Ave., 878-2881 "Famsyandfaoe 0yue vKeeping t] u ie sweet scent of country alive Former juggling champion Bob Cates will be on isand 10 sisowcase is 'comedy in motion' act. And warming up tise crowd before tise widely anticipated dernolition derby will be country kickers Soutiser Reign. By IRENE GENTLE The Champion S ize counts. At least it oes agricultural contests held at the 146th annual Fail Fair., The fair will be held Friday througis Sunday, Sept. 24-26 at tise Milton Fair Grounds. The event gives farmers and backyard garden- ers alike tise opportunity to go head to head over who has tise biggest pumpkin or zuccisini. And bigger is better when it cornes to atten- dance numbers, too. Last year, 16,000 visitors came out for thse fair. But tise Halton Agricultural Society (HAS) is hoping to increase that by some 4,000 for its last fair of the millennium. To commeirate thc occasion, s souvenir t- shirt has been designed tisat shows s cow witis the words "Moooooving to the new Millennium." But swollen cmowds are largely contingent on sunny skies, sigiscd Marilyn Gooding of tise HAS. Tried and traie 'It is very weatiscr dependent," ase said. "Our numbers were down a ittle last year because it Iookcd as tisougis it would main ail Sunday." Wisatcver Motiser Nature throws at it, tise fair isas managed to keep its numbers steady over tise years by offering tise tried and truc amaîl town attractions. Tisat means live mnusic and comedy, midway rides, games, isorse shows, truck pulls and demno- lition derbies. It also means appearancea by tise newly crowned Milton Fair ambassador, Carnie Roberts. "It is a combination of old tisinga and new tisinga," said Ms Gooding. "Faira are unique. You can't go otiser places and sec cverytising you can sec isere in one place." New tisis year ait tise fair la a Pit Stop Racing Competition. Held tisrougisout tise weckend, tise event calîs for teama to navigate a soap box car tisrougis a course in tise fasteat âmre possible. Tisat includea a speedy tire rotation. But moatly, tise fair attempta to, atay truc to Milton's deeply-planted agricultural mots, aaid Ms Gooding. 'Tise fair atarted out as agricultural and people still corne back to sec tisat," ase said. "Tisat's a real draw." But even in a town tisat mixes up tise urban witis tise rural, agricultural messages can be bast. It ja a trend that aeman destined to continue as Milton undergoea its anticipated population boom. Then, tise fair will become even more essential as a link 10 tise town's past, predicted Ms Gooding. Corne from aIl over 'l tisink il will make it more valuable because tisere ian't an opportunity 10 gel to a farm," ase said. 'I don't tisink moat kida know wisat tisey're missing." If tiscy don't, taking in tise dispîsys at tise fair coulli give thern a isint. Tisese dasys, tise event serves about as many out of towners as it doca locals. Especially since Oakville, Mississauga, and Burlington don't offer faîl fairs of tiseir own. And tise Milton fair la designed to have sonne- tising for everynne, from arnaîl cisildren to, tise elderly, said Ms Gooding. "We get a total cross-section of tise popula- tion," ase saili. Tis year tise fair will be serving up entertan- ing fare sucis as kiddie performers Tise Stylamanders. Dual demo derbies Tisey'll isit tise grandstand at 6 pm. Saturday and 1 p.m. Sunday. Tise derbies will roar into action at 8 p.rn. Saturday and 3 p.rn. Sunday. The adrenaline-cisarged event tisat turnas mani- gling cars into a good tising la probably tise moat popular of ail tise fair's offeringa, said Ma Gooding. "Tise derby is a real big draw now. A lot of people corne out to sec that," ase said. "Tisat is Our biggest crowd." Tisrill-seekera wiso want to take a turn beisind tise wisecl can still pick up derby entry forma attse fairground office. And forma for tise agricultural competitiona can also be snapped up attse office, but al entries must be in by Thursday, September 23 ait 1l a.rn., wamned Ms Gooding. Tise wisolc event kicks off Friday wits its cdu- cation day. About 2,000 acisoolcisildren are expected to turn out for a dazzling day of demnonatrationa. Everytising from asceep-sisearing and cow milking to blackamitsing is on tise agenda. Tise fair office, 878-5689, opens Mondays and Wednesdaya from 9-11:30 arn. and 12:30-4 p.m. Fail colours Tise breatistaking autumsn aplendor makes thse Tlsanksgiving weekend (October 9-10) a perfect lime to visit Crawford Lake, Tisat's wisen tise local conservation area isolda its annual Autumn on tise Escarpment Festival - a great opportunity to enjoy fabu- loua fal colours and many exciting activities. Visitors are welcomne tp atroîl tise board- walk and isiking trIls or take a more lcisurely isorse drawn wagon' ride tisrougis tise pic- turesque woodands. Cisildren are sure to enjoy a bost of activi-. dies isscluding Native games and challenges sucis as an Auturm Discovexy Hum And as alwaya, tise 15tis century recoin- structed lroqoian Village la a fascinatlng place to visit and learn about Ontario's Firat People and their way of life. Admrission for Ibis special event is $5 per person, witis cisildren under four free. Crawford Lake is off GJuelph LUne just soutis of Campbeliville. Acton 21 Main Street North, Atos, ON L7J 1V9 519-853-1270, or 853-4700 5T a k I n g y o u r cable further) Cableworks 14 Programming Schedule - September 21 - 27, 1999 5 30,6-3O1laYX %~ed ln 530,630,7:» Pk<edln! 530,&3,73 Pkgehl! 800 Mt Dm 5306:307:M Pkom ln pfflfl Cw frm f FMI Clpaa AgMeSI FaO.,'sy cm 7.2m Noç Gcan5le T 70çe ktesset01 7oe nsseq et 101 8.m an HlAs 8np "on CossA aWp HakM Reom C«dCMsI Feature of thse week: Milton Demo Derby -Live from the Fail Fair! Saturday 8pmn .T a k 1 n g y 0 U r 1 ý 1 ý : z ÎJI c a b 1 e f u r t h e r j File photo by GRAH-AM PAINE Pet Stokes had hie hande full with Ihis Percheron durlng a heavy horse competltion at lest year's fair.

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