'~'3 ' '~' , The adidiantaf1pl&,FhaySeptmi i~,t99- Thnreefundraisers highlight United Way campaign *from UNTED on pages 5 neito rai $290,00 i our Way suppot. stin ou ieve ut t I RattI nke pin C l adCtr y paign leadership due ta the sîme com '99 campaign. This year's campaign, led by the 12- The special events will include the Club. Tickets cos( $45 per person. mitment, Mayor Gord Krantz agreed Last year. the United Way fell short member board of directors, will con- United Way Golf Tournament The Chnistmas House Tour, featur- ta act as honourary chair. of its $275,000 goal by $2,000, but it aist of collecting donations from pri- Saturday, Sept. 18 at Executive ing three urban homes and three rural, "We are counting an you ta read aur wag stili the most money ever raised vate citizens as well as from industry, Fairways Golf Club on Hwy. 25. wiII be held November 13. Further brochLre and ta respond ta aur need by the arganizatian in a single cam- and raisinx funda through special Tickets cost $45 per persan, which details about the tour will be released for funds by donating directly or by paign. events, Ms Eadie said. includes nine hales of golf, a barbecue at a later date. designating thraugh your payrall Through those donations, 15,059 "The need is dloser ta $400,000 in and prize ceremony. Tickets for the special events cati be deductian pragram," the mayor urged Miltonians were served by 24 agen- the cammunity, but we knaw that's The next functian - the dinner and purchased by cantacting the United citizens. cies aperating with the help of United unrealistic," she said. 'We would be auctian - will be held Octaber 15 at Way office at 875-2550. Preschool Programs . at J~E If~~ Milton Public Library . in, JIAt Sea, we are blg enough te have what you want... but amai enough te care who you are. Fabi 99 Plus everyday good values Tales for Two's Preschool StorytimeSa e*6 KenmorV Kenmore Registration September'SprC ait Supe Capcity20.5-ou. ft. 21 - 6bottomn-mount Classes start October 1 2 asher. #29999 refrigerator. ___________________s rerseg..9.9 S Dqyer. #68932. 1499.99. -21a " c ut Sears reg. 699.99. $1099 Welcomes $9 Erika istok, N.D. Doctor of Naturopathic: Medicine .qa» $20Sav $511 JVCO 2» TV.Kenmore Picture-in-picture deluxe-demand Rear AN input ïý high-flow water and audio output. softener. Game mode. #75840. Sears reg. * #14470. SemrSreg. 1399.99. 599.99.8M.88 579.99Home Environment 579.99producta available in 95 M in S. E.most stores (2nd Floor) e Clinical Nutrition e Homeopatlsy e HerbaI Medicine e Acupuncture- Take the Natural Path cur o to Wellness 693-9837 -yloi CRAFTSMAN 20.5-hpJCCmat3D ero 42 'imtd diio'lan ratr.9& ne.299.99. 120 watts total power output. #60970. Sears reg 2899.99. 2199.9 Reot &n returna #200 SUNDAY SEPT 19 Sal tr ends S. Oct le99 uansers atRmt edhns98 Chri Tuk i atendnceUSE VOUR SUARS CARD AND onnuaumumDON'T PAY FOR ONE FULL YEAR ON ALL MAJOR APPLIANCES $409,000 Don't psy ont i September 2000, on approved credit, wi1h yosr Stars Card. Minimsm $200 purchase. loir) Guelph Line N to Zoar West to Firai $35 delerral les and aIl appticable taxes and charges are payable at tins of purchaxe. Oller appt es to merchandise in local Sears stores, ROYAL LEPAGE Escludes Catalogue purchases. Offer ends Satsrday, September 25,1999, REAL ESTATE SERVICES 878-8101I SUNDAY Sept 19 Reitrdtrademark of KitchenAid USA. KitchenAid Canada hicensee in Canada ________________ 2-4 PM soEoR 0 iisn d 8065 Appleby Uine Locally Mon, bes,1 STOE tHOUS 00Npiig d Susan Recoskie in attendance owne andi Th~I1 i, Tua, We 3km-Gps04 E F T1S molammmC A n =0 su, F I:3tawmp4U .112F opeatei b THE SRANDS YOU WANT .i.j t mt $274,900 John Sampson AT THE STORE YOU TRUST"958810p ROYAL LEPAGECorih199Sasand c REAL ESTATE SERVICES NP099409 Coyih999 er oaeIc 878-8101 g