,+O UR READERSWRITE-, Former trucker clogged with autos, not big governors wisen I have n ashamed of today's drivers Dear Editor: One Wednesday my wife and I drave ta Niagara Faits and back. I was sisocked, appalled and asisamed about isow our sa- Last Monday, I came back called professional drivers fmom Gravenisurst. I didn't use tise four-lane Hwy. 1l or Hwy. 400 anymore tisan necessary. I used back raads. Wisy? behaved. Why when sa mucis of aur gas price is tax do we not have protection from these nuts? Recause tise isigiways were Wisy do these rigs not have where ta go and one of these irresponsible idiots is quickly coming beisind me. I have to go 130 km/h ta escape witis my life. Sometising is very, very wrang. It's now easy for me ta see what went wrong Friday, September 3 on Hwy. 401 est of Windsor. I started driving heavy trucks at age 17. l'm proud ta say I drove for 45 years with no acci- dents. I did go ta three driving achools at 15 years of age. 1 failed three times and was told by my instructar that I would neyer drive. I'm been retired for four years and was always very proud of my co-drivers, but now I'm ashamed. Ken Bryant Milton Thse Canadian Champion, Friday, Seplembor 17, 1999 - 7 Tié 'Ccndlian Cliirýon" lo' ltsfthé editor. Mail letters to: The Canadian Champion, Box 2,48, Milton, Ont., L9T ý4N9, fax them to 878-,49,43 or eave thern ut oui offie, '!91 Mr.St. E. ýRates sbet to change 1 yr. 6.05%/I 5.75c% 3 yrs. 6.65%'/ 6.O~% 5 yrs. .% Abbey Plaza, OakvilIe <3rd Line at Upper Middle Rd.) 905-827-8009] Milton Hydro's fate is under review, says chairpersonI i (The following letter was sent ta 1resident Anthony Green and a copy wasfiled with The Champion.) Dear Editor: Tisank yau for your letter of August 17. On behaif of tise Commission, we appreciate your concernis witis respect ta selling Milton Hydro and wanted ta update you on aur work with tise Town of Milton in tisis regard. Under the Energy Campetition Act (1998), a number of changes have been mandated for Milton Hydro. Tise utility (tise distribution business) must be incorporated under tise Ontario Business Corporations Act by November 7, 2000. At tise time the competitive market opens, wisich is likely ta be sametime in late 2000, customers will be able ta cisoose tise company ,from wisicis they buy their electrici- Ity. Milton Hydro will continue ta r deliver/distribute electricity. Tise Town of Milton, having been confirmed as the sole share- holder of Milton Hydro, must decide wisetiser ta retain and oper- ate Milton Hydro or seil tise utility. To assist in making tisis decision, tise Town establisised the Transition Steering Committee in January, 1999 *to consider the future direction of tise municipal electric utilîty in relation ta, tise requirements of Bill 35." Tise committee is comprised of Hydra Chair Sharon Barkley, Mayor Gord Krantz, Town/Regional Councillor Richard Malboeuf, Hydro Commissioner Bill Rawney, Town Cisief Administrative Officer Maria Belvedere, Hydro General Manager Don Tisorne, Town Treasurer Jim McQueen, and Hydro Finance and Admidnistration Officer Mary-Jo Corkum. Tise cammiàttee retained Deloitte and Touche ta assist them in respanding ta tise oppartunities and challenges of tise Energy Competition Act. To date, tise commJittee isas held a number of meetings ta review tise options. On lune 7, 1999, tise com- mittee made a preliminary presen.: tation ta town counicil ta outline tise business issues tisat it would have ta ultimately decide upon tise options available. The committee will present tiseir draft report ta counicil on September 20. Tbis repart wiII out- line tise analysis of tise available options and make recommenda- tions ta counicil. I encourage you ta attend tise meeting. Sharon Barkley Milton Hydro-Eiectric Commission Nissan sales are r@kin' and the restyed 2000 Allma is moli.' over the competition. 2000 AltM=c7iw XEihnking CommrAord or MMbu? hikatà W* dm AlimafllagSs 128fm.//o on i5 ««23l798 m&. ixasepo "Bust Entry Mldslized Car In Initial Quality 3 out of the Lait 4 Y.ars" - J.O. 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