V -I eThe Canadian Cham pon. Friday, September 17, 199 M United Way will count on m'ailmi pledges this year Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Bob Reid of the Donaldson Financlai Group, whlch la sponsoring the upcomling United Way golf toumnament, warms Up ut tbe Executive Falrways course wbere the fundrelser wlll be held. It looks lîke Mr. Reid could use the practice as be finda hlmself wlth a tough le. Have You Always >,Wanted to * Enhance Vour Appearance? Now is lte perfect time. tNt have the sotution with state-t-art laser techoogy an a quiet, coiforiate and private office setting. We offer treatrnt for *Spider Veins Age & Brown Spots Fpacal Vetos Sun &Red Spots BiEttharks *Tattoo Ressovat *Fartal Pigmentation - Warts *Surgery for Vartrose Veto, - injection Scteottterapy for Varose Veins Fer at'roconoiutatof cati Dr.ANM Al, FR.CSC PeiLsr enVs i...Cntr Volunteers feel uncomfortable knocking on doors; residentsfeel uneasy answering them By KAREN SMITH The Champion The United Way of Milton will strive to raise the most funds in its history as numnerous local agencies continue to rely on the organization for help. This year's goal bas been set at $290,000 - $15,000 more than the already ambitious 1998 target of $275,000. A twist in tbis year's campaign wiii see a traditional fundraising practice go by the wayside. No door-to-door canvassing wiII be done titis year, said Anne Eadie, United Way of Milton executive director. Instead, the organization bas staged a massive mailing to every Milton bomte. More than 11,000 letters were sent out Iast week and a second mailing wiil take place in October. Tbe correspondence asks residents to send in a donation or give tbrougb their work payroll deduction plan. The new system eases tbe load for United Way volunteers, many of wbom said people just aren't wiiling to, open their doors to strangers like tbey used to, espe- ciatly aftler dark. Some volunteers bave also expressed concems about their safety, Ms Eadie said. 'he organization also came up short in Ii ura~îgymore diffut w o et tillinL, the [stroii 01' cmpauun chair, ýo volunteers. People are so busy with their they recruited an honourary chair. jobs, and it's becoming less and Iess corn- After no one would take on the cam- fortabie for people to open their doors." *se. THREE on page 9 ADVERTISEMENT Which of These Costly Homeseller Mistakes Will You Make When You Seil Your Home? MILTON - A new report has just been released which reveats 7 costiy mistakes that most homeowners make when seling their home, and a 9 Step System. that can ehlp you setl your home fast and for the most amount of money. This industry report shows cleariy how the traditionai ways of seliing homes have become increasingly iess and teas effective in today's market. The fact of the matter is that fuily three quartera of homeseliers don't get what they want for their home and become disitlusioned and - worse - financiaiiy disadvantaged when they put their home on the market. As this report uncovers, most homnesellers make 7 deadiy mistakes that cost them, literally thousands of dollars. The good news is that each and every one of these mistakes is entireiy preventable. In answer to this issue, industry insiders have prepared a free special report entitied "The 9 Sf ep Sysfem f0 Cet Your Home Sold Fast and For Top Dollar". To hear a brief recorded message about how to order your FREE copy of titis report, catI 1-888-475-8645 and enter ID#1000 You cars cati anytime, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Cati NOW to find out how you can get the most money for your home. Vour car 4Safety Checks 4 Brakes 424 Wheel Alignment. [4 Cooling System Service 4 Engines 4( Quaker State Oit, Lube & Fram Oul Filters 4 Computer Analysis 4 Tune Ups requires 4 Hidden Hitch 4Walker Exhaust 4Suspension Service Îf Tire Rotation& Balancing 4Goodyear Tires 4General Tires 4Transmissions & Service 4Electrical 4Air Conditioning 4 Shocks & Struts For any vehicle @EMAINTENAICE or SERVICE U u M 4a C b [l 9» r 4c'I GIT A FRESH START. Get SOLUTIONS now for: Credit Card Problemns bots of Job or loved Ooe Repossessions Major Cash Flowe Probletos Wage Gamîtshrnsts Evictons Persistent Brll Catlectors Judgemneots, Law Sorts Studlent boSn Deinquent Taxes Foreclostores Divorce Relate Financial Problerns 1M PADDON + lakesptey eaubenrode CoU us' NoehargeforrnodalonsdiWfl YORKE INC. PilrnEw»PC 875-081 1 25M i Street East (Main & Martin St.) Milton A better soluation! Th* pon i corsy ci Clu. Nuiet PO.Mu Bi" SPig. Rem.Oo (Hamme) e. CoWgt Cmig P.udsS 1997 eoffer INTRODUCING AUTOGAURD ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE F.. SENTINEL AUTOMOTIVE Offeaing Our Premlum 011 Change including: Change oit & oil filter, Lube Top-up ail fluids 15 Point Inspection 3 Months Roadside Assisstance $2 9.95 342 BRONTE ST. S. 878-8066 "High Tech Service - Old Fashioned Value