Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Sep 1999, p. 33

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- - - - - - ~iLtbllL~7 We require a higfaly motivated individual ta ~esleam. * Enviroriment for succeas - Above average psy plan including nontiuly and yearly bonuses - Heatlh/derital plan - Conipany car plan - Larpe nove and used inventory - Trarning for 1h. nght candidate Any type of sales background us an asset. For an Interview pieuse contact Phil Ciantar 878-8877 AUTOMOTIVE SALES PERSON required by Oairviites largesl ratait Chrysier dealer. Compsitive remuneration program, cornpany car and benetitprogram available la lb. rlgbl candidate. Experienoe an asset but flot a requkement. Please fax resume to: VIllA PATE 175 Wyecreft BeaU, OakvIlie Ian: (905)845-9109, Ph: (905)845-6653 Estabtished HVAC sales agerrcy requires an exp.. INSIDE SALES PERSON To ssii fans & bloasos ta tas Golden hlarseshon mariret. Candidates exirscled la eslimatW prepare ~station s tar industrial HVAC equip., primanty fans bloveers. Also cati on nsve & existina accounts la promate lire product & educate tas custanrer. MusI have techoical backgraued b HVAC, la know the custonlers and understand tas Ontarto markS. Ws olive exlensive lraining, progressive veorlr environ- ment & excellent growth opportonily. Starting safary mid 0201<. Fax resume n confidence 10: basa bausecua, baSes. ladastnlal Fax: 905-3364697 Rastaurant Salas & Servîca Ram. Requlred to generate sales & provlde serv- ice and deliveries ta Restaurants, Laund- des and Nurslng Homes n a velde geo- g~apNc~ ares centered in Burllngton. good mechanicahelectrlcal apti- tude, a good drtvtng record and ho abie ta provide references. Reply ta: Box 1701, c/o The Poal, 2321 Fai~ew Sor., Burlinglon, L7R 2E3 - - POLYMER DISTAMUTION INO., a taader n dry bulle dlstrlsutian, paclcaglng and warenuauslng tas opparlunitias avaflabia for: PIJWPART-TIME A-Z DRIvERS We repaire prafessionai A-Z Drivera ta haul dry bulle praducta, ultairi Onlaria, wlta the totowhig: * dean abstract and sale record * gaod Inlarpersorial sIuiSsi * cusiorirer orlented * expedence wtth dry bulle or tqutt We are sien iaalrtng fors psrt-eme driver wtth an A-Z Scerise la do sanie shunulng on an as need- ed basis. No experience necessary.Seml-relred Individuals aeiconie. We affer s very campefitive carapeilsatlari psclrags Including benefils end profit shartng. Pleasalax pourreaumate: Humai Roseurcea Day,. pelymar DIstrIbutIon bic. x i5o5-57a-3152 CLASS "A" TECHNCIAN Fulitime * Required Immediately O.aîlficatleaa: Glass "A' licence; dean drtvlng I record; solid references; witltngness ta vearir bard ta pragress. Honda experlence preferred. We effec Fully competitive f laI rate scale; gond benefits plan; opportunity la advence. Cailla arrange an interview: Mika Park, (905) 844-9092, Ext. 300 OAKVILLE HONDA HVAC TocbnIcai Rop. Easlmn Canada brericb 0f national Qaimif te based HVAC company requires inside lecbnicat representa- lire ta administar warrenly and service progranis n esslers Canada. MusI ho technicatly qualified n bsaflng and retrigeralion and inuit posssai if liait 5>1v. et relisant wpoeknce. Minimal havai. Excellent saiary commensureta with qualitica- lions. Generous profit shaning program. Greal benetils package. Please reply veta resume ta: Box 6191, c/o OakvllIe Bouvet 40? Speere Road Oakvilie, ON L6K 384 MACHINE OPERATOR Raprdly growrng medîum srzsd automation company requires Machine Operator with palentraf ta graw. Desigo software familiarity and prevtous CNC equiproont operation an asset. Fuli benefits, salary commensurate wlth experlence. Send resume or apply in persan ta: AXYZ Automation mc. 5330 South Service Road Burlington, Ontano L7L 5L1 Cethweli Preclulon Co. Ltd. SKILLLD~A~CHINIST on lathes and mlll~ machInes. Days: (905)335-2887 Evgs: (905>637-3760 - - BOOKKEEPING POSITION Immediate opening for busy OakviIle off le. Fuît-lime position with satary and bensfits. Must ho proticient in NB, AJP and payrotl on Business Visions Windows accaunting systsm. Fax resurne ta: Attention Sherry Polanrato, <S05>-48m-1212 t Accounts Payable Clerk I Minimum 2-3 years experlence. Respansl- I bilifles include: codingl procesaing hlgh I volume 0f Involces; PST/GST remltlanc- expense reports. Strong organizational os; dally bank deposit monlhly ront lnput; and Interprsonal sidîls are requtred aIan~ wllh experlence on a computeriz accountlng system. Reply wlth resume ta: 2321 Falrvlow, BurIIngtom, ON LiA 2E3 [ c/o lia: Peut teader1 indu n compressed air puritication, has -~\ immediale need for a an Customer Service Representutlvm for our Mississauga based office. Your qualifications shoufd oct nde o minimum aI ons year Order 0.51<1 Custamer Service retated work, gerierat undersland- ing af Word and Excel (Dynamies woutd he consid- ered an asset) and the ability to work bath on your osa or ina 5maI I group. Fax quatificaf lotis ta: AtIn: Ryan Dorant (905) 820-5463 domnick hunter Canada mc. s an E.0.E. DATA ENTRY CLERK Entry Level position. Duties include: dally data enlry; posfing reports; prlnllng Involces; filing; credif card deposits. This position requires accuracy end excellent or~nlzs~~ akilla. Experlence wllh the A~00 Computer System an assaI. CANGO INC. Personnel Department 3310 South Service Road Buringifon, ON L7N 3M6 Fax: (905) 333-8115 111< wish ta thonkali candidates respondino. Onfvtbose censidersd a~tI be contactrd. DATA ENTRY CLERK- PART-TIME We are Iooivng for an outQnînQ enlbusîaslîc indivîdual for our Burt ington Office Data Processiof Deparlment. Dulies oct ode: daity keying, verilying and coding ut data tram stores in an acoirate and fimely manner. Routine axcount dulies, generat office dattes i. mail, tif ing, reçoit distribution, photocopying and other dulles as assigned. 74Isua offers yoo campetitive wages, a lest paced f easanl sortana environasol and flexible boum. rf yon have slrong verbal communication skiffs, a high scbonf diptoma srlh business/ accaunting courses, data enlry and calculelor esperience and are seeking a part-lime position (approximateiy 20 hrs/wk). Serid your resume 10: [~J 3300 Imuestiar bai, bita 311 U.UaVa Sa. LiN 311 arias <005)434-3841 Busy, diverse, Mttori-based Firraridai Servic- es teeni rieeds: Excaponal Admhnuatatlve Aaalatant reha: -cari stay organized urider pressure -cao lallove instructions but really tees la taire Inhliative -bas excelleoit computer sidis otaore would descuibe as very pereanable sort servtre-arlorted *would enloy worldrig Ina positive, ettrical, ap- ~udatad work envlrornmnerit. by fax ta 906-875-3574 betore Sep- tember23, 1999. Ma busyandfast.pecadcompenymtaeixrn- structian industrx we tmmediately require sameane veho s arganlzed, reilable end a sait- starter ta wodc hait dsys, tares dayes vesele n aur shipplng office. Please lorward resume ta RaymandSlesl Ltd. Fax 875-3785. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTAPIT We ares grawlng Inlemallonat cansniting sort trelning organlzaflon whlcb requires a veau organlzed, profesalanaf admwsstretor ta han- dle custamer bison, pa~acl management sort genenel booidceeplng furictlans. Vain 81db should Indude kriowledga aI Micrasoit Office 97 applications sort Prafect Managec Ideaity, you have expedence wlth ISOA3S-9000 andlorTE systema documentation develap- ment. A knowledge ai forage tanguages wauid ho an assaI. You rausl have your awn 032, send~aurresume la: tOP IGO, Altri,:Prssldant. Oaa Fuli-tirse BGOKKEEPERI SALES ASSISTAIIT position for industrial f001 supplierin OaIwilIe. Must have excellent keyboard- ing skills and veillingness to Iearn. Cali: 905-338-0411 Maple Laf Conaumer Foodi, a standard-setter in the Canadian food industry. currontly roquires a tatented team ployer usa Payroll Administrator Vour attention ta dotail and accuracy coupled wtth suporb time management and prioritization akilîs will enable you ta effectively maintain payrolla and process new staff, terminations. and payroll changes. As well. you'D provide vacation relief and desi with relevant inquiries. A tactful. self-motivated. md capable communicator. you have auperior anelyticel. prablem saiving, and computer abiflties, basic accounflng knowledge. and. ideslly. payroll expertise. Consider a career with on. of Canadas best-known companies. ans that offers a very competitive compensation package. Phase apply in wliting. ta: Le~Cuumer Foodi P.O. Box 5091 Service b.d Ontade Fa. (905) 3194242 We thank ail applloanta; however, only Chose ta b. mntervliwed ~wtI be contacted. No telephone inquirlea or w---- - The Conadian ChampIon, Fdday, September 17,1999-33 DOMESI1C holp wsnl~ ________________________________________ ed-buîld a long terni, - RPN's part-bni~emptoynient (ailh Msds) Vistanere Retîrenent residence rerpires y n Lovevuja. Velildo RPNs farta Meds) lor part-lime and casual refit. roquîred. 3 puaschooi- Musthavee~riencekiackingaitaseniors&ho î~ ana aI deçen veorles Pîsase ~4lPlY at peit fi me, raquires dilid- 380 Sherin tir. Oakvilie csmariddomeatichetp. FIOxibIO, 68-1<Whr, re- MEDICAL SECAETARY FULL liME cetpta. Cd Usa ta dis- Expedariced'Organrzod for busy surgeon ai- cuas.905-332-6904 fias. Madical Temiinology/Computor OHIP Di- inglSfrarig Communication SidIta essentiai. Fax resume sort caver leitar.906-875-3135. (by Sool.23.19091 ACCOUNTING POSITIONS Chsrtered Accounfamt umd C.A. FInaIlst As a result of continued grawth, anar Mississauga office is looking for a recentty qualified Chartered Accountarut and s CA. Finaliot experienced in ovener- managed bonsinesses. The succensful candidates will ho team playera witb strang organizatianal and communication okilîs. Ail applicants should have experience with a Canadian Chartered Accaunting firm. Knawledge aI' Caseware and TaxPrep wauld be s detinute asset. Please nend or fax your renume ta: EDO Dumwoody LLP Charteredi Accountants 4255 Sherwoodtowme EhL Mlsalsasuga, Oratarlo L4Z lYS Attemtlom: Kals Aziz, C.A. Fax: (905) 270-7915 (No telephome cails pIssas) jBDO flved slone..ian't you deserve ta have sanie- crie speclal In ycur lite? Cali Mlsty River mIro- ductions. Torantas Ire- ditional matchmaker (416)777-6302. RIDE NEEDW ta Mo- 160 k, 55 ta 0000. Runs veelI. Cail 906454-0867 after6:OOp.m. orleave a message 1995 JEEP Gr Choro- koe VS. MInI condition. Loaded. Orie caner. Complote service record Dciii buy a 4x4 untit you seo tata beau- Cefl:416- CARS tram $500. Govemment salzed arid surplua. Scid locafly, cal for fistinga. 1400- 997-0727 Ext. 30. i Mochanical Engineering Tecbnologlst Budinglon based pump manufacturer isquires camer odenled Individual wita ai sdn- calion and background in mechanicat en8inserinç ta assisl n aur day la day engineering and manutacturing operalions. aties wilt inctude aude valety aI bouc- lions ioctuding drafling, project engineering, production engineering, OA, bards-on pump service, customer service and support. Snccessfuf candidate ait t ho a grad- uaIs trore a cotîspo Engineering pragrani (Min. 3ysars) with knowledgs and espen- ence n CAO systens and machine sbop practices. Candidates must demonstrals gond communication sort orgenizalion skiffs and ho prsparsd 10 sorle 10 a dynaniic and diverse environmerrt. Ssnd renoms lu AllA Parts md ServIce j 5370 Muera Cd, BurInates, ON LiL SMO Fax: (905) 333-0073

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