32-lb. Canadien Champion, Friday, Septaniber 17, 199M I - -" - h1ave you been a Career Volunteert If o, 0mw-le Match of Niame offers fie perfect opporlratity t0 continue yosr Inteests an nervng te conmuuit Wr are looldng for nulgoime idividuala reho bmaiphjerience wortdng wit volantrers, are otganied, and alto have excellent cm*nnnticallun Smdl. Seff-otarers are required front aid Septernier to Marcit 15, 2000 onsa paid coîui hsista bimpiement out annuai, reaidestial fandtaising campaies Ifwemppleew orward your restume os non as posaible t0: Box 2329 et the Canadien Champion 191 Main St., Milton L9T 4N9 EUONTRI LA "CHIf M DES DIX SOUS Wb20OF DME DE LCNTAWI lmhqp x~ion k e Ali , eM fo," baÈ MEDIAEXPRESS CUSTOMER CONTACT CENTIER MeellaEspras, Canadas teading tae-ýservice agency, is currently biring toleprafessionals ta Sraomote services aven the phoane, far aur artune 500 clients. Lacated darentaren Hamiltan, Ontarioa, t.e office currently itaîss a dynamnic team af 300 employons. Yeu~ + Lookisg for a challenge; lé lnlerested by lte fieldi ut communications; " Esger lo be pari of a teare that pramotes costintious leammng and improvement; " Confident and assortie; " Possesa a slrong command of lte Englisit Waguage. w. Offe, t'eu: " A permanent job alang reitit paisi prafessianal lraininq; " A prafesslanat warking atrnaspitere; " A cameer petit pragrars: mast of aur management staff actualiy startesi as taleprofessionals " A scitalarsip program; " Accesa ta a computer lait; " Eamings up ta $16.1tr: " FulI-time and pare-lime itours; WE LOOK FORWARO TO WORKING WITH YOUI Open your dour te nere opporluellles CeIl Us Now at: (905) 527-9797 extl 143 rerere eia-expresa damn EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYERA Fleet Mainte nance Persan Requiresi for aflernoan shift. Top reages and benafits. Apply in persan: 2111 Lakeshore Road West MISSISSAUGA, Ontario WARBiEHKS POSITIONS PERMANENT PART-lIME 410/401 Fora lage progresmre cosPany. Wa value hard work, integityr ansi teanmwck We are lookng for reliable, f nom players reth aiil ho ergy levet. You hav wareiausing ar iene, e. hpphng. receiving, aid/or ordir nele- hion. Lift truck experienco reouki bu a clefirrite anset. Steling wsge rate le $12.98. Ouaffed candidates are invited ta FAX( a resiene ta: 905-584-7582. Afun: Human Rsources FUTUIESS INSTRUCTOR m.dd * Pli Hours Fltnesa relatesi courses necessary. Cali for interview (905) 844-1610 The Gym Hautilus Sporta/Medîcal 11iLakosharS Rd.W e OaWvlI SHIPPER/RECEIVERI WAREHOUSE PERSON FulI-tima Position " Min. 2yrs exp flfifhtOJDL8t * Muat have forklift certification. " Somne heavy lifting requiresi- Forward resume te: The Manager P.O. Box488, Gauleî, M., L&J SAS Fax (905) 827-6140 m - - , THE COMMUNITY CARE ACCESS %CENTR E (CCAC) 0F HALTON ccc The Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) of Halton seeko a number of highiy skilied, motivated and client oriented individuals ta jin their team as Casa Managers <Fuiktime Day, Fuil-time Evening <2-1Opm). Regular Part-tme Weekends; and Casual Relief). To be considered you must be iicensed to practice in the Province of Ontario, posseos a Bachelor of Science in a heaith-related discipline plus have 1 to 3 years' community experience, or the equivaient in education and experience. Fiuency in another language, in addition to Engiish, is a definite assef. You evili: *determine eligibîiity and asseos needs of clients *arrange for and ensure co-ordinated service deiivery to clients *act as a liaison for the program wvith various community servicelagencies/professionals *provide continued evaluation to determine ongoing needs and appropriate use of services *arrange and/or participate in staff and agency meetings *other reiated duties as reciuired To be considered for any of the above opportunities, please forward your resumne by September 27, 1999, to: JOIN aur cteaning staff Pull and part Uime posi- Attention: Wandr fions avadeable. Monday 440 Elizabeth Stre< titraugi Fnday affer Fax: (905) 639-532 4:00 p.m. Light andi Note: Although heavy duty dleaning applicentu ur fadas. Fax resume ta M E imdse Sunsitine Building rm ae Maintenance (905) 335- Y Matura part'ta tati 6006 or complete appt- Urne stock persan. Re- catian at your local bu- sponsibla for bandiinp man resaurce centre, andi distributiflg induatn- 310 Main St. E. ai gioves throughout lo- __________(ci plant. Please fax ne- LANDSCAPE Main- sumve ta 905-560-9616 tenance/ Construction or contact Unda et 905- Company raquiras mit-m 56o-9394. able labourets imme- dlately far Miton/isais- TUESDAY ta Saturday sauge area PMesse oeil attemoon dispatcher ra- <587-85 or qluirasi for Maillon ara 9416)85-0680 trnsor Company. M6)9840640. tExclatkwide0 LOCAL engineering CadandUlo- cornpany irnmediately fions, muai bu able ta raquines e Generel La- shunt trailara In yard, bourer ta Perfor ma- tare matar anddoex- chine sitop duties. Muai perlnce. We ara lonok- bave experienc in tn for lte foitawing reelcting and machlning. sulla. excellant comme- Send resurne ta: Bot nications, problam atv Enonsenrng Lld. 7393 insil, uealtya Twias Rced Campbtell- wadidpnetyas villa, Ont., LOPi BO Afin: computerepnne G aaryBo. _ ýa ta commensu- MATURE part Urne belp rta wtit expetience. reantesi. Apply reith re- Fax resume ta 905- semae ta San Diego 693-0025. Gifla, Milton Mail. Sea vrrO'S Pizza. Driv- manager. er/kitchen heip and MOHAW K Raceway counter belp noeded for Back Strelcit kitchen. day s ansi evenings. Ap- Experiencedi full lime piy wftlinta 464 Sleelas countier beip needesi. Ave. No pitane cails Phone 854-0441. please. - NOW biring exei WANTED far immediatle encesi part tiexpen- pasition. Persan for staff, experlenoasi line manefacturlng ansi re- coakal hast/bus persan. Eperig een peta Appiy in persani ta Exoeco po Crorene Hiil (formerly farrtil train. Trans- Bolamy's) et 575 On- prai n necesary) lanac St. S. ai Demi Rd. P re!age $11,00 A.B.C. alI.9583 PART lime itelp ra- 8676. quired for buay art gai- tery. Mature applicant muai have goosi colaur sense ansi an intorest in tossys decorating tronds. Some praduc- ATEuiorpart doan. Retail expeine~ lime Salespersan for an aset. Dorfans- grwng MVAC andifira- Msîgbt Gâlleries toc, place .stores. Experi- 905-875-1751. once in tuace & lire- PAFRT time telamarket- placs requiresi. In- posiion Das oly.stallation expenienco lng poiin esol.beneficial. Gond aary Flexible boums, bigit eau- ansi commiasion for lte ninga, aaypu ou rigitt persan. Fax re- plan. Expertercêre- uet87316 quiresi. P.C. stdlls aplus. sret 7-16 Milton location titan Oakvdla ine aM nsi of 1999. Fax resume itigit- ighing epanience ta LONGTERM cara tadîl-. (9586-3617. tylatote butwoen Ac- OUALITY Greens ne- ton ansi Guelpht raquiras quiras part fUne cash- s part 9»m Food SorVlc- a ira. Apply retitin. as nutrifianal manager Please sensi reaume ta: REUIABLE labourera Box 2444, c/o The Inde- fan lumbur mut in Actan. pnet 1 varn Able ta watt in a fast AeGigtrn pacesi enviraroarint. L7G 4X5. Saine lifting invalvesi. Training pravidesi. Fuît WANTED-Special lime sisys ansi affer- nee"i wreafer for Hm- non available. by ara. Muai have orer $9.00/hr. Fax resumne la transpedtatiOn. Ta stat 519-853-4537. immediatel. Woendy (905)7-74 a Goslin. Human Resources Manager t.4th Floor Burlington. ON L7R 2MI 0 e Email: gosllinwiccac-halton.on.ca your reaponse is npprediafed, unly those der conaderation will be contacted. PaU Plasics Ce~eupme, a manufacturer oft Linear Lore Densily plastic tags for lte gmocery. retail and speciait carry oui markts as sait as garbage haqs for IL retail and industriai markts in Nortit Amenca has an opportenily for MACHINE OPERATORS Ileurs of Wuk: 12 ir continental shifi, Mon-Ses Rate: $ 11.37/hr Plus Shift & Weekend Premîums ltealflcatles. - Higit scitoni gradeale or lquivalent - Excellent rrtten and verbal communication shîis - Gond computer skilis - Demonstratei mecitanical aptitude & abiily *Applications accepted halween gam-3pm only. 2300 Speers Rd, ~ Oakville (Near Bronte Rd) *P UG! m ALLS PWm flAS meS xum MEDIAEXPRESS CUSTOMER CONITACT CENTER LIGENSIED LIFE INSURANCE BROKERS LocdieM in trie neisari ortuwirîanniiiti, Ontario, MedîcExpess, Canada's ieaclinp tels- service agency, is seeking licensed fle insur- ance agets, la heip sustain grawth and suc- ceso in aur lite insurance division. Working in conjuntion with METC Financiai Services, your raie reili be one of aficiialty closing an sales made by lte Teleprotessionals and occasionally assisting the custamer veitit inquiries pertaining ta lte fle insurance field. The positions n0w availabie are Foul trne r Man-Fri,9-5pm) or Part time (Mon-Fn, 5:30- :30 + Sat. 9:30-5). CeIli Now et: (905) 527-9797 extl 143 EQUAL OPPORTUNITy EMPLOYER TRY A REWARDING JOB Travel in local community providing personai care andi househoid man- agement to a variety of clients. e Benetit package a Training e 40 hrs/rek reit evenings & weekend rotations *Healtit Care Certilicates preterred HIRIO MW - MLL ASEAS 0F HAUTM .APPLY TO: 670 Appleby U, Durlagtmu, LiL 5Y1 Fax (905) 333-4554 An equal oppoftunity employer BROKERS reiti owa vehîcia reqaîred t0 sort and deliver postal proucls ite Oakville area, FuItlime M-F fia stait Cail Rhanda A. 1.3S. Ceuniers (905) 337-8234 TRANSPIIATIOU cx., 403/ Deodas area, requires FULLTIME: Dock Superviser wilh L.T.L. experience Jr. Dispatcher We ofler eoc. benelts. Saiary commensurale with. axperierice. Resames ta: Box 6199 c/o Oakvilie Beaver, 467 Speers, Oakeille. ON L6K 3S4 Courier Driver/Brokers One of Canada's tastest growing comparues as seen in PROFIT MAGAZINE, os looking for fui- trne drivers with own van, minivan or dock level truck (tailgate an asset), ta join aur team. At DEC we are natyour typical "A to 8" delivery compa- ny.DEC is a technologically advanced, feul ser- vice, fogistics company with a strong focus on customer service. An excellent career opportuni- ý for those who thiya in a challenging and ynamic environment. Part-lime positions also available. DOECSnr sai xpes1-800-263-5185 CONTROLLER Lecatige- kelI.te <Aiqiub Urn). Growiing cons. pactaged gonds company reqaîres a detail oriented individuai ta assuma lte dalles ut company controler. The idvidual reili be expecled 10 compiete lte monthfy tinancial reporting reqairements, manage io. leveis, administer accounts payable/ recaivahies and prepare monthiy and yeariy oparating budgets. Strong computer skif ix ie. spredsheets, presenta- tions, Windows, Excel, Word, Powerpaint, AccPac, Quiclacheque, EasyPay, etc. CA or CGA designalion atong witit expenience in a consumer packaged goods envirooment is preterred Compensation pkg. rel ta geared ta applicantés qualifications and experience. Ony ap licants considered for position wiil ha contact Please fax resumne eang with saiary expectations in confidence ta: Mr. RIok Gaxila- Parteier MAcCaughey Consumer Products Mgt. Inc. fax # (905)-357-3851 i i ie i i hàeIpfi 1 L Heip Desk Technoiogy Corporation ix North Aers ateatog g pr ati deelpe aort be' dealstare applicans. eOur clients nde ortunre 500lictomns, hclits, innclate inttutions, commni-s catonitas, ail brncstithe ameuni farces gans The Exeches office 0f te Poresdn an Te EUie Ofte Locate on the border between Oaka. and Miss. " Visual Basic Programmera (/Analyst$) " Software Engîneer *Receptionlat *Customer Service Representatives For detals on positon requiremenfa and application procedure, please visit: WWW.helpdesk-i.com r Longferm cane faciiify located botween Acton and Guel ph requires a Parttime Food Services Nutritional Manager Please send resume ta: Box 2444 C/O The Independent, 211 Armstrong Ave., Georgetown, ON L7G 4X5 of CNC; equlpment requiresa CONrMOLLER OMA designation with 3 t8 5 years af exprience in a machinery manulacluring environment preterred. f ndi- viduai wiil ha responsible for monlhly financiats, pre- paration of annuai budgets, mont>i cash tiaws and expense analysis. The candidate eili aisn be respon- subie la initiale processes ta contrai service and in- stallation revenues. Demonslrated computer skilis in an accounling package and MS Office a requirement. Please fax resuime ta:(9O5> 634-4966 AXYZ Automation Inc. 5330 Southt Service Rd., Bunlinglee, On L7L 511 1 1 i a Warehouse Workers Retail Sales SecretarialICierical Theae are a amail aample of theo joba avaitabte through JOB CONNECT Call the Hothixe: Milton: 878-4956 r r .>Sfarf lmmediafely GAS FIREPLACE INSTALLER/ SERVICE Union Energy co. reqaires FULL-TIME experienced Installer. tGs ireplace exp.) Must have vaiid G2 lic. & dlean driving record. Tools & veti. suppiied. To p Wages. Ph: (905) flg44SSor Fax: (905) su-lffs Attention: Donna EXPIERIENCED lapai secretst eue a mcaty for lare office speciaizing in rest es- tata, corporate and as- tata lare. Laing for an argantzed, indapend- ent, responisible person wlth a sense of humor and able ta watt as a team playar. Must have a goad phone marner, omkyrneo odn WtndoWs98. Fax or mal rasuma ta: Lamne Greanwaad 62 Main St. E. Milton, L9T 1 N3. Fax 905-693-1304. PART Urne office clar et. Cashway Distribution Centra, Hailan Hif s. To rorf 2030hrs/wek. Shotuai LI arganizei, computer Materate Wetit excellent math skiffs. ti- terested applicanta atiautd fax reaume afin: Zof la Eltis 0905-876- 9993 by sept. 24,1999. PART Urne recepit required Mon.-Fri. ap- proximately 20 hrs. a week for a Mikon office. Expenenced in genera office dettes. Must have computer experience and a good telephone manner. Please fax re- sume ta 905-875-2345, Afin. Shirley. CHILD cars. Full and part lime places avaîl- able. Sams Shemrt ares. Cati Carron at 878- 6376. CHILDCARE opening available. toddiera reel- coma. 876-4415. DAY nannie needed. Laoking forsa mature persan to pravide cars in our home for 2-1/2 year oid, Manday - Fri- day fromn 8:00 ar..- 6:00 p.m. Ught house- keeping and meal pro- parafion wei be re- quired. Occasional eveninga and over- ni g ts may be request- ed. Persan muai have own transportation and be able ta provide aur child wiih a atimulating day futl of love, fun and cara. Please cali Cary 0 854-2005 evenings and weekends only please. NANNIE or private home care requlred for Darsai Park ara. Cai 693-1434 leave a mes- sage. RAINBOW VILLAGE DAYCARE accepting Ser tember enrollment. FultUrs. childcare for childran 18 months - 5 years. 878-7552. 1