a---- embehr1T, 9931 7GARAGE SALE SATURDAY SEPT. 18 SUNDAY SEPT. 19 8014 APPLEBY LINE MILTON gA.M.-2P.M. Computera, stereos. baby dlothas, toys, swingsaf, guifara, drums, etc. GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, SEPT. 118 7A.M.-NOON 8553 WALKERS LINE CAMPBELLVILLE (JUST SOUTH 0F 401) GIANT GARAGE SALE 6521 GLENFERN AVE (FOLLOW TH-E SIGNS FROM GUELPH LINE & DERRY ROAD) 'ITS WORTH THE DRIVE TO KiLBRIDEI" SATURDAY S EPT. 18 8A.M.-PM. Too good f0 miss. GIANT YARD SALE (KATIIY'S BOMBONIERE & GIFTS) 5153 FIRST UNE MILTON SEPTEMBER 18 & 19 lOkAM.-8R.M. NEW crystat, ceramnios, dinner sets, cut- tery sets, giftwara, etc. Prlces afarting et $1.00 and up. NUGE MULTI-FAMILY GARAGE SALE SATURDAY SEPT. 18 ( Rain date is Sait Sept. 25) SOUTHCOTr DRIVE MILTON <4T11 UNE-STI SIDEROAD) 8A.M. -lor 2 Something for everyona indluding cotiectabtes, househotd and chitdrens litemrs, part of Barbie collection and ton many more f0i tiaf. MOVING SALE 5168 8TN-UNE MILTON SATURDAY SEPT. 18 8A.M. Large tumiture (ie. wstarbed), eiectric hatr, sporting equipmant, etc. jae t PATH C IAN T GARAGE SALE SATURDAVI SEPIEMIER 18, 199 8:00 amn te 3:00 Pm 33? Ontareo$t. S. <11ea1l Tuha. Se"i) DONATIONS FRON OVER 25 FAI1LIES! Donations of items sccepted Cali Rens Smith if 875-2575 Fsmily Enrichment Services Friliv Euehlabe fo saleu NULTI-FAMILY OAAE SALE September 1 Sth, 1999 8:00 arn - 12:00 prn 560 & 564 Laurier Ave. Toys, books, clothes... goodies galorel plus CAR WASII Please corne support usli Canadîan Tire Parking Lot 10:00 arn - 3:00 prn *A/I proceeds for BOTH avents wlI go towards t/se Dance El/te compati- t/va teams. GARAGE SALE 62 MILES ST. 8A.M. SATURDAY, SEPT. 18 Somefhig for everyonet GARAGE SALE 433 IGDE DRIVE SATURDAY, SEPT. 18 8A.M1AP.M. Fumniture, diafes, bookas, foots, etc. 143 TREMAINE RD. MILTON HEIGHTS SATURDAY SEPT. 18 8A.M.-2P.M. Radiat arra eaw, mitre compoundc eaw, miacat- lanious foots, new craîf a, etc. Something for everyone. Ramn or Shine. GARAGE SALE 259 PARKWAY DRIVE SATURDAY, SEPT. 18 8A.M-2P.M Househaîri items, brasa coffse table, tools, etc. GARAGE SALE 3 GENERATIONS 0F JUNK WORLD GEMS 128 WILSON DRIVE FRIDAY SEPT. 17TH, 4R.M.-8P.M. SATURDAY SEPT. 18111, 8A.U (Saturday if there la anything latt.) 5 FAMILY GARAGE SALE SATURDAY SEPT. 18 9A.M.-2.M. 5 SIDEROAD EAST 0F 25, TURN RIGHT AT MANSEWOOO ROAD, ITS #8714. Something for ALL AGES. YARD SALE & BAKE SALE SATURDAY SEPT. 18TH1 8A.M -12R.M 40 ONTARIO STREET SOUTH BRUCE APARTMENT SENIORS SOCIAL CLUB MULfl FAMILY YARD SALE <more famlles and more selectonl) SATURDAY SEPT. 18 7530 6711 UNE, SOUTH11 0F STEELES 8A.M.-2PM. NONRBY (RAIN OR SHINE) Fumiture, housefiotd items, foots, toys, antiquea .... if you came before, corne again there la plenfy of new Rtems. NEIGHBOURHOOD GARAGE SALE SATURDAY SEPT1 301IWNEEUNAN WAY 1775PARKVIEWI CAMPBELLVILLE 9A.M. Badroomn fumiture, baby items, fyec IMM F s Faimlly Fun Form P c C RASPBERRIES t e R 0 E r S e w RA 0 r Raspberry Cider, Cut Your Own Flowers:a lia t Dahlias, Zinnias, Sunflowers, Gladiolus. S 0Fworo1 zrs*_1ý Elderberries, Super Sweet Corn, Froenus Fruit, Apples, FARM WINERY I F RM W NERY en un Ask MM TM, Wàdmb 0 ùfyRruBSFree Hay Rides, nom Playground, Com Maze IR"Pý*q & Animal Corral. SuS rri st North of 401 on Hwy #25. Drive east on #1 ANDREWS SCENIC ACRES rvIILTON - (905) 878-5807 When plarirliriq your CRAFT 5ALE, dolli't forqet to acivertii5c iri the clabbifiedb. ut FREE kittena for good home. Cati Leslie et 905-33 2147 after 6:00p.m. FALL training for new voluntagr. Faft freinir prograra for new voiuntears for the North Haito Ditress & Information Centre wttl begin on Wa nesday, Octobar 6,1999 at 7:00 pm. For more info mation sud application forma, plaise cai (905) 8T' 1211. Appîicants muet basft liait 18. KELSO Cteaning Co. Commercial & Residen- liali s seekîng joba ot any kind, any aize. Nothing ix refuaed. We ara profeasionais, top ýuality la gusrantead. atKthy af 905-693- 9953 quired af RAM Lighfing. Appty f0 289 Alliance Rd. 878-0777. Miton. CASH Crop/ Sead Es- tablishment raquires an experienced oparafor. Experienca with grow- ing seed heipfui, spray- ar knowiedga andi record keeping an as- set. Locafed in ftha Campbaiiviile area, competitive houriy wa9- as, otter invoivement in worc scfieduiing. Phone 905-854-9957. COUNTER heip ra- quired fut iUtme sud part fîme for shifts Monday f0 Firlday f rom 3-11PM. Piease phone 878-9399 or appiy in person i Coffeetime Donuts, 405 Martin Street, Million. CUSTOMS broker re- quired. Computer skails s must. P art fîme. Pisasa tas resumne f0 Steve af 519-853-4172. DRIVERS requlred im- medisteiy. Oustificg- fions: Vald drivera tic., dlear driving record, reail- able transportation. Contact Yard Manager for application: Toronto Auto Auctions 8277 Lawson Rd., Milton L9T- 5C7, 1-800-667-4656. ext 361 DRIVERS wsnted. Ap- piy in person f0 2 4 1 Pizza, 525 Ontario St., Southi, Miton._ EXPERIENCED cashier wantad. Muai be de- pendable and cour- teous. Appiy f0 Paf ro Canada, 5 Main St.E, Miton. FULLTIME day or sltar- noon shiff mevtle at busy wood working shop. No exparine neossry. Reilabie hard workera need ordy apply to 9Academy Rd., Georgetown. 877-6757. GARDEN cantar assis- tant manager. Full time position. Appty in par- son wifh resumne f0, Lingholm Nursery' 6711 Highwsy 25 Mit- ton. GENERAL labourer. Local scrap metsi pro- Icassîng company bas s tuti-fime position for the foifowing: matai sorting, torching. Good organi- zational skifs sud phys- ical sbiiity la an assef. You must be able f0i work watt wifh oChers as wef as on your own. Plaise datliver your ap- plications in person bat- ween 4:00P3M-6:00PM Sept. 20-Sept.27 f0 9620 Guelph Lina, Campbettvif e Ont, 1 mite north of Hlghwsy 401. HEALTII food store in Milton now sccepting 3-resumes for tire fdilow- Iing positions: manager, fit & p/f staff. Manager position requirea previ- oua ratait management 'g experienos or ratait n _hath store aies ex- r- penienca. Fax resume f0 T.905-878-«89 SECURITY GUARDS REOUIRED For Milton locations. Foul lime and part time. Must be 18 years old. Excellent benefits. Starting rate ix $7.SOItlour. Suitable for grade 12 or 13 students. For interview cati (905)876-5200 between 9A.M-3RM. Monday to Friday. WAREHOUSE POSITON Importer & wholesaler of European Skin Care Producta la aeecing responsible, energatic & dependlable individua f0bcmeprof our fast growing business. The ideal candidate has experience in inventory controt, order proceas- ingstok repratonand generat warehouse les a elaabenng an extremety retiabte and hardworking individual. Please send your resume f0: SL-SPECIAL LABORATORIES LMD. FAX:905-876-3729 THE GREAT CANADIAN BAGEL Momlng day shift. Fuît and part time positions available.Kitchen, custonler service or bakery Experienca would be ideal. Witt train mature individual wltfi a 'great attitude' who lovex bageis. Resume f0 500 Laurier Ave. Milton. 693-082 Greg. SUPER ' VIDEO Full time tietp required. Appty 'inperaon ISaturday Sept. 18 between 12P.M.and2P.M. Super A Videa, 550 Ontario S. Mitton TORONTO AUTO AUCTIONS REQUIRES CUSTOMER SERVICEITELEMARKETING Fuît Uime position avaitabte for an experienced person with excellent interpersonal skifas, abiti- ty f0i taam quicdy, good typlngand aome com- puter expartenos an asaet. Please tetephone 905-275-30 or fax resumne f0 attention of: Joan Gitmour 905-875-2910. No Totephons Calls on Tusdmys GENERAL LABOURER Required immediately for a manufacturing f adI- itn Milton. Previousa eerenos an asaet. afet shoes and t-igh chool Dipioma re- qulred. We oer s ood starting rate, dlean en- vlmonment, and tra tg for the right individua. Reaumne f0: The Caadien Champion, 191 Main Sf. E., Box 2330, Million, ON. L9T 4N9.. Now hiring part-timre evening and weekends. Mature applicants wetcorne. Appty in person to: 420 Main St. East Milton RURAL CARRIERS WANTED To insert and deliver paper and fly- ers in rural aras around Milton. Tuesday and Fndcay. Caît Krithia Truernan at (905) 634-1710 Milton Warehouse be a immediate enng fr Fr/PT WAIT STAFF <exp. preferred) PT COOKS Cai fo arrange for an interview or drop by with a resume to: 525 Ontario St. Springridge Farm Exciting Fait Job Opportunitics Cail 878-4908, 9-5 for an application. BakerylCafé Cashiers Fuilt ime until Christmas, 9-5 School Tour Guides September and Oct. Weekdaya, 9-3 Birthday Party Hostesses Weckenda untit Christmau, 9-5 Special Evemts Staff October Weekends, 10-5 Blue Beacon Truck Wash is now hiring. futItime 8 arn - 4 pm and part tima 4 pm - 12 pm. The successfut appticants must flexible and able to work weekends. Wattl pay Up f0 $9.00 par hour with incentives. Pleasa apply in parson at 40 Chisholm Drive. No phone catis please. Our Canadian Distnibution Centre îs currently seeking reliable and hardworkîng individuals as FULL-TIME SEASONAL (Sept-Dec) MATERIAL HANDLERS Candidates witt be responsible for untoading or loading tnrucks, bin- ning, order fitting, packing, shipping and receiving, and other generat warehouse duties. Sorne lifting is required. Positions are availabte on att three shiffs. You witt eam $11 .00 per hours plus store discounts. Ptease fax resurne f0: (905) 814-1143 or appîy In par- son at: Venator Group Canada Ino. 505 Industriel Drive, Milton, Ontario, L9IT 5A5 BUFFALO TRANSPORT haa immediate openings for 10 OWNER OPERATORS and 5 COMPANY DRIVERS To fil positions in a LOCAL DEDICATED CONTRACT OPERATION. Based in Toronto, the trucks witt be opcrating primarity within a 50 mitle radius of thc GTA. Wc are offering incentives to hire the rigbt individuats for the job! Weetdy psy, Benefit Programs, Company Paid Insurance and the opportunity to eam good moncy and tic home every night. Cail Pate Pedersan @ 1-8010-824-3360 or 905-971-0652 slas "B or "E" Welcome, ~~OMPETAWlt Train COPTtVE WAGES WtTH A PERSONAL TOUCH 1ATTRIBE J4 TRANSPORTATION ERVtCING MI LTON, OAKVILLE AND SURROUNDING AREAS CALL 1-888-749-1515 LET US STEER YOU IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION Progressive automaferi insurance brokerage seering a Personal Insurance Data Entry Techuical Assist. The succesxtut candidate muxi poxsesx excellent word processiog capabilities and good communica- ftion xkilix. Word 6.0 experience ix definifeiy an axsei. Please respond by fax: (905) 847-6613 or in writing f0 Halton-Caird Insurance 2370 Wyecroft Rd.. Oakvif te, ON L6L 6M1