Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Sep 1999, p. 30

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30-The Canadien Champion, Friday, September 17,1999* Classified CLASSIFIED HOUES MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 4/Wîestonesç See Today's Champion for our new "Mile.etones" section. To Depariment at 875-3300. AkikRliîVDZADV MIDTlWrAV "Omnagh Preabyteriai iag tas lîlat An U*~W.L#IOIl& Sptember li1lt Dedicated to meeting your needs since 1953 prehrwill be the R - ilmsc will bepr 1QuartaI. A light lunlcl came"» 9Oth Birthday of Hilda Freak, an OPEN HOUSE is heing held on September 19th, 1999 at Milton Legirn lrrîm 2 pmn to 4 pm. Beit iuhea ~SUSAN ANTON.CK aWMay Septemr 1997. FJ(A(~>IA MT f popwe love are stolen frmus MARfN- Rick and Janet (mee Drennan) and big brother Haiden are fhritled ta annaunce lhe birth ai Gareth Findi.y, weighîng 8 tiis., 12.5 az. et TavU Tfagr Haspital an epmbr l, 19 (bor Day was apprapriate). An extended wel- corne by bath Marin and Drennan families Wbt special lianks ta Dr. Marraw and the O.B. staff for their suot and care. McCANN - David and Cindy ai Milaon are proud ta announce the birth ai a baby brother for Jessica. John-Davld Cecil McCann, weighing 8 lbs., 6 oz. bom et Georgetawn, Districti Memoniai H-ospital on Wednesday September 1, 1999. A seal thak you ta family, friands. hos- ' tai staff and Dr. Gunaratnam, and Dr. asette for liair support. -3 -esc -ah n ovlQeee itnDsrc rLAMB, Arthur- Aged 87 yeers, formeriy af e 1n orOee, iMlnDarc Hospitalon Monday September 13, 1999, Mr. Arthur Lamb of Milton. Desry loveci husbend af over 60 yeers aI Lillien Lamb (nee:Breen). Deeply moumed by his children Bruce of Georgetown, Louise and har huaband Slave Prevosi ai Milon, Gordon and his wife Dm1i ai Georgetown. Beloved Grendifalier ai Sharon and her husband David Poirier, Michael Lamb, Metthew, Shannon, and Jordan Prevcet, and Mitchell Lamb. Ail M. rellred from Air Canada, and mas pest riscent and an honorary lite member of the achine Curling Club. Art mes a member ai the Gavemor Generara Curing Club (1991), and mes inducte i nIa the Canadien Curiiag Hall of Fame la 1979. Cremnalon has taken place. A memoriet service wttl ho held on Saturday September 18,1999 ai St. Pauls United Church (123 Main ST. E, Milaon ON L9T 1 NS) et 2 PM. A reception wilI follow la the church hall. AIl f ienda, neighbours, sud curiing cronies are welcome. Atithe fami- lies request, la lieu af flowers, donations may ho made lai lie Milon District Hospital, St. Peuls Church, or lie Canadien Red Cross. Arrangementa entrusted la lie J. Scott Eariy Funerel Home (9>5878-2669. REMEMBRANCES in the form of donations to Flevevftir al occasions The Milton District Hospital 481 Lauuir Ave., 878-2881- 1 Foundation are appreciated., In laving memory ai aur son Chriatopher Grant Bunting. Ifs been ana year since you suddenly passed Mway. On this day September 17 yaur brother Kevin, your fiance Adele, ait y aur aunta, uncies, cousins, narna and papa, Randy and lie group af nine, and friands alang wi thcee who were blesseci wili yaur love and tauch wili ceiebrate yaur Ide. Vour soul witi farever shine and give us hape liai we wiil meet again. Vaur lire and passion for Ide during the 23 years you gave, widl always inspire us. There es not a day liat gaes by liai you are nat in aur hearta. Love Mom, Dad, Kevin and Aiee. I'm home tram my wlnter vacation et Milto'h's five star Hoapital. Heartielt thsnks ta Med.-Surq. staff for qualhty care and raom services; Physia Department for lhir recreationa activi.ies and cantinuing exer- cise program; Houaekeeping and Food Seviesfor dleantineas and great ciie Alliough 1 retumed home minusea tan l'm feel- ing greatl My gratitude ta Dres Hobart, Hui, Marchetti and Tooming in Milton. Also Drs Waddell, Hutchinson and ErraIt et St. Mikes Orliapedic and Cerdialagy Departmanta. Sincere lianka ta f rienda, neighbours and rels- tives for carda, liawers and dedicaec visita. Spectat lienka ta St. George's Church for liair pravers, Tony Graci, Brian and Leanne Mauro and Sheila Buck foi devoted service. God Bleu Ail 0f You Don Brethet iChurch wilI be cetabrat- niversary an Sunday, i t 11:00a.m. Th gues ev. Trevor Lewis, and spe- vded bySt. Paul's Brasa ,wlll follow. AIli are wel- "To sng fone itns t ay twtcey bause murl At se ech ai anets"e yhubn nd1w Nn e oie m teig dos ihy Bst aithes Tow ailtanu o on te egoa Mu AnLL utr persnhavo ais aant hemaer aou thg ne anuay 7,1999 beare eusi ta te spreof herwthteudesgedEe Mliedoie Date icth ta g dayofSetmr19. STEPHEN JUUUSN GEIST Biiaiyo atnr and Province 0Oars of5UU atiHn Street, Su ited n Mbot lte anr2799,Onare L9T ire 1 R fiepfThelepfw hoe 905) ine 878-468 To no eieoier (905) 878-3723 Otobr OPTUMS etre s DarI eagume rti Tue99. epeber 14li 7:45 P.M. loin aur amat and iredyfun fugsue, peevioua experience is not nec- essary. Oeil Jack for details. 878-3198. Mon., Sept. 20, 7pm ePreview 6pm 2316 Fihrvlew 8t., Rbue, Oulie (hetwee Guelph Li l Brant) Cnmprised a f 100' sof heautitai antiques tîfne fur nishisgs, caiiectahies la ta snld by pubic aucdin wilhonl reservt. Very partial listing: Faqaisîte $50,000 10pce carved Chipendais 0/R sel la ta snld la higces bidder. Beastitai l2pce mahngany chippendale D/Il set wilh Ig. carvsd china cabiret, banquet table & 8 heul & claw chairs, nalslanding lOpc french chippendale Dining sel wvith Ig china cabinet & banqut table, beaulitul 6pc trench carved hedrnom sel wth quten site 7' higit paslertied, p lus severai nîher sels of leainre qualily. Odd pcs inciade brastIfll mahngany kidney desk, carved chevel mirrar, senerai heaulifal carved parlar tables, viclarian lire side chair, nenelian mirrar, tg Roypal Danlan tigurines carin cabinet wilh cnrved glass and hand painled, carved plant stands, parcelain nases, nil painlings, carvei hall table ailth mirrar. 3pce mandie clack sel. 3pce Parlar sel, Grandlather cdock, 0rm tables, wing chairs, hall stand wilh mirrnr, niclarian etegere, pr Lnuis 151h parlar chairs, niclarian, Swan carved taain- iag sala, Gnn. Winlirap sec. desti, liffasy parinr/ lamps , Apt. size plana. Gramaphane w/large brass ham. Daes Atn Caltee and end tables, dressers, chýina caba, bric a h'rac, giasswam, china, etc .... Many items Inn sameraus la ls. Temm Ca/ Vil MC/ inlerac, appraned cheques LOST Nalde Digital Plus ceil phone. Cati Gins et 878-2244 days or 878-9810 eveniaga. GARAGE SALE SAT, SEPT 18 FROM M-P SUN. SEPT 19 FROM 1A-P 12039 STEELES AVE (CORNER 0F 8TH LINE N.) Jet pump, i.v., type- writer, chairs. books, speakers, hockey equipmeni, kilchen sel. 18 INCH Jutnbo piIIow- top Packetcai Mettres and boxspring, stiii in ptsccost $3000, sac- ri 1000 (905)567- 4042. 3 BEDRO0M towa- home in prime tocation. Becks onto park land. Wiin walking distance ai achools. Finiahed basemrent. $129500. For appointment cati 878-5181. Buy Now Don't Pey tii 2000, 0% Intereel. 16 lt. X 24 fi. a.d. rec- tanguiar above ground KykPools. lnludliag dehfencing, lier, 2 iadders, aand fiiter, p ump & motor etc. $995. 1-800-668- 7564. CARPET Carpet. 1 have saveral thousaad yards of new Stainmaa- ter and 100% nylon car- pet. I wliii cerpet y aur liv- ing roomn and h ail for $49. Price inciudas carpet, pad and installa- lion. (30 sq. yards). Steve, 905-639-2902. FREE Estimetes- Love your sofa and chairs? Hale your colours? Give Fields a catit Great Sev- ingal Sofas frore $598.. Chaire from $198. Sen- ior Discounts. Fields Custom Upholslering, 875-4427, Dally 9-9. FREE Estimates.. t wobbly chairs... weak SP g~tired lok e r1LheWe do9 ait! Custom wood relin- îshing and fumiture te- pairs. Fields Custom Fumiture, 9-9, deaily 875-4427. PIANO. Kewei, upright, malhogany finish, show raom condition, $350. Oeil 905-853-2698. SUT On lt-Don't Sit la fi Replacement foamn for cushiona. Residen- fiaI/commercial. Fields upholstery, 9-9. 7 deystweekl 875-4427. laOE or uiess to over 15,000 peole at the 1999 Milton Fait Fair September 24,25 and 26li. Indoor and out- door space availeble aI low weekend rates. (No foaod vendors pleese) Cal 878-5689 for infor- mation.

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