Protect Yourself From Carbon Monoxide We wish to draw your attention to tihe folliowing in our current "MORE THAN LOW PRICES" Flyer Page 4 of wrappe - SPACEMAtSO 1 2-CUP DBII'COFFIE-MMIOl,43oS05-n tXIPY RPAI R. 96à09, RKSAVE 1110 Ml0 M.RKlIL7,AlU"SAWE4jo We sincerety regret any incn>nvenience we noay have caused yrs. -o, 038-:,,c04L) (IBOC)-How do you protect yourself against a poison you can't see, can't smoll, and can't taste? Carbon manoxide poisoning can sneak up on you. At best, it can make you pretty sick ... at worst it can be fatal. But thore are symptoms you can watch out for or, botter yet there are ways ta reduce the odds you'll be exposed ta carbon monoxide in the first place. At home, carbon monoxide is pro- duced naturally through your f ur- nace operation. Small amounts of this gas won't harm you, and will exit the home through normal ventilation. What yau want ta avoid is a buildup I :OOpm - 3:OOpm Sunday September i 9th I :OOpm - 3:OOpm .4 Bedroorn Townhouse. Renl 1 or 2 rons out aad pay 3 Bedrom Bungalow with garage. New Kotchea - Air mach les thon rent coaditionng - Fianhed Basement with 2nd Kitchen NEW PRICE $133,900 *MODESTLY PRICED AT $200.900 ALSO FOR SALE Just Listed Reduced .3 Bedroom Condominiumo Aparrment - . New Kitchen - Air .4 Bedroom Townhoate wtth garage. Utc of awtmtmng Coaditioning - Central Location in downtown Milton Pool and Tenaist ent oat 02 torooms aad pay lest than rent ASKING ONLY $153.900 New ASKING $13M"90 COMMERCIAL FOR LEASE CARRIAGE SQUARE We bave a variety of spaces available in tbis prime downtown location! MAIN FLOOR RETAIL.. Front 920 sq. fI. to 5,200 sq. fI. Atkiag $5.50 per square foot miaimam malt. PROFESSIONAL OFFICES.. Fromt 320 tq. fI. 10 2,000 + sq. fi. Compelitive rates. Cali Jim or Lorraine Kerr at (905) 876-0407 for more details. of this gas, especial- ly because you can't be sure you're breathing it. Do ail you can ta lot car- bon monoxide make the great escape. e That means keep- ing your chimney clear, sa the gas has some way ta leave the home. eIt means keeping your furnace in a gaod state of repair, poorly main- tained furnaces dan't allow enough air for full combus- tion, which pro- duces higher levels of carbon monax- ide. e bt means flot seal- ing your homne like a jar of preserves during the winter. There's nothing wrong with being energy efficient but you still need some air circulation. rFaLla TUNE-UP.- SPECIAL Cati the professomal for your FEMTUZM $, WÇÇP Ot4TO PACKMU Cali: 878-4999 Wn oaa ooly Govemmenl Cerhfed Pradacla "1DEDICA TED TO MILTON e CAMPBELL VILLE e BROOK VILLE" OBie Cirle MATERJLS e Vour car also gen- erates carbon monoxide. If you leave it idling with windows open, you could also be let- ting in high amounts of this poi- son. Then, when you roll the win- dows back up, the gas has nowhere to go. eThough you can't tell if carbon monoxide is in the air, you wiIl start to notice some symp- toms of carban monoxidte poison- ing: headaches, a tight forehead, dizziness and nau- sea, a loss of mus- cular contrai, and watery or smarting oyos. e Those conditions can always be symptoms of another kind of ili- ness. But if you feel any of them, get some fresh air by opening windows or doars or by stop- ping outside. If car- bon monoxide was the problem, the symptoms should cloar up. BLOCK DIVISION R.R., #5 Sigle Rîtaîl Milton, Ontario,, L9T 2X7 Located on 5'1 Side Road (Camplieliville Road) East of Hwy #25 on the north aide. Blue Circle Materiala (Formerly TCG Materiala Lisniîed) is now delighted to offer the general public thse foliowing aggregate producta available F.O.B. our Milton yard: e Brick Sand e Concrete Sand * 3/4 (20 mm) Clear Crushed atone e Fine & Coarse Screenings Also auppliera of Concrete Block and Maaonry Bag Cementa. Pleaae cali our diapatch office to place your order: (905) 875-3690, 1-800-6684805 7429 5TH LINE At East End ofManS 876-41OO HOURS: Closd Mond.y. Tues.-Sat. 7am-6pm. Sun. 1lOem-Spm ~rseiy ~ i/A -w oe- BAUD il -~ il