18 - The Canadien Champion, Frday, September 17, 1999 55 Ontario St.. N.. Milton (905) 878-697 War m smile fronts serjous intent By IRENE GENTLE The Champion Don't lt the smile fool you. The new Milton Fail Fair ambassador may look as hospitable as a hot fire on a cold night but the 17- year-old carnies around a serious streak about the Photo By GRAHAM PAINE rlence wlth rural lfe Into her duties as the 1999-2000 Milton Fait Fair Ambaaeador. size of the Ottawa River. It cornes out in ber placement on the Milton District High Scbool honour roll for tbe past tbree years running. It cornes ont in ber clear- eyed knowledge of agricultural issues. And it cornes out especially in Carnie Roberts' career choice. The lass wbo will be donning a saab and crown at the September 24-26 fair bas a yen to be a pathologiat. It is a choice that bas inspired some people to scratch their heads in bewilderment. "Tbey're like 'pathology, bub. Wbat is that?"'. sbe said. Carrie's initial cancer aspira- tion was more in line witb ber work as tbe fair ambassador - sbe wanted to be a veterinarian. Growing up in the country bas given Camre an education in tbe agricultural bistory that belped build Milton. 'mn more of a country per- son tban a town person," she said. "You know, you bave country kids and town kids." But it is an education many people bave miissed out on. Take, for instance, cows. "Sorne people will say 'Angus, Jersey, wbat, it's a cow,"' sbe said. "Tbere's a lot of ignorance. Tbey don't know any better." As a six-year member of Milton's 4-H club, Carnie understands the bard work that goes on bebind the scenes of events like the Faîl Fair. But this is the first tirne sbe's been so cIosely involved in one. "I love meeting people and 1 love fairs and I get to be a part of one,' she said. Carnie vied for tbe sasb in Georgetown wben sbte first got tbe bankering to bave a go at the asnbassador's role. Wben tbat didn't pan ont, site entered and won a tbree-way competition to succeed former ambassador Ember Jobnstone in Milton. Her duties now include being eee GOALS on page 23 *Dine In e Take Out 875-3222 Open Daily at 8:00 arn v-',1 1.MUR.a Enjoy 100% Soke Free Dining Now Lîcensed LLBO THANK- 'YOU MLTON! Thank You to everyone who came out to celebrate our 1 st Anniversary last Saturday. The day was an ovewhelming success! A special thank you to our friends who stopped by with their Classic Cars. Thanks again!1 Dan, Mary, Frank & ail the Wimpy's Famlly Now you've tried our burgers why flot try our steaks? Great Deals Every Day ... vlïlexl NOW LI st ea o ICENSED 1-1-13 Every Thursday IPRI-M RIE11 999We 1.52.5 Ontario St. Mil6ton 875-32221