Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Sep 1999, p. 24

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24-The CanadIen Champion, Tuesduy, September 14, 1999 I1 RASPBERRIES Raspberry Cîder, Cul Vour Own Flowers: Dahlias, Zinnias, Sunflomers, Gladiolus. Elderberries, Super Sweet Corn, Frozen Fruit, Apples, FARM WINERY Ask MM WCbM T Mo -1111111 a . .0m Oot Dogs - Pop - Coffee - Muffins etc will be available for sale * ATH GARAGE SALE SATIJRDAV, SEPIITIMBER 18, 1999 8:00 am te 3:00 Pm 337 Ountario$S#. S. leelde tIlilum Suhuul DONATIONS FRON OVER 25 FAMILIESI Donations of items accepted Cui Runa Smith uit 875-2575 Famity Enrichmenl Services Fbmill Endrehment Services Fuil lime Day & Ntght Position avail- able startîng immediately. Personality essential, fniendly Applications available at both locations in Milton. K.-.- î7 We require a fuît time indvdual with the fol- lowing skilîs. Ability to dnive manual trans- mission vehicles, and to perforrn dlai.ly building maintenance along with vuhicle lot duties. For an interview pieuse contact: For an interview please contact Phil Clantar 878-8877 RURAL CARRIERS WANTED To insert and deliver paper and flyers n rural areas around Milton. Tuesday and Friday. Caîl Krithia Trueman at <905) 634-1710 Milton Warehouse FO IMMI A PLACEMENT Energetic peule wtro like a fast paced leamn-orienled work envirasmenl are needed for greal apporlunity. $10- $11. / HOUR Milton I Oakville / Burlington Locations -Machine Operalion @Reliabie lransportation *Sleel-laed safty shoes Bring a liriend la our *lnquhrs about aur $50. referral bonus .Doael larget resume! 2 references/ void cheque/ SIN # card If you are unable ta attend, pieuse cail tali tree KEly i-888-GO-4-KELLY M1-888-464-5355 SerViCes WaIk las waolorée Springridge Farm Exciting Fuit Job Opportunities Cati 878-4908, 9-5 for un application. BakerylCafé Cashiers Fuît time until Christmas, 9-5 School Tour Guides September and Oct. Weekduys, 9-3 Birthday Party Hostesses Weekcnds untit Christmas, 9-5 Special Events Staff October.Weckends, 10-5 THE GREAT CANADIAN BAGEL Morning day shifts. Full and part time positions available. Kitchen, customer service or bakery. Experience wouid be ideal. Will train mature individual with a 'great attitude' who loves bugels. Resume to 500 Laurier Ave. Milton. 693-042 Greg. RECEPTIONIST-Major manutscturing company in Milton is looking for an esperienced reception- ist. Duties will include anuwering and distributing calîs an a Meridian Mail phase system, ordering office supplies, incoming and outgaing mail, taxes, and data estry as required. Computer okilîs in Mi- crosoft office will bu required. The succesoful can- didate will have strong interperuonal akilîs ta work with a diversified group af co-warkers and manag- ers. lnterested candidates will apply ta Bas 2328, c/o Miton Champian, 191 Main St. SALES HELP REOUIRED Apply with resume ta St. Clair Paint and Wallpaper, 475 Main St. Est, Milton. SECURITY GUARDS REOUIRED For Miton locations. Foul tise and part lime. Must bu 18 years old. Escellent benef ils. Startisg rate is $7.Saflraur, Suitable tar grade 12 or 13 students. Far intervew cal (905)876-5200 belseen 9k3RM. Monday ta Friday. WANTED for immediate position. Person for munufactuning and re- painng wooden pullula. Experience pre- ferredWIl train. Trans- portation necessary. Starting wage $11.00 ABC. Pullula. 905-878- 8676. EXPERIENCED hair- dresser and assistant are required in Milton. Cai Vince ut 878-5751. GENERAL BINDERY DELIVERY PERSON Etablished Ouhoilie prioler laakisg for a persoo ta do packag- ing/ hund work nr biodery depi. Deliver- ues in a cube truck. Succesolul candidate must haae curreot clean Drivers Lic. with koowledge ot Torono and areas as assel. Caîl Paul Bergess ai IDEAL GRAPHICS (905) 339-3436 Wanted Immediately Versatile teumn player for basy Oakaille Ca. Dues inct. receiaing asnd processiog ai 1 iocoming shipuenis. Somne driaing and heavy lifing muy bu ieqoired. Clean abstract i0 esseolial. FAX R ESUME TO: Frld & Russeill (905) 845-0611 SiartIlmmedîulely GAS FIREPLACE INSTALLER/ SERVICE Union Energy ca. reqoires FULL-TIME eoperieoced Installer. (Cas lireplace eop.) Must have valîd G2 lic. & cleao doiving record. Tools & veh. sopplied. Top Wages. Ph: (905) 639-043 or Fax: (905) 639-1506 Attention: Donna FISHBURN ROOFING SCIENCE ENGINEERS LTD. We are a Cunadian owned company, specializing in roofing and building un- velopes. We are based on the fringua of Mississauga and are curruntly seek- ing two enthusiastic people 10 fItl the following fuîltime positions. RECEPTIONIST / SECRETARV This position will invoive ruception du- lies including answering the phone and secretarial work including typing re- ports, tutters, specifications, etc. The succesuful applicant should bu profi- cient in Engtish, posseus excetlent typ- ing, editing and grammar ukilîs and have an advanced knowtedge of Word- Perfect: 8.0 and Lotus 123, 9.0 SALES ASSISTANT This position provides sales assis- tance duties in a multi-functional rote Ici the Marketing Department, mainty tel- emarketing through the current mar- keting campuign. The successfut up- plicant will have advanced knowledgu of WordPerfect 8.0, Maximizer,& PageMaker. Pieuse mail, email, or fax resumne 10: flshburn@fishburn.on.ca 15391 Steeles Avenue Hornby, Ontario LOP 1 EO Fax #905-878-21 47 Monday September t 3th Tuesduy September 14th 12:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. t12:00 p.m. to, 7:00 p.m. Pentuiift Equ'ipment Corporation is Cunudu's teuding manufacturer of louding dock productu and in-plant positioning equipment. Mechanical DesignerlEstimalor You wiil perform designhtayout work und prepure production draw- ingu for both current producîs and cuslom-designud equipment. You wiii intêruct with the suies group Ici conceptuutize proiects and estimute couts in ordur 10 determine projeca pricing. You are a graduatu of a MET program with an emphasis on machine design. You huve hud three to, five years expurience applying you eniern akilis ideuliy in a metal faborication/mute- n lhing environment. You huve advunced AutoCad ukilis. You write wett (manuais & documentution) and are computent using MS Office. You have had exposuru to lob costing. Loading Dock/Overhead Door Service Technlcian You duties witl invoive the instaluation, maintenance, rupair and retro fitting orf touding dock equipmunt and industriel ovurhead doors. You are a "Mr. Fix-it" kind of person who is mechanicalty inclineri you know how 10 wetd. You are able 10 use a variety of tools. You are able to hundle heuvy materials, are ready 10 work outuide - rain, snow and/or shine and are comfortuble working from iudders. You have ut leaut 3 yuars equipment repairrindustria main-tenunce expurience. You are able ta work independienly. You have a vatid drivers ficensu. Pentuitihs a growing companry oflari ng competitive wuges and a compuny-puid benufit plan. Forward your resume in confidence 10: Human Resources, Pentulifl Equipment Corporation, Box 1060, Guelph, ON N 1H 6N 1 Fax (519) 763-2894 PAFRT lime tlemarcel- ing position. Osys only. Flexible hours, high ear- ninga, salary plus bonus pa.Experience ru- quired. PC. kitis a plus. Milton location then Oakviiie ut the end of 1999. Fax resume high- tighting esperience 10 (905)876-3617. PART-TIME heip ru- quired until Oclober 301h. Suitubie for stud- unI sol retuming 10 achool. $lOftrr. Generai labourer and peut con- trol. 877-7014. REQUIRED Imme- diatuly, $30/hour busud on performance. Ru- numeration type work. Unique opportunity in the deregululion of un- ergy. Representulivus and managers required. Cai for interview. 1-888- 263-9223. SMALL Musonary com- pany seeking fuit lime labourers for mising ce- ment, moving materiat & equipment around, etc. Must have own trans- portation. Cui 905-693- 8921. STUDENT wanled for part lime delivenies. Ap- piy 10 Milton Colour and Sound at 18 Thompuon Rd. in Milton. Tuesduy ta Suturday altemoon dispatcher ru- quired for Halton ares transport Company. Excellent knowiudge of iCanada and US loca- tions, must bu able to shunt traitera in yard, tow motor and dock us- perience. We are look- inq for the following okîtto: escellent commu- nications, problum solv- ing skills, the abitity to work independentty and computer expenience. Satary to commensu- rate with esperience. Fus resume to 905- 693-0025. Il your I ~~Classifieds 876-364 TRANSPORTATION ca., 403/ Duodas area, repaires FULLIIME. Dock Supervisai wilh L.T.L. experieoce Jr. Dispatcher We aller exc. benefits. Salary commensorate wiih eoperieoce. Resumes la. Boa 6199, c/o Qakville Beaver, 467 Speers, Qakville, ON L6K 3S4 - - - AfOlW ,S.FRIESI DL61EET DRIVERS I:: 'mmediate openingo for experienced Class "D" Delivery Drivers with a positive customer attitude. Muast have clean abstract, air brake endorse- ment & English communication skitis. Scheduie in- cludes weekend deliveries & early morning starts. $10.80/ hr. to, start.Interested applicants pieuse forward resume to: Humnan Resources MONEY'S MUSHROOMS 7345 Guelph Line, PO. Box 190 Campbellviiie, ON LOP tIBO FAX: (905) 878-7897 T'he Great Atlantic & Pacifie Company of Canada, Limited .atTm m ly en potnte] Wc are iooking for candidates, who recognize Chut Customer Service Excellence ia the moat important akili they wiii bning to our "New" grocery store opening at Sheridan Mail (Erin Mitis Parkway) Mississauga We are hiring pure-Cime clcrks for ail of our dcpartmcnts: I Wear ioiing R S68pere parturne Pies apply in person at our Temporary Hiring Site Sheridan Mal (Lower Level) 2225 Erin Mitîs Pkwy. We are also looking for experienced part-time: Heip Desk Technoiogy Corporation is North Americu's lustuat growing devuiopur 0f heip dusk software applications. Our clients include Fortune 500 compunies, hospitais, financlul institutions, communi- cation glunts, ail branches of the urmed forces and The Executive Office of the President of the United Statua. Locuted on the border butweun Oak. and Miss. * Visual Basic Programmers (/Analysts) " Software Engineer *Receptianist *Custamer Service Representatives For detuils on position requirenrts and application procedure, pieuse visit: WWW.helpdesk-i.com

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