1SHINGLE:H5, labourers, anc crews must oe expen- enced and i eirabie tui Mississauga r9rruvam. r A urea. Cali (905)876-3636 ask for Jo. WAITRESS needed fuit time. Expelienced. At Wim- pys Diner. Cati Mary at 875-3222. I ANTED conscientious, eady mamîng persan witir retiabte coudce ta deliner Canadasa national news- paper in Milton and surroundtng ereas. 873-0103 Presntedby Bue BaconTruck Wash is now hiring. 1fulîfime 8 arn - 4 pm and part lime 4 pm - 12 pm. The successful applicents must flexible and able ta, work weekends. We'ii pay up Wwý ff l11I" ta $9.00 per hour with incentives. Please otth apply in persion at 40 Chishotm Drive. FOR M YOU G il No phone ceils please. 50-PWS UFESTYI.E & TRAVEL SHOW SEPTEMBER 8TrH & 9TrH Are you an energetic persan wanting ta Torontowork in a fast paced environment? We Met r no are currentty accepting applications for Convention Centre the foîîowîng: 9:3Oam to 5:OOpm Ff, I Short rrCok Bring your faourite antique P/T Dishwasher item and find out where it was F/T, P/T Fuel Bar Attendant modeand ow ld i is.You F/T, P/T Fuel Bar Cashiers madeand ow id i is.YouApply in persan: can leven bring photos. A Fitti Whael Truck Stop nominal charge oi $2.00 per 40 Chlaholm Dr., Milton NO Phono Cle Plaas. item wiIl be donated to charity. SEPT. 8 & 9/99 Mitre Torento IYCTNLCIUN 25Contio etre MANAGEMENT TRAINEE NEEDED W PLIS 25 rn Sr Muet be able ta wark flexible haurs. LIS Lf(North Building> Good wages plus benefits. Bring lBAVEL 90548154017 276 Main St. East Proàxd fibye C3n Wok CuYrP - - Apply Today-Work Todayl PICK VOUR OWN Full Time/ Long Term Positions TOMATOES. PICKLING CUCUMBERS. Available & Spanlsh Onlona a Cirttfed Forkllft Operators New Potutoos avoable (flamand Beach e conilir Balance> AT "CHAS. GREG FARM" e Assembly Warkirs B3ob & Mabal Davolîn * Strong Canerai Labourers 15 sideroad. 1 Mite West of Trafalgar Rd.. e Ordir Pickirs 1 Packers 3rd diriem wOst of RR tracts. Frue e raSlnî Rcvr 8 .. Ta a P.M. Mon. -Fr1. r a a.m. - 5 p.m. Set & Sun. Ail Shifts avallable e Car an asset 877- .7484 Aoolv Ian aerson with photo ID & SIN TOMMTES, SP. ONIONS. Fiat & yel. Benn*, Cabbages, Ellllplane, Savoy, Peppers. Squash, Eag. marros, Zucchtni, Swsi Chard, Bik. Beirnes, Cucunebera, Freah Hoaey. At "THE FARM" - De Paol Ready picked(lteaue Catit 905-873-2050 or 877-7976 Mon.-Fn. 8-5, Sat. 8-2, Sun. & Hol. 8-12 15 Stderoad, 1 km. West of Trafalgar Rd., First farm on north aide, Stewart- town quotas' ojawnu ain- enced inlc1 an tenance. 876-1808. LIGHT ASSEMBLER required. No heavy lift- ing, flexible deytime hours. No experience necessary. Please api- ply in persan ta: 2 A, Ilausecere Sales, 720 Nipissing Rd. beicewe 9 am & 4 pm. QUALITY canacien- thoua company seeks dependable persan for assembly care cir me- ciranical ablflit & axpei- once wft ind ladis. .Wagenegoti5ble. Rap- ly by fax ory: (905)875- 4729. ly full or part unme gener- et leborers for articisi plant business. Also seesonsi bskery heip. No expenience required. Cali 878-7951. SALON MANAGER. Estebtished salon 'n Cempbetiviile iooking for eager styliat ta man- age dey ta day selon ec- tivities. Will1 aiea consid- er training thre right indli- viduel. lnferested ep- plicants please send resumea ta : .JeenediS PO. Box 296, Camp- bellivile, Ont. LOP IB0 Card: 1370 Dundas Si. E., Suite #204 (Dîxie & Guida.>, Mlmalamuga * aM-3PM Local transportation ca. requires FULL AND PART-TIME: Forklift Operators e Expariencad Dock Personnel Please farward or fax resumes ta: TCT Logîstics 1221 North Service Rde. E. Oakville, ON L6H 1A7 ôr fax: 842-8966 PCI. Plastcs Corporation, a manufacturer ut Linear Lus Osnsity plastic bugs for the grxcery, reluit and spscialty carry out markts us el as gartuge bugs for the retail and indastriai markts ix North Amrics has an oppoftunity for MACHINE OPERATORS Murs of Wa1ei 12 hr continental shiifi, Moni-Suni Raale: $ 11 .37/hr Plus Shift & Weekend Premiums Oaallfiotlaa -High uchool graduais or equicalent -Excellent enitten and verbal communication skilis -Gond computer stilis - emonstrated mechanical aptitude & atility -Manafactaning experience an asset *Appications accepled btleen gam-3pm oniy. 2300 Speers Rd, À;WM£., Oakville S(Near Branle Rd> Prnbsa Canidates @Mad mut a mM FSI muSImE 1130 Eîghth Lins &OAkvTe, ON S6HI2R4 Ea s hi C usad on-h rsatca alrvie ase Fi.VA cnm1pan hreues issid tcaica representa- licernlo dmsîsier warst aond service 41pr-1am eaten and. MasinGm 3e tehrsl uai inhe itadrfingrat 8 ios a de hft paaaa iulmaS Excelent aaa rac cofnsuaeuhqfcation vlebs.d Gieneo asr sharnty n vc proga. Gra tenu package. Pieuse repty et resume lx: Box 6191, c/o OakviIIî Beaver 467 Spiers Road OakvIlle, ON L6K 3S4 FULL TIME HomeBeRGeItS& lce cRaOOm We are looking for energetic, enthusiaic persans ta work dlays begînnîng immediately and through the fati tin the Best Gourmet Burger Resturant. PLEASE APPLY IN PERSON AFTER 2 PM AT OUR LICK'S LOCATIONS AT: -270 North Service Rd. (Oakville Tnwnçestre t) -2420 Lakeshore Rd. West (Bronle) - 3315 Falrviaýw St., Burlis9ton - 548 Trafalgar Rd.. Gatîcitle S FULL.-TIME T~O POSITIONS Aply lpsin ti: T.ciBoil-GukuIlll oattIts 546 Wafalgur Rd., or 270 Noth sirvici Rd.îW. SHIRT PRESSERS and Ceunter Staff Experience g*l 5 days a week. Medical benefits avail. Oakvilte area. Cali: 905-338-9695 Ramuma Builder Hamemakers, Seniors, Students, Shift Warkers, Weekdays and/or weekends. ANDREW SCENIC ACRES ta hiring Full/Part Tirse posi- tions for September & Octaber: Farm Market, Manager/ Ceshier, Scisoal Tour Leaders, Farmers Market Staff Tractar Drivers - Weekends After S c ho o 1- Weak e id Cestiiers. For ahb appli- cations phone Milaon 878- 5807. Required for The Kensington, an Oakvilte retirement residence. Knaeliedge ai build- ing maintenance, plumbing, electricel, painting & carpentry req'd. Faex resumne: Michael Haffeman (905) 842-9229 Commercial Landscape Co. in Mississuga rsquires personnel in xux main- tenance, lanriscape construction and lawo cars dixisixon. Snoe plxeing experiencs -wxuld ts an asset. Fax nesume or apply in persan: 935 Winstxn Churchill Blxd, Mississauga L4J 4P2 Fax: <go5> 822-3141 DESKOP PUBLISHINO Local newspaper requires Marketing assistant with knowledge of QuarkXPress, Photoshop& Illustratar on a Macintosh platform. PLEASE SEND RIESUMÉ TO: lbe Canabian Cbamnpin 191 MAIN ST. E., MILTON ILST 41N9 Attn: Mr. Im Coeai M - - ROSEDALE TRANSPORT i ,1i 1 i lîv rtrelu liansperixioi cornparry recogeized as lire quaiiry leader iii rire irakels ve s01 e_ Currontiy we have oppoftunîiois for: AR DRIVERS POSITIONS The ideul candidates ill hue ut toast 2 yrs experience in cîty P & O and suce an excellent geographic hxowtedge of Metroputitan Toronto & surrounding aroas. IVEOFFER: *Excellent wagss e Bonus Pragram *Ysars af sercice bonus e Camprshsnsive benelits pragrars Rsspond by tslsphone to: Brisa TippImg Resadale iTanqpei Umlta 6875 Invader Cres Mississauga, Ontario, L5T 2B7 (905)-670-0057 1-800-443-8281 ... Our peeple mat.a M happen CAMIL M~ Complete Communications Systems, Inc. "w Sae Innoainecilzai iedsg r eoba nica qint.Wsr expann an d as ii doat nedof seor andxite ormeit mca neRsAuogAerspnerInce -T esetil T n 3D oidmoelin espne cenalseanse. DRIVER SYTEMS Fu l exerlepare businessesbrtqoîres a seven-oi Tanseapoition Ld PrAttsexertien:ck deain agmltpe rr- c 3e oSidtees a. ositio 15 fSetae n te norgn ation sExc le co uicin tedsign as eil s u nth vil e re euhotters a d illi xte o rig aian sfic ieqMirtn ed. e nim W ae n oenri and iridigaen argaxi- tion deigc neran s aats Mut si puse hîs teerar stion. episae car yu rsenoms and3 Ati mdln : K.eiec Boulkie ngse phn Fax:5 46311 a (905> 8712320o Whoiesale phartraceatica co. seets an enperienoed BILINGUAL ACCOUNTS RECEl ABLE CLERK Muni have collection experience, communi- cation and custamar services skilln and thre abillty ta wark te a camputerized environ- ment. This entry level position allers e comn- petitive compensation package. Reply citr renoms ta: Ban 6186, c/a The Oakvitle Beacer 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, ON L6J 3S4 RECEMIONIST CUSTOM SERVICE Etoticoke - based int't company is looktng for indicidoals euth excellent communication skitis & personalily. Must te capable of worhing in a tast paced snvironment & handling ditterent tusks simul- taneously. Experience with customs & shipping is an asset. Company offers fuit benefits & for advuxcemsnt. Foreign languages are an asset. Fax your ramante ta Ms. Clare et (905)4671-2888 Dîractor of Ca ret rsd for reliremsnt homne in Oahville. Supervisxry and Geriatrîc exp. required. Futi-tîme positixon Pieuse Fux Resume: 905-842-8410 or drop off to: I'LEASE RECYCLE T-HI9 PAPER The Canadien Champion, Fridey, September 3, 1999--45