Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Sep 1999, p. 24

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~estone71 See Toda.y' Champion for aur new "Milestones' section. Té announce your special event, cal he Champinv Classified Departrnent at 875-3300. ______ ÂMIJVFD~DV KIivrDgZAD)v Fod - 1 ROBERT & JOAN MARSHALL Lave Wi Patrick & Can LG and G Happy 1»t Jane! Love Mom, Dad, & Jeif UIMA- Eric andi Angela ULima of liton are r eseci toi announce the arrivaI of their son Brandon Patrict bom Auguat 2Oth, 1999 af the Oakvilfe-Trafalger Memorial Hospifal weighingl7lbs 3.Soz. A littie brother for Kimber- ftw.Podgrandlperenfs are Ra& Kerfinbeck of Cambridige, Richard Jacobs of Sudbury and Peter & Linda Lima oit Toronto. ROGERS - Shawn and Marlo (nee Jarvis) are happy f0 announce the biribi of their daughfer 7:57 P.M.weighing 7 los. 10 oz. ef Brampton iffle sister for Erin. hrd rnd il for Ia Ragera and Sharon Ragera of Toronto and Krest grandsughter for Ed and Margo Hay. Fetheri spocial 39th weddîng anniveraary git for her grandparents Haroldi and Mary Jar- vis of Milton. 1 ipcrnààWkcr AÂD Dale & Mary Devlin are pleaseri f0 amiaunrce fMe forthcominig marriage sf their daughfer, Loma Dais fa Christeptier David Sandieraon, son of Haroldt <Sandyl and Bevedfy Sanderson of Burlingfon Iformnerly of Milton) The wediting ai taire place on September 11, 199 s S Gerges Anglican Cfsurdi ln Camptiellvlle WNrrNEY (rie Caftai) Michael and Heather htnyare pleae fa amunce tetrh0 their daugliter Naomni Elizabeth, born on August 28th, 1999 'eihin 7flbe3.5Soz. Afirst grand- chfld for Roy and Aurelia Whitney and Rupert and Sharon Coffen. HOTNERSALL, Evellyn BetI-Peacefuty, et Ma- plecrest Vfl= myonFiaA s27 199, Everae lln her89th year.eloverd wife of the tatè Edwrn Roy Hothersal <1987). Dear mother of Myrna Talman and her husband Richard Ithaca, New York. Loving grendmnother of John, James, Brock, Christopher and grat- 9randmother of Melinda, Kip and Knisfen. Sisfer- în-law of Edif h and Gardon Benson af London, Ontario. Evefyn ix predeceased by her son John. A PrivaIs Family Service has faken place wifh in- ferment following ai Evergreen Cemnerey, Miffon, Ontario. Those wishing ta express their sympafhy may do so by making a memnal contribution f0 the charity of fheirch"ce. Arrangements entruat- ed ta Sfonohouse-Whitcomb Funeral Home, Grimsby, Ontario. REMEMBRANCES AP % !if in the form of donations SOJA 1,trac Karen (Loy) announce th to, asfe arrivaof Madline Moud, borinAugusf 16, The Milton District 1999 7 ba 3 oz. Prourd grandprairnts Frank and Doreen Ley of lAiton, GItberto and Ma~da Hospital Foundation are Som aof Bramprton, Greatfgrandipere]tA9rapeitd - -n SORIVER, Paul-August 4, 1972-September 1, 1996. In Içving memory of a dear son and broth- er. Stiti seems lîke yesterday when we were talking on the phane How we long to hear your voioe again Instead we ait and cry atoine Somehow the days continue ta pass by And we're flot sure how they do We stitt have difficuhty faoing the trutti Voure irreplacerabte and we'l atways miss you. Love Mom, Dad, Greg end Nanal TEASDEL, Ken - In tovîng memory of a dear husband, father and poppa who passerd away Se tember 5,1997. A tosand times we needed you, A thousand times we cieet If love cootet have saved you You would have neyver died. Ifs lonely here wthout yu We miss you more eachday Life la not the saine to us Since yau were taken away Tfiey ssy time hrerats ail sorraw And helpa us ta farget But so far time has only proven How much we miss you yet. tt brake our hearts f0i ose yau But you did nat go atone For part of us went with you The day God catted you home. "Forever in Our Harts" Sadiy imiaaed by wtfs Yvonne and chiidren KrnRick>, Susan <Dan), Mark (SaIIy) &Farniflea. TEASCEL, Kmnnieth - tn Ioving memory of my very special father September 5, 1997. Dad, two years have gone byssince youtleft us, Words cannot descnibe haw much t miss you and how mach t love yau. Vau are in my thoughts conistanty. Sue XXOO WALLACE, BETIY -In loving memary 0four dear sister, sWaer-4ntw and aunt reho pse away an September 2nd, 1998. No long~er in aur tkme Io share, but in aur hearts you re ai- ways there, ena, Mary, WlIma, John nid the familles; In Canada and Scotland. We wauld fik tof thank everyone who helped us durfng Betty'a itlness and deafh the past year wit your prayers, thaughts and acta of kendness. God Bleu You Ail -%h MoBride Faniiiy". THANK YOfJ To ail of aur famify and fniends who attendied the 45th Anniversary Party. i was att very much appreosatedl We had a greait tîme! Nip à Colleen Last but not least, thank you Nip for a monder- fut partyl ole 1ye ,. apricot colour cack-a- poo. Lost weatofMilton, noar Rlattiesnako Point. We sure do miss hNmt 875-1333 MON: artinhortieontbnu very larey (fat) neuenre ate 1 dom elhr hRd caf tabow aby &ot hit erclod. 8tiques Jum ilowto PhiacectabMates etd boxsNng, sf1 nlstic ot $3000 ron by,seiieu frdauft male cnt.O Puy 100,0 inte rea o t 1fine an 24t. aid. rea ngua abkove graudKaya Pools. ntugu 1i dekh enang, ofLarer, 2ve lAes CRPE largef. Ietee hae everafc thortnc yarda new. SIsase aon d 100%y nyo cwretite.ar carptd Andiu Mnsakatn (30eran 40. yarst, 905-639-2902.'9 tiraed S.in od finihes Wae do40 t ai. Cu29om Rod refinisNohi 1nd fuiture repira. FiedsOua- tom INHFumbre 9- ily.to 8754427.Matrsan oSUTng ONl Tn plDonti cSf1 M stRpaciietfao SUMMER PDoce Break!! No0G0T 0Want a reatne Pooks on yor uiturdek Geiv iner , caloas fror $598.T Loveset frove $47.a Chars frrdm $18fSn iOR DScounts ieldsr Cstom/re poseringustr75l 4427,ite 9-9 daiy. 75447 LOST orange short hair WhAei plaron'ti four Vo AF~rTi femnate caf. Veryashy 5Ldotfret avti, Kiibnide ares. (905) 319- ir the ciai5ifieci. 3240. M R 1 Min, great caearres, ail sîzes. Free delivery. Planting available if re- quired. (519) 853-5694 FREE: 35 Gallon fiah tank with filfers and food. If interesfod cati 876-3458. AIRUNES nOm hining! Fuîltfirne and part fime positions available. Please cati 604-871- 3065. BUSY f ree service com- pany needs a hard wokng employee, ex- perience preferable. Cai 878-6444. COUNTER HELP e q uired fuît & parttime for Cofeetime. Apply in parson ta: 332 Stestes Ave. Homby or phono 878-0323 and asa for Shirley EXPERIENCED Truck/trailer mechanic for dumpa and fiat s. Medium f leef, ticense nof required. MIG weld- ing an asset. Wages nergotiable. For more in- formation contact Bruce. (519) 853-5773, 1-800-862-1470 bet- ween 10:30 arn. and 1:OOp.m. FULL TIME day or affer- noron shift available aI busy moud working shap. Na experience necesssry. Reliable hard woukera need anfy appy ta 9 Academy Rd., Georgetowrn. 877-6757 FULL tUme help wanfed an horse farm. Phone 877-0545. FIJLLTIME day or affer- noon shit availabte af busy woodl working ahop. No expenience neceasary. Reliabie hardi workera need ority apply f0,9 Academy Rd., Georgetown. 877-6757 HELP WANTED: Land- scape Maintenance Construction Company requirea fuli-time rel- able labourera imme- dlatelly for Mifton/Mlaais- suga ares. Ptease caI (905)ý 875-3855 or (416)94-0640. INSTALLERS WANT- ED: Must have own car, work; boots. $15/Hr. ta sfart. Cati (905) 876- 4063. - JUNIOR CLERICAL Temporary position for highly motivafed person mit h potential ta leara al areas of business and posaibfy movte int o full time. Fîling, faaing, pho- ta copying, f If. in recep- flan ares when needed & other duties. Fax re- sume 905-876-1344 or drop off at 550 Mc- Geachie Drive, Milton. EXCEPTIONAL ESTATE AUCTION Monday, Sept 6, 1999, Start lOam Preview 9am held aI Royal Canadian Legian 15 Wright SI., Aclon, Ontario Featriag: thf contentîs of prominent fstate inclad- ing- Art Deco Birdseye Maple 0/R, McLaggfn 0ak fornislrigs 'WOOTEN ifesk, 10 Air Swiss Music box, MOORCROFT 1Opcs, Chintz 20pcs, complote FLO BLUE follet sel, Stfrling, Oriental carpets, EXC Arts & Crafts pcs, Jukfbox. Over 300 lots of the besîl Cati for particolars or fax, lisI. Terms:Ca/Vi/Mc/Debil*Aircoxditioned* Food avail. Rom Webtetr Central Ontarlo Auctioneera Inc Ph: 905-873-7633 Fax: 905-873-8455 Further inf o: 905-704-8519

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