Yb-T ,a.. ~ n.... Milton lives up to ranking Tise Milton Merchants Jr. A hockey teain s lookng for local families to bil- ltlibltl9-2OOOimpot players. If yota have space available. ad are wîlling to house a player for the six 10 eight-rnonth season, please cati teami ownr Brad Grant at 878-8389 or 878-. 8167. Milton's inidget girls softhali squad was uaunked tisird best in tise Golden Horsesisue League before last weekend' s playoffs - and proved just wby during tbem. Tise Expedite Plus Mystics sbowed strongly tisrougisout tise double-knockout toumnament matcis- îng tiseir finishs in regular season play witis a bronze medal performance. Tise local ladies' crowning momtent of tise chsampi- onsisips was a 9-8 comeback win against Dundis that guaranteed tbem a top-tboee placing. Melîssa Parcels' leîdoff triple in tise sixtis inning initiated tise second of two rallies wisile timely bitting by Stepisanie Funston, laime MacDonald, Elena McLeod and Siserylene Leslie brougbt tise comeback to completion. Pitcising duties were sisared by Melissa Morrison and Lindsey Harrold. Eacis iad one shiky streteis, but recovered nicely t0 stop tise bleeding. Milton would be tise ones 10 surrender an eirly lead in tiseir next gîme, bowing 10 Mississauga Norths 6-5 and being bounced fromt tise toumamrent afler staving off elimination twice. A lack of finisbing power and a controversial inter- ference caii - tisat nullified one of their runs in tise lite stages of play - cost tise midgets a seemingly secure victory and tiseir second lots of tise weekend 10 Mississauga Norths. llighligliting lheir offensive oultpul was a two mun triple by Leslie and multi-hit efforts by Parcels and McLeod, wbo scored tisree of tihe tive fins. Effective pitcbing througis tise early going was delivered by Harrold. Tise Mystics' otber two triumpiss came in rounds one and tbree, wben tisey edged Stoney Creek 4-3 and pounded Alexander Park 8-1 respectively. Leslie, Jesse Douglas and Pandora Lewis eacis had two bits in tise blowout wîn. Harmold went tise distance on tise hill and gave up just five bits. Sise was equally impressive against a more competitive Stoney Creek - who were shut down in six of tise seven innings. McLeod scored tise winning mun in tise fifth frime on a fielder's cisoice by Katisleen Beniuk. Recording two bits escis were Harrold and Leslie. Tise teîm's second round lots to Mississauga Norths saW tbem jump aisead early but eventuîhly fait 6-2. Leslie registered tisree singles and Parcels bad two. Mississauga Norths went on 10 be defeated by Erin Milîs in tise gold medal round. Making up tise rest of tisis year's Milton Mystics squad were Elisisa McGee, Jordana Murpisy and Laura Smuck. Tryouts for next season will be iseld liter tis monts. Interested players sisould caîl manager Roy Harrold at 876-3357. Milton Youth Soccer Club Competitive League Standings lu Girls Under Il Games Psyed vans Lasses flou Points Richardson Chev-Olds 14 10 3 1 31 Michssi's Opticai 14 7 4 3 24 Unico Industries 14 5 7 2 17 Tim ortans 14 2 10 2 8 Girls Under 13 Games Piayed Wins Lasses Tics Points Milton insmen 15 12 2 1 37 iMiiton Jayces 15 9 6 0 27 C MMorris Design 15 7 7 1 22 Van Dongen Land. 15 2 13 0 6 Girls Under 15 Gsmes Payed Wins Lasses Tics Points Maksteei 15 4 1 0 12 New Automation 15 4 1 0 12 Hsiimsrk 15 1 4 0 3 Johnson Controls 15 1 4 0 3 Boys Under il Games Psyed Uins Lsses Tics Points Dure Building 16 il 4 1 34 Wlmpy's Dinar 16 9 5 2 29 Cecil M. Hunt 16 8 5 3 27 Canadien Champion 16 5 8 3 18 Primus Printing 16 2 13 1 7 Boys Under 13 Games Payed Wns Lasse Ties Points Spokes 'N Siopes 14 i1 2 1 34 Tim ortons 14 7 4 3 24 La Rose Baksry 14 4 9 1 13 Look Communications 14 2 9 3 9 IBoys Under 15 Games Pycti Wins Lsses Tics Points Bruce Hood Travel 6 4 1 1 13 ITyson Tool 6 3 2 1 10 Project: Automation 6 2 3 1 7 Dominos Pizza 4 1 4 1 4 e tram PLAN on page 21 Caledon Canadiens. It was innounced Monday tisaI tise teim - wbo'd been on tise skids since wealtisy owner Scott Abbott jumped sbip and becimne owner of tie OHL1's Brampton Battalion - bid fiiled to obtain ice time for tise comning season and would be taking a one-yeir leave of absence. Ihis leaves a boit of players up for grabs, including centre Elliot Altberg. A 23-goal scorer hast tesson, be's currenthy skating with Milton and could be in tise lineup as eirly as tonigist wisen tise Mercisints isost Georgetown in a mucis anticipated batlle of nortis Halton. Gamne lime is 8 p.m. Merchant notes: Hamilton Kilty Bees' Mike McGrîne bas been given permission 10 skate with Milton. Tise Mercisants are working on a deal 10 acquire the younger brotiser of Ed McGrane, wiso pliyed here last seison ... Milton continues preseason play tomorrow nigist in Himtilton. Their honte opener hs set for Friday, Sept. 17 igainst Mississaugi. w A very special Thank you to Dairy Queen for their Player Of Tise Game coupons. W. wauld UN@. ta tai. this oppaitunlty ta Thsnc end acliecdge tac hard nian end dedicattan af aur Doard manibe end auf off board membars. Thcy are aIl valunteers snd wrtaau lhcm we vauld not have basoebeli ln Milan. On bohalf af tac familes and tac bail players af Uic iDdA vm v»uld Nha. Ia Thanhr you all Ml.e Johnstan Sandy Telli Charana Jalinaan Dae llcnd Riat Rasa Paul Parratt Paul Uwen Dan Vurk AMD ratera al David Van. Raid Prani Daeans Sumihuk Tony Tonnant Ted Kayacs Dan Tialamens Jîi PMcDansd Steve Wagamenn Steve WNvoaud Lorry Sawcluk Wet wauld almo liII ta thenhi aIl of ouf cauches, asststant caectie, tuén parante. scr haepar umpires end ail thae thut gave of tacI UneM mai toal ntha r greet sauon foi h Ui dc. We hope ta sac yeu aIl backl@i en neA year. if you %vauld IUm ta jain tac board or have ony idee an haw wve cen fmai. ltiar neatyaer, coma ID tuacnnuel ganaral mcing betng held et The Boynt Communtty Centra ut. ct. 2 1US. Ai 9*00 ar.. ThmIk voU. Tmnk ygu. We mouid lii. ta thanit Rmull INdmusub il R08u1a11a1IRt, 0110Y Quoe., 7Tvlce The DOW PiMa Mid The Mifton ChaMpin for their saMMNuslp af tac newspal- WEDY'S RLES êl rWIDWOnTNII 1:0A SU.ITUS MIiÀiton Minor Basebali. VUai us on tile ie OIWMWWtlc.nU-mffba Naw tisat the seceon bas corne ta a close for anather year, We would like ta thenk tise people wiso made it ail possible. Team SDonsors Dairy Queen Bob's Auto Austen & Noble Insurance Loblaws Market. Apple Auto Glass Milton Professional Fire Figisters Milton Jaycees Runnails Industries Towne Dental Group Karmax Home Cinema Vldeo Bruce Hood Travel Wendy's Restaurants Lifestyles Car Guys Milton Champion Telehop Communications Hunt Chrysler/DodgeIJeep Expedite Plus Milton Chrysier Knights 0f Columbus Wallace Pontaic Gorrud's Auto Group Nell Transportation Kentucky Fried CIiicken Optimist Club 0f Milton Thse Door Centre Roxul Industries CorbetVs Milton Legion Milton Lions Club Future Stars Carefree Mini Storage Meritor Johnson Controls Creative Memonials McCualg Insurance Milton Transmission Rep Coaches Needea m~or Terni ZUUU Roolde and Juvenle division necd r échemm Cali Steve Wagemarv 876-2640 or Paui Prrott 8676-1496 RSD IMMr Tryout Informaton- Year 2000 Div. Date Roalde Set salât. set Sept. Sun. Soe Masqul Sot. Sept. Set. Sept. Sun. Sept. Pe ïWe et. Sept. Set. Sapt. Sun. Sept. ntm Sut. Sept. Set. Sept. Sun. Sept. __Set. Sem. Set. Sept Sun. Sept. Juvenlie Set. Sept. Set Sept. Sun. Sept il O:OOam- 11:00cm 18Il: 30cm- 1: 30pm le 0: 30aM - 11: 30eu@M il 8: 30cam 10:30cam la 0:Osam - 11: W0am 1911:OOIam- 1:OOpm il 8: 30am - 10: 30 m 1812 COn -2: WPm le 12 Cn -2:00pmx 11 10:OW m- 12 «.Wn 18 9: uOn - 11l 00cam le 4: Cpin - 8Wpin 11 2,.Wpn - 4: W pm 18 4 OPm - 8: OOPm 19 3:3Opm - 5: 30 pr il 4: W pm - 8: 30pmn 18 1: 30 pmn- 4: 00pin 19 5: 30 pm- 8: WOpm Railry Llghtud Rate.y ighled Ratery Lighted Rotery Pool Rotary Pool Stint Mesdoa Bronte Meedani brin Sa" Uden coet Mcplohurct Mapiahurat MNpleurat PLAYERS MUST ATTEND 2 OUJT 0F 3 DATES The Door Centre The Midget Pivsional Rural Champions £:<*Pipee - Hydraulics - Valves a Hose MIL TrONS CHïOIC - Fittings * Adapters MaNC 1860 761 Main Street E., Milton jTéi: (905) 693-930 Fmx 693-9900 Merchants wheel and deal