The Canadien Champion, Friday, September 3, 1999 - 17' Journey series of small steps for young actress By IRENE GENTLE The Champion Karen Chorney knows that when it cornet ta making it big, it can be best ta start out small. That's why the 14-year-old Milton lasa is seeking Uie apotlight through littie theatre. In September, she appears in a Burlington Little Theatre production of the Neil Simon comedy, Brighton Beach Memoirs. She'll follow that up with a Georgetown Globe Productions presentation af Annie in November. 'mr really trying ta get out there by doing the littie theatre stuif," said Karen.' Nat that the took a summuer break from the boards. Instead she put in a two-day appearance at the Ontario Renaissance Festival, performing highland dance and warbling the traditional Scottish tune Afton Waters. She also bit the stage in a village scene at Ceilidh 199. The Scottish cbmedy/musical/dramna was recently presented at the Oakville Centre for the Perfarming Arts. 'It's nat a vcry big part. 1 play a rnilkmaid asnd I get ta gassip," said Karen, days befare the show. "It' s A ~fifnment ksnd of like msrnsng. The senies af modeat raies could lead ta great thinga for Karen, who wilI enter grade 10 at Bishop Reding this faîl. Ironically, she did not take dramnatic arts as an elec- tive. '"I don't really want ta take it in school because it would be a lot ai the same stuff,' she said. Karen began her career in the arts as a haofer, strap- ping on ballet shaes after harely turning twa. Soon she was tripping the light fantastic in jazz, tap and highland styles. Hooking up with Burlington's Sundance Studios ,ses STREAK on page 19 MItoti's Karen Chorney - a multl-tuleffied entertalmer - dispisys an assortiment Of her awards as wsl as dance shoot and play scripts. - Photo by GRAHAM PAINE 199 ALTIM XE Automatic, Air condtionmng, AM/FM Cassette $9y995. 1997 PA THFINOER KLOI Ebony, air coeditoning, CE, player, rernais keylss entry and m ucffh more. Only fias 62,000 km. 1M2AL995. OXE Onl "17,000 km.» Agito, air, A=F Cassette, with Warrsniy $16,9-9. 199 NISSA SENRAI OXE Green, Power wlrtdows, Locks, N/C, AM/VFM cassette. auto Has only 93,000 km. $80995. NORTH ENO NISSAN 610 MARTIN ST. MILTON 878-4137 SHOWLM SEPTEMDERBT- &9H METRO TORONTO CONVENTION CENTRE 255 FRONT STREE, TORONTO (NORTH BUILDING, HALL A) 9:30AM TO 5PM DAILY e ADMISSION ONLY $ 2.00 AtenliDy Boom00 A& tiv ReiesaSnwWsI SEE, cOMAR AND SHOP FOR PRODUCTS AND SERVICES FOR YOUR LFESifiE! " TRAVEL DESTINATIONS *HQUSING OPTIONS e HEALTHCARE, " RETIREMENT PLANNING *FINANCIAL SERVICES e INSURANCE " RECREATION e GREAT DOOR PRIZES & fMAY4 ^Wfo?/M PSfot "oie A»t Join Forever Younsg on a IF@RE DAY BUS TOUR to select Active Aduit Communities throughout Ontorio. Corne see, V1IEGE compare ond 'usHOMNESor shop the sitean ÂéýL meet your new neighbours! Registet as September Bih or 9th ut the Farever Yaung Uifestyle & Trovel Anchor pointe *This informative seminar gives yox tinoncial odvice tram the expert. Septembe Bih only. 4OkDI1 TA" WiLcofIS YOU 10 TNE SlOW Presested b ffTFs * ceremasnies GardIie Ta pp wli iead you thraughout the day with sangs and ioughs. FORIVE YO4 TRAVIL VIBIO MUATU * tplae eciisgTroelDestinatians trami Ontatia ta China. came and 1i tateeprsaot yaur seat vacatian. NIWI WILWNUI Dm - Chedç yout bioodl pressure, have a hearisg test, ger a FREE RLU SHOT, sry sew praducts and services. r NEWI £15100 IDINTWICAIUION CUNIC Presented by *Btisg yaur faourite astique item and aetopasd fisd ast where was it mode, and haw aid t is. You cas Cvn btisg p halas at yaur items. Naminal charge ai $2.00 pet Item wilI be given ta chotlty. Featurng the Bl9 Bond asti Swing Saunds ai Lenny G ond the Capital Orhstra. Spedi appeotasce aon Wedsesdoy Septembet Brh the Pensyhanlo Waadiosds String Bond. NEi 4011111lllU KTcUMm *Se. whot's coaklsg with aword wlsslng Chef Michael Kliip asd restaurateur Julia Hansa ai Patadisa Restaurast * Esjoy demassttatiansasd sompie same douidous heoith i. mf wise redpes. Kitchen suppiied by Kitches CQafi Cassectian. t""' FREE SHIJIRE BUS TO & FROM UNION STATION DAILY COUR1FSY 0F: SPONSORED D3Y: QLAY rI50i.5*1 L IT EX IDI OPOT"IIS *""" 90-3759 OR 1-80-65-67 v mm 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 IV'IRGIN 1-101-InAy,; M Pût e