the Milton Chamber of Commerce ~ested ~vour ability to get to nil this important meeting >r* and more frequently. son along with Regional h Use bq~siness community il LePage for chamber d discQver the benetits of meml~sers that joined the ment your peers and o! networking, so mark iber members are moN la Benk, chambef Maton Hilîs will get Cherryl Twnss - Treasurer/Secoetary TWISS TRANSPORTATION LT». 32 Steeles Avenue Unit *15 Milton, ON L9T SAI Phone - 878-5987 Fax - 878-2788 Twiss Transportation is a reseller of Sheli Lubrîcants for automotive, commercial & industrial and kerosene. Elles Balmamn - Executive Director SUPPORTED TRAINING AN» REHABILITATION IN DIRVERSE ENVIRONMENTS (STRIDE) 217 Main Street East Milton, ON L9T 1N9 Phone - 6934252 Fax - 693-0596 E-mail Dawn Rohertson - Office Manager STEVE'S EXCAVATING & TRUCKING PO. Box 44, Homby, ON LOP IEO Phone - 905-702-1362 Fax - 905-702-1463 Long established business (1987) in the excsvating of pools, homes, large business buildings and sewer and sanitation installation. Also provides ssaw-plowing services in the winter months. Steve Bennett - Director MICROLINK DISTRIBUTION 295 Alliance Road Unit *12 Milton, ON L9T 3M6 Phone 875-2449 Fax - 875-0876 E-mail Web-site - Microlink is a Mictosofi system builder, we offer a complete lise of personal computer products and m-bouse and onsite PC service and network support. Martin Stanley - Owner STANMAR CONSULTING 550 Childa Drive Unit *26 Milton, ON L9T 3P3 Phone - 693-1207 Fax - 876-1537 E-mail Stantoar Consultisg provides support to businesses in the area of networking and office automation. With the goal ta help you realize the benefits fram effecîively using technologies in your business. c~R - Web site: Mail: Martin Hardcastle - Owner CASTLE TOOLING INC. 781 MainStreetEastUnits2O&21 Milton, ON Phone - 878-8839 Fax - 878-8557 E-mail Darmyl Campbell - Area Co-ordinator PI'L LEGAL CAKE 0F CANADA CORP. 62t Joyce Blvd. Milton, ON L9T 3E3 Phone - 876-4572 Fax- 693-0191 E-niait Web-site - PPL Legal Care of Canada provides coverage for legal fees the way major medical looks after hospital & doctor huIt. For a umail monthly fee you get complete protection for you and your family from the ever rising cosss of legal services. Klaus & Christine Regert - Owner/Operators IMPORT PARTS EXPERTS INC. 375 Steeles Avenue Unit *2 Milton, ON L9T 3(36 Phone - 693-0627 Suppliera of new and used European import auto parts and accessories. lames Snow - President HORNBY GLEN GOLF COURSE INC. 8286 Hornby Road, Hornby, ON LOP lE0 Phone - 878-3421 E-mail - Jeif Muchaluk - President MILLSIDE TOTAL COMMUNICATIONS INC. l57 Lydia Avenue Milton, ON L9T 2H2 Phone - 876-Il lO Fax - 876-3107 E-mail Telephone sales, service and installation. Services also include paging systema. LAN cabling and pre-wiring. Services provide for industrial, commercial and itaidential customers. Manon Healy - Owner DEVERLY HILLS WEIGI8T MANAGEMENT & NUTRITION CENTRES 550 Ontario Street South Unit #l8 Milton, ON L9T 5E4 Pisone - 875-2889 Fax-875-4148 Weight Management and Nutritional Councelling. Lynn Catopanella - Office Manager DIRECTV 264 Bronte Street South Milton, ON L9T 5A3 Phase - 875-0505 Fax-875-4664 Custom Audio/video. TV's, Satellite Systems. Planning and installation of home thestit. AIl your audio and video needs in on stop! Betty Stark - Co-owner GRAND TRANSPORT 495 McGeachie Drive Milton, ON L9T 3Y5 Phone - 876-751 I Fax - 876-2257 Truck & Transport Service Margaret Liddon - President BATES & LIDDON 110 McLaren Rosd Campbellville, ON LOP IBO Phone - 854-3828 Fax - 854-3558 E-mail Weh-site -,-www.gohatserve.netl-mliddon Residental and commercial interior desigo consultant. Services range from colour consultation, floor plans, custom windows and bedding. leff Cantwell - President INSURGE INC. 133 Mill Street Milton, ON L9T ISI Phone - 876-9996 Fax - 876-9997 E-mail Web-site - Insurge is a multi-faceted company offering industrial grade products as well as pressure sensitive tapes is every conceivable configuration 10 the automotive, industrial, electrical snd electronic marketplaces. Debbie Hawkins - veterinarian IIAWKINS ANIMAL HOSPITAL 550 Ontario Street South Milton, ON L9T 554 Phone 875-6888 Fax - 875-6853 Animal hospitat offering medical, surgical and dental facilities. Thank you to the following business for renewing their Chamber Membersflip. ~.~afiMr A Catered Affair Café L%%O Aspex Services Ltd. npuny for Beverley Grant, Interior Decorator Cableworks Delacourta ~orshIP FL Signs banfler. Granite Ridge Golf Club Halton Huis Place Hood Mechanical i Rst~urant was tho r August's Business i. Pletured her were cey Wlnter 0f P.S. id Tony OeGaetanQ of M & M Meat Shopa Milton Evergreen Cemetery PS. Graphics Shoot! Photographic The Document House The Osbome Group - Dawn Case The Wine Rack Venator Group - Champion, Fiiday, September 3. 1999-15' 1 M o 5ft~yçWe~ o1~soe au*~ V~V5)F~F~ J~J~J~J~ IuE~ITE~rI Iovnfl~m~Ç~cf1cJccac~%3l ~ o8~pgpshs a an S srem Purchase s g~sgasJJ> ~issn ~ei~aa ~Ifl~ggd~I ~s~tspu~ t~ R*s~i ID ~s. as flue [htailla o & *' *g : Austen 878-7217 & Noble A Brokers Ltd Commercial * Auto * Home * Life Vour Insurance Broker understa.nds There's more ta insurance thanjustapohcy financial advice, service and products. Ourofferîagofservicesand products includes: * RETIREMENT PLANNING * ESTATE PLANNING. give 100% ofyaartaxableestate ta heirs, sot 50% *Grow NON.REGISTERED INVESTMENTS IAXSKEL~ * GICa, Mutual Fonds, Segregated Funds, Bonds and Annuities * RRSPs (Individual and group), RRIFs, LIFs, RESPs * Life, Disahiity and Health Insurance * TAX PREPARATION Stap by aur office today or give Usa oeil ta niake an appointoseat. You are always welcome! The best choice is here. Abbey Plaza, Third Lino at Upper Middle Road, Oakville (905) 827-8009 Other Services Mortgages offered through Secunties offered through [] BUAGEONVE SECURITIES UMITE coNM~SON Johnson Controls Ltd. Automotive Systems Group 8205 Parkhill Drive High Point Business Park East Milton (905) 875-2128 BobLea:(905>878-5786 - O - Roger Lauzon: (905)878-7217 MILTON CHAMBER 0F COMMERCE Miltowne MEMBERS AND A Save u to 55% on Insurance Agency Ltd. Auto and orne Insurance! MILTON CHAMBER 0F COMMERCE 24 Hr CIams Assistance GROUP LIFE & HEALTH PLAN Pollcy service 8am to 7pm features ASSURE CARD Lita lnauranca * Long & Short Term Disability * Anron Macarlane * Ken Armstrong * Doug Peddie Acciduntal Death & Dismambnrment * Dental Plan Extended Haalth Cara * Dapandant Lita Phone 876-4607 ROYAL _ _ 4~LLIANCE Avalabla ta ail member busineases wllh as feu' as on. persan or Fax 876-1001 Computarizad quotas now availabla Cal! today for an interview te diacuas yau needa. torss'ardthaiksn~ mire 1710