Romance lives .on in letters afrom LOVE on page 3 after bis deatb. The couple's letters. many written in England while -There was much response from readers - from Mr. Wilkinson served iii the Royal Air Force duning people who knew my parents and siso perteLI the Second World War, show the mutual love and strangers - who told me tbcy were moved to tears," respect between the two, Ms Griffin said. she said. "I tbink this latest book will touch even more 'Tbey bad a common faith and many similar inter- people." ests - a bond that drew them together in the begin-' The couple bad mentioned before their deatbs that ning," she said. they wanted their love letters published. Ms Griffin Tbe book, filled witb numerous pbotographs, also already knew the couple bad a special relationship, but toucbes on tbe bard times, sucb as separation during reading tbe letters after tbey passed away gave ber an tbe war and money problems. even broader perspective, sbe said. It was a story- But whatever tbe bardsbip, the couple were deter- book romance," sbe said. "It was like reading a mined to make it work, Ms Griffin.said. novel." "Tbey were still romantic even in tbeir eigbties." Botb Remembering Marjorie and Romantic After tbe deatb of Ms Wilkinson, Mr. Wilkinson Pilgrimage as well as otber books written by the pair wrote 'Remembering Marjorie' as a tribute to bis cao be purcbased tbrougb Ms Griffin, wbo can be wife. But Mr. Wilkinson died soon after, so be neyer reached at 854-0519. Romantic Pilgrimage sella for saw tbe final product. Ms Gniffin publisbed tbe book $15 plus a $3 mailing cbarge. Good show Cps probing * from SEMIFINALS on page 1 finialist. Then, along witb tbe six otber semi- finalists, she was required to' give a speech. Ms Jobnstone made a presentation surrounding wbat tbe Milton Fal Fair meant to ber. "I was boping that would bappen," sbe said. *My goal was to be in tbe top seven." Tbe top tbree were tben cbosen and called upon to answer an impromptu ques- tion, bot Ms Jobnstone wasn't selected. However, she didn't shed any tears. Sbe said sbe's content witb tbe outcome. "It was fun," sbe said. It was a wonder- fui, wonderful weekend." The event included a dinner and a semi- nar on answering«inipromptu questions. Thie Canadian Champion Friday. Auguat 27, 1999 - 5 Vils"In. co esalive Rhythmic beating of drums and the soft thumping of dancing moccasins will once agan bring the village alive at Crawforci Lake. ibis year's Indiats Sumaner Festival on Sunday, Sept. 12 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. will mark the return of the renowned Kanata Native Dance Group. The dancers are only some of the many special gueats helping Crawford Lake celebrate Ontario's firstpeople. Chief TopL-eaf will return t sbare bis traditional teachings and storytelling, complete, witb a display of props. Down by the silent waters of r e f rom LAUNCH on page 1 conduct business on their bebaîf. "We bave terminated our agency agreement witb Mr. Bourgon," ICFC vice-president Harry Quigley said at tbe lime. "We did bave some conceros about client service." A tbird party internai audit into Mr. Bourgon's accounts was tben immediately set in motion by ICFC. Tbat entailed searcbing for inconsistencies in tbe records of eacb and every client, ICFC president Paul Hogan explained ear- lier. Police bhave been kept up to speed on tbe progresa of the audit, conducted by tbe Toronto based forensic accounting agency Lindquîst. Avery Kroll and Associates. Tbougb tbe police investigation is a priority, it is too early to predict wbere it is beaded, noted Det. Sgt. Gordon. "As far as any wrongdoing goes, we don't know about tbat," sbe said. "We can't say too mucb. We're just starting." demonstrate the age-old skills of tire by friction and flint-knapping. The event will also feature borse- drawn wagon rides through die Niagara Escarpmnent woodlands. Participants wilI learn to make a corn husk doll or nature's necklace witb Crawford Lakce staff. Mua Campbellville conservation area's gift sbop will also be open, and feature vidos will be shown in the Wolf Clan longbouse. For further information, cali Crawford Lake at 854-0234. -eMa 3.5 HP Front Tine 5 HP Front Tine 4 HP 20" 3.8 HP 22" TILLER TILLER SD MULCH SD MOWER $410.00 $460.00 $220.00 $180.00 Reg. $529.00 Reg. '599.00 Reg. '250.00 Reg. '220.00 584-549 584-550 584-531 584-530 13 HP 389' 4.5 HP 22" 4 HP 21" Rear Bag 18.5 HP 42" TRACTOR SD HI WHEEL MULCH TRACTOR $ 1250.00 $260.00 $270.00 $ 1600.00 Reg. $1399.00 Reg. 1329.00 Reg. $390 neg -29 584-543 584-533 584-535 545-105 18 HP 42" 15 HP 14.5 HP 42" 18 HP Turfpro YARDMAN TRACTOR TRACTOR TRACTOR $2400.00 $1500.00 $1420.00 $2100.00 Reg. $2849.00 Reg. $1799.00 Reg. '1729.00 Reg. '2599.00 584-aza584-545 584-547 LIMITED QIJANTITIES ON ALL ITEMS eoooo-CODU NlrTY U»DOT 2B RONTE ST. N MILTON N e 878-2391 L i custoniers keel) coming back to I Ci i "ti leo ý 2" 584-523