- .5- p 4 - The Canadian Champion, Frlday, August 27,1999 HiDDN HITWI% To help prolong the NEED SOME life of HOI!PêBE IWIAI IELP tires... ELIBU ib g down or gtigstopped? I BALANCE might be time for a $249%5 DUECO Ask about a front wheel alignment-. GOODkVEAR e Stolen car used to, force open door in stereo store break-in Thieves used twa stolen vehicles ta help them comit a break-in at the Sound Man on Main Street East early Monday mrning. Halton Regionai Police deter- mined the culprits drove a blue Chevrolet van stolen fram Campbellvilie into a large rear door ta gain access ta the store shortly after 4:15 a.m. Inside, the thieves took sterea equipment and four amplifiera worth $2,000, said Det. Sgt. isekie Gardon. Lefi at the scelle was thse van aa weli as a Plymouth Sundance stolen fromn Woodward Avenue. Cash stoien About $600 in cash went missîng Saturday as a Milton Mail shoe store clerk emptied the ftl. Thse Payiess Shoe Source clerk left money fmmi ane tili unattended in a back room for a short time while she attended ta another tili. When she retumned, the cash was gone, Det. Sgt. Gardon said. The incident occurred sametime beîween 5:45 and 6 p.m. Police are investigating. Convenience store break-in A citizen witnessed thieves break into Farah's Food Mart ai Laurier Plaza early Wednesday momning. Two trays of scratch tickets worth $340 were stoien at 1:30 a.m. after one cuiprit kicked the fmntiinnr iintîi it cmqchMs Police Blotter The suspect escaped in an await- ing vehicle beiieved ta be a Ford Tempo or Mereury Topaz. The car was st seen travelling eastbound on Laurier Avenue. Man charged in car heists A man faces several charges of thefi under $5,000 after numeraus cars were broken inta an Main Street. One of the break-ina occurred sometime between 1:22 and 1:40 p.m. Saturday in the rear parking lot of the Waltzing Weasel. Some loase change and liquor was taken framn a 1984 GMC pick- up truck left unlocked, police said. A 48-year-old man of no fixed address is charged. Information cancemning the other break-ina wasn't available at press time. Plywood stoien Someone made off with 100 sheets of plywood from a house construction site on Pineridge Drive. The $2,500 worth of wood went missing sometime between 3 p.m. lasI Friday and 7 a.m. Saturday. Stoien car recovered A vt-hiele simien Julv 28 froin Parkway Drive was tound aI thse Mohawk Inn last Fridây afternoon. The 1989 Chevrolet Celebrity sustained damage ta its steering column. Shoplifters at work Police are warning merchants ta be on the loakout for a team of shoplifters who recently went ta wark in tawn. The teami consista of two maies and two females with dark com- plexions in their thirties or forties, said Det. Sgt. Gardon. The cuiprita went ta work at Home Hardware an Steeles Avenue Monday shortiy after 6 p.m. Two members of the group dis- tracted the clerk white the other two hid items under their clothing and left the store. The samne people were also spot- ted at Cashway Building Supply, where il's believed the women concealed items under their dress- es. Truck stolen A Mack truck valued at $45,000 was stalen from the Fifth Wheel Truck Stop early Mondày moming. The vehicle that had 'Lacroix' painted on the aide was taken sometime between 1:30 and 3:20 DEIPAKM«T 0-F CQKIITY RICESi is currently seeking qualified applicants for the following part-time positions: Aquatlc Instnsctor - Lifegaurd Weight Room Supervisor Fituess Instructor Reception Clerk Skate Patroliers Preschool Program Instructors Childrens Prograin Instructors Youth Prograin Instructors Pieuse forward your application by Friday Sepuember 10, 1999, in confidence 10: Staff Support Services Adminiruior 1fli Corporaion of tise Town of Milton 43 Brown Si., Milton, Oniario. L9T 5H12 Fax: 905-87"-995 puant Wuiu.alm usoiicd adu a, xmyo niuuuu(dMudcýifAM RSO 000. Ci.qsu 45 MuW mii k. sud fw Wc would like to diank i applicanis wiso appiy for ibis position, bsut we mui udvaue dm1t oniy applicants cboien for su interview witi lie contacted Make the most of your time.. Get out of uine! *Tlred of standing in mie ta pay yaur lax bill? *Usa ltae convanlanca of 1hn NEW Pra-Aulhorlzad Tax Paymant Prof *Save lime - No postage sosts - Mare effective budgeling mils paymenlf (Up la) 10 monlis-Paymenls are always on lime-No lineups-No eni Prs-Aalherlzed Tan PayMa Pregrami <PTI. Hims Il sentes Thse PTP progra proide for lunes to te automnatisully wlishdrasen front yosr bans (Moolfl Tas PsamnI Plan) or b)on eaeh of lihe four regularl nedaled Instl- menla (Febwary, Aprl, Jane and Selmber). Due Date Tua Pyment Pan) Year mIgI If aà laujsplr l 1 eslla he Ibm TP Prem hns ea moe lifl Ill da*sV 1. Vous application, along selfs s void cheque, must te received by Oclober 15ti of tels year lu order lu begin sellhirnwals for the nexf year. 2. Upon entry inb lise prgrre, s staitement wlll be maifed advislng of instalment defals for lise lnlerlm billl ng ¶ieriod. 3. lu tee monte of June, y ou seMit recelve a nolice advising of lise monthly insfuf muni amoani of tee linai blfllOg Tise amount wll te baned ou tee sarrent lax rtle minas paynnîn matie from Jauuary 10 Jane. 4.t A resilfor lise years lofai payinus wili be encinsed selte your intestini billing noie o tee following year. ----------------------- --------- qULMoQli1HS ------ -------»----------- R.quw for Teider FOR HVAC Rooleeemm fer the Milon Publie Llbvury 99-136-1-914-32 Sealed Tenders on formus supplied by the Town of Milton will be received by the Corporate Services Department untîl 2:00 P.M. local frne on: Seplember 15, 1999 Specilications and forms may be obtained ai the Town Hall, 43 Brown Street, Milton, Ontario, Corporate Services Department during normal business hours, Monday lhrough Friday, 8:30 arn. ta 4:30 p.m. There in a $26.75 ($25.00 + $1.75) fée for thse tender doc- uments. Payments can be made with caah, cheque, Interac, Visa or Mastercard. Thse lowest or any bid will flot necessarily be accepted. Any inquires regarding this tender may be directed ta Leslie Williamson, Purchasing Administralor, ai (905) 878-7252 x 138 Souk Aoant Chuffla aad Pfagmsenf Wllhdrà mla For cisanges os seitetitasal f rom lise program. seritlen nolice is reqaired a minimum of 15 days prior 10 yoar neof sctedafei d witetirniel. Panmas An administraive lue of $25.00 seul te applied 10 yoar assoanft for paymeuls nos cleareti by your financia inslitution. le adidition, a penalty of 1.25 pur cenl seul be added 10 yoar ussoani. Vous assount will te removed f rom lise PTP Program and t wilf revert bock o lise reguiurly bilied baur instlmeuf profiramt if lise puymenl is nol repiace i n tee speified lime. Hase Io EnmeIil - comptee lise appication portion telose andi allasi a void chaeque (Lie of credil, credif sard andi savings ciseques caunof beuased). - Pmomptiy relare la: Pre-Auteorizei Tas Paymeuf Program. Towen of Milou. 43 Brown Sf., Milton ON LOT 5H2. For furteer information regurding teis program, sel Cospotle Services, Tax area aI 1905) 878-7252 col, 393. Defacis tein porlion and keep for fulare refesensu. TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 1 hereby agree fa, ail terres and conditions outlined in thse PTP Program and authosize my bank ta drese and issue manfhly paymenls fa the Towen ai Milton las paymenf ai properly taxes. Enclosed seitIs this application las aVold choque. 1 WANT TO REGISTER FOR THE PRE-AUTHORIZED TAX PAYMENT PROGRAM <PTP): MIT~ICheck One: U Monthly Tax Payment Plan U Due Date Tai Payment Plan lTai 1all Numner: Z.uu rupny LC1111 i Name(s Mailing Phone Number Fax Number (il applicable) Name ai Financial Institution________________ Signature Transit No._______ Aceount No._________ flube Signature 2* Date __________________ For joint accounts ail depositore must sign if more than on1e signature is required on cheques issued againsi thse account. NOTE: Ai faxes due putor to enroliment In th.e PTP Progman MUST be pald. A minimum of 15 days notIflicatIon required to accommodais any changes to bmnIfdng Iniomnitor cawellatlo fret dms prograro. I l