W ~ TRFWf STOPS IAre you an energetto person wanting f0 or in a fasf paced environmenf? We are currentty accepfing applications for the fotfowing FIT, PIT Short Order Cooks Presented by F/T, 11-7 Sunday thru Friday Dlshwaaher F/T, P/T WaitetrWatresses Appty in person: Fiffh Wfseet Truck Stop 40 Chishotes Dr., Milton NO Phone Catis Pt ease cat the r. FORE VR YOUNG KFRCow 50-PWS UFESTYLE YîCN & TRAVEL SHOW MANAGEMENT TRAINEE NEEDED SIPTMBER8TH 9TH Must be able to work flexible hours. SEMM ER TH &9TH Good wages plus benetits. Bring Metro Toronto resume f0: Convention Centre Il 276 Main St. East 9:3Oam to 5:OOpm_ _ Bring youn fovourite antique item on fnd out where it virs made and how aid it is. You con even bring photos. A nominal chorge of $2.00 per item wiII be donoted to choriiy. SIEPT. 8 & 9/99 Metro Toronto Conventione Contre - L S 255 Front Stroot LIfESNULI(<North Building) 228 Main St. E Quelty Greens Fine Foods Requires Fuît and/or part-time for deys & evening shiffs in our Deti & Bekery depart- ments.Treining veut be provided. Hourfy rate witt b. besed on performance of individuel. Pleese, eppty wvifhin. ciChudleigh ' s PRODUCTION FACILITY Requtred by growtng local company. Dedicatad indMivduals wlfth a destra to con- tribut. f0 if succeas. Muet Possesa att Of the fottovetng attributes, team player, abitity and wiîttngness f0 team, good ioenprehen- mion akîia, both ertttan andI verbal. Full time positions avoulable. Seasonat veeek- end work 18 involved. Baktng experience ta an asset. Wa provide a competitive veaga, job stabiti- ty f0 cornmittad emptoyees, opportunify f0 advanca, job veriety and e great worc envi- ronment. Positions also eveitabte for fait weekends et Chudteighas: . TRACTOR DRIVERS PARKING LOT ATTENDANTS GREETERS F00D SERVICE BARBEGUE CASHIERS Rleaumea may be dropped off by FzL.Aug 2 ta our Office et 624 McGeechie Drive. (878-8781 for directions). Onty candidates wftth thse required sius vetti be contected for an interview. prevoaoa appicanta need flot apply Blue Beacon Truck Wash is now hiring. Fuît & Part-time 8 am - 4 pm and 5 pm - 12 pm. The successfut applicants must be able f0 work weekends.pStarting wage is $7.00/hr. with bonus incentives averaging your veage up f0 $8.50-$9.00 per hour. No phone catis please. Please appty in per- son behind Fifth Wheet. Progressive Distribution Cern any " ORDER PIOKERS " ORDER ASSEMBLERS " CHECKERS " F/T & P/T POSITIONS " DAYS OR AFTERNOONS Appiy In persan oniy 2226 South Service Rd. W. Oubvlle, Ontario CALLING ALL MOMS! KID'S HEADING BACK TO SCHOOL? WOULD YOIJ LIKE TO GET BACK INTO THE WORK FORCE? WOULD YOU LIKE TO GET OUT 0F THE HOUSE AND MEET NEW PEOPLE? We offer a friendty work envirounent, toto of physicat activity without thse emotionat stress somne jobs bring. Wr work &30- 4:30 Mondey to Friday NO NIGHTS, WEEKENDS, OR MRYMIS 0F OAIL (905)8 ' 4 7-2210 ACOUNTANT aitte 0n'tr rpayiradmntacefm reursa cOunatLice anaeSf!upr vis a oMAi offc tffadacoigf mORtt fMnacia INtATemN Aavrgecm muiato an co pue skfs qiE d ut cadiesR plaMS OFrar cOAvenog oe Coee aComuncat fions Stmana tcper tia urrntt toknfrc stafanaount ftt-im candidts Slain fowr oerin l.atter an Ses rtene prfere Toet Communcations xp. ms an nset " ~ ~ ~ S .. SaeT.einc rfne Aogêrs ceagi Inc. 'AT & T corp uwe unde uioen MEDIAEXPRESS CIJOTOMER CONTACT CENTER CALL CENTrER AGENTS MadlaExpress is a Canadian leader ie cus- tomer contact centers, excelling in industry performance standards. MediaExpress is presently looking for hire qualitied fult time or part lime toamf players. Quaif icatons: + Eagor lo be part of a winning team + lnterested by continuoas learning and improvoment; + Fluent in Englinlo + Communicatiions inlerents you Wu offer you: " A permanent job along veill paid professional training; " An $8.Itsour base salary + commissions "- The opportunity to work witb stase of the art tecbnology: " A career pafl proram; Jobn us in anticipating tomorrow's needs and come discover our world-class customer contact conter Cali Now at: (905) 527-9797 ext 143 wwwm edia-express.com EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER DEMONSTRATORS WANTfED If y. am-~ V'0ugoing! 5/Assertive! VSelf-motivatet' We want you lu juin the Club Presentations team! In-Store product sampliog demonstators are needed rn the Price Club warehouse rn Cakvîlle. The position avtrages 24-30 brs/wtr, iocluding weekendo and you must have acoess tu a reliabte vebicte. No experience? No probiamii Fitrinig wlii b. provid.d. Cati noi rerinf hutine ta arrange for an interview today 1-877-253 5201 Thse Canadian Champion, Friday, August 27, 1999--29 HALTON DISTRICT SCHOOLBOARD j TEMPORARY 4" CARETAKING POSITIONS Successfut applicants wilf filI in for absent Caretakers who work between the hours of 3:30pm f0 midnight, Monday through Fridlay/ September through to June. Note: When hiring f0, fi permanent Caretaking vacancies the Halton Board wiif first offer empfoyment to those Temporary Caretakers who have demonstrated good communication skiffs along with the oCher abilifies required tri perform the important responsibilities of a Caretaker. MusC be able f0 get f0 and f rom sohoots located in one or more of the toit owing communities: Burling- ton, Oakvitfe, Milton and Halfon His Rate of Pay: $12.62 per hour Applications are avaitable at and should be dropped no laCer than Fri., September 3, 1999, at: Human Resources Department J.W. Singleton Centre 2050 Guelph Line, Burlington For inquiries cati (905) 335-3665 Ext. 3333 or 3332 Protessional Delivery Person Required for major appliance store. Must have dlean appear- ance and be people oriented. Fax resume to: 905-840-1462 Burlington Association for the Inteilectuaiiy iiandicappod Our Association, with a mission to ensure Chat individuats with an intellectual handicap anjoy a meaningful life wvithin Choir commun- ity requires the following posiCions: Homo Program Support Workers (Part-timne> Support Wortcers are expecCed Co support aduits in our homes in ail aspects of the residenCs' lives, inctuding but not limited cru per- sonal care, social development, household skiffs and community inclusion. Support Workers are required tC work aCt toast 20- hours per week and must be avaitable to work a variety of shifts Chrough the week and/or weekend. Given the staff support needs Chroughout the Association, part-Cime workers can work more hours when availabte. Rate of pay $12.42 per hour plus .30 per hour in lieu of benefits. Qualifications: Community College Diploma in humnan services or equivalency. Certification in First aid, CPR and Non-violent Crisis Intervention raining is required. DemonsCrated esperience in social services. Vatid Driver's License. lnCerested applicants for the posiCions should forward their resumne by: 4:00 p.m.. September 10, 1999. Human Resources, 3057 Mainway Drive Burtington, Ontario L7M lAl Wo lloaok ail applicants loowever only flouse seletd loir interview wili be cooifacfed. LCL e..la So pne O. - e LOBLAW COMPANIES LIMITED- one of Canada's most innovative refait grocery organizafions is fooking for a result-oriented individuel foi filt the position of fl'aportation Maintenance Supervtsor-Afternoon Shift in one of our Mississauga Distribution Centres This individuel muni be a Ctass "A" ticensed mechanic specielizing in truck repeir, have a minimum 5 yeers experience in maintenance of heavey trucks and traiders with refrigeration. In Addition you wilf need to have previoun experience supervising within a unionized environment and be versed in current transportation legisiation. Knowledge in a computerized maintenance systemr is essentiel. heterested candidaes please forward resume bo: 6100 Freemont BIvd. Mississauga, ON L5R 3V7 or fax: (905) 712-6644. RE-OPENING SOON! 890 Appieby Line South of OEW, Burlington Applications for Fuit-bme & Part-bme hetp are .nove beinq accepted for Bakery Production & Deli Departments For application forme, appty in person et thse aboya address with resumae between 9am-4pm, Mon., Auguat 3Oth, TO Wed., September 1sf ait thse FORD plant in Oakvlte, ta currentty saeking energetmc, flexible CAFETERIA STAFF. We operate multiple cafttanas savon days par week inctuding evanings. IMMEDîATELY AVAILABLE Severat PIT Casuat Positions for CODKS and GENERAL HELPICASHIERS Coutd tead f0 an immadiate F/T position. Expenienca in Food Service la an enset, but ve notî train thosa with a 9.reat attitude and a dasire to work. Att positions veut in- cluda soma waekands. To hear about our comprehensiva Bana- fts, fraa unitorma, meat plan and tha other arivantagea for wooking for ARAMARK caîf (9:5> 845-1 11 betwean Oamn - 2 prn Meredith Ext.. 358 or Charyt, Ext. 1788 or avenings, Linda, Ext. 3358 GRAPHICS PERSON fer Silo Osmpaa with Caret Dra, Vinyl application, vinyl coitfiog and digital nmage prioitiog ouperience a moisi. Burlign hased sigo comnpary is eapandiag ils graplors deparfatot and bas an immnediate failtime position avoulable. Maxi. hune gaad commanid of Englinlo languageo wo Irans., wittioig ta woro o/f. Pieuse fax rosoin o: Day. (905)4-39-7132 FULL-TIME ASSMBLERS NOW HIRINO DAY lit AlFTERNOON 5HI SFTS Day shbt housa Mon.- Thurs., 7am-4pm, Foi , 7am-12.50pm. 40 lors/ah. Sfartioig rate: $7.50. Afeosh*R ltlourLt Mon.-Thurs., 4:lSpm-l2am, Foi. i pm-6pm. 36 lors/air Sfarting rate $8.55 (incdudtes shift premianot APPLICA TIONS AVAIL4BLE FOR PICK-UP AT ATC-FIS Magaie lu. 1130 Eigbtb Lina, Oairville, ON 16H 2114 M -fEW"N Truck/traiter mechanoc Cor dumpo and flat0. Mediumr fluai license flot required. MIG wvid- ing an asuet. Wageu n"otable. For more information contact Bruce. (519) 853-5773, 1-800-862-1470 bat- veeen 10:30 a.m and MILTON Lave office re- quiren experianced le- gai secretaoy. Threa days a weec for ganara practica. Sand rasumas 10: Box 2326 c/o Thea Cana- dian Champion, Box 248, 191 Main Street, Milton, Ontario LOT 4N9. OFFICE CLERK requirad Computer and tnlvantoiy expenience a must. Apply aithin 886 Nipissong Road I yourU Iassif iedol [F86-364