One year later, .many sec HHS as model marriage By KAREN SMITH The Champion :The amnalgamnation of Milton District and Oakviile- > Trafalgar Memorial hospi- tais was a model merger, say past and present offi- diais with Haiton Heaithcare Services (HHS). On HHS's ferst anniversary, tbe people wbo oversaw the govern- ment-ordered marriage say tbeir pro-active attitude and co-operation bave made tbe merger the envy of otbers. "Our merger bas gone quite weil compared to otber bospitals that are baving great difficulties," said HHS associate chief of staff Dr. Don Robertson. -We tooSk an attitude tbat it bad to be done. We bad no choice in Use matter. It wasn't our decision; it was forced. We bad to be okay witb it and we did it." Tbe Healtb Services Restructuring Commission (HSRC), a body of medical profes- sionals appointed by the provincial govemment, ordered tbe amalga- mation in January, 1998 as part of a major overbaul of Ontario's bealUs care:systen. rle After Use community feared the commission would close or at least partially sbut down Milton bospi- taI, Use merger announicement came as a relief. However, many local citizens still feared an amalgamation witb a ouldn't m or n tbe ifaour. miewud' ore n ouble Miltons Tebottom line was Miltonians vaudtbeir 40-year-old bometown hoptland felt tbreatened. 11cud' oto tbe grocery store witbout body about how terrible it was," said P ra c ti ce Allen Hale Pro gram leader Cindy McDonell. The tmuth of the matter, accord- ing to former HHS co-chair Norm Flemington, is that Milton bas actually corne out alsead. "Mie services to the Milton resi- dent have increased substantially," hie said. Among the benefits bas been a noticeable improvement in access to mental bealth services and diag- nostic tests for Milton patients. Oakville "mean and lean" AIl and ail, bie said, Milton hospi- tal already operated effectively, but there was much to be gained by partnering with a hospital such as Oakville. "Oakville was a far meaner, lean- er and efficient hospital than we were," hie said. The amalgamation bas so far prnduced s savings of $780,000 of which $640.000 was reinvested in clinical services, said HHS senior vice-president Alan Halls. -1There was a conscious decision to make it work - to be proac- tive," hie said of the amalgamation. But the two hospitals were already sbaring resources and working toward further partner- sbips long before tbe merger came into being, said former board of directors co-chair Sandra Farley. "If you take it back to day one that figure would be much larger," she said. Even still, the purpose of the amalgamation wasn't based -on cost-saving, Ms McDonell said. It focused on efficiency. quality and access to bealtb services. Halton Medical Society president Dr. Gamet Maley said hie sees tise amalgamation in a different ligbt. For Milton, bie said the merger has resulted in the losa of an obstet- decs unit, downsizing of beds and a lack of administrative presence. "For the longest time if you raised a problem, there was no one you could talk to about tbem," bie said. Hospital officiaIs argued the obstetrics unit closure bad nothing to do with the amalgamation. It was a long-standing problem - an open obstetrics position bard to fll due to the heavy demanda placed on one specialist. being on cal around Use dlock without substan- tial reward. Mr. Halls said that, if anytbing, the merger helped attract an obste- trician to Milton. It presented more opportunity for a physician, bence a more attractive job posting. Few< doctors to deliver The obstetrics department will re-open wiUs Use recent biring of an obstetrician this faîl, but few local family doctors are planning to deliver babies for various personal reasons, Dr. Maley countered. Ms McDonell said Dr. Maley's complaint that the number of Milton beds bas decreased is sim- ply not tnse. Sbe said tbe obstetrics ýdepartment was used for overflow wben patient demand was bigb and tbat basn't cbanged despite tbe unit closing. "Tbere's been times wben we re- opened tbe obstetrics unit for over- flow patients," sbe said. "We bave to take Usem." e- OAKVILLE on page 7 PQNTIAC * BUICK e CADILLAC e GMC NEW LOWER PAYMENT PURCHASE PRICE SMAWEASE$22,978t PERUM 3 MONTS6I. $1.76000816 PAYIENT AND0 $04 FREI500 RE001600 NO sEcuRITY DEPOSIT1 W U 1FWNAOdING %UPT0 48I 1BIS MIAREOULAR CAD Dvm PSpremeleM.vymnTotal Mue On Sige<eg $0 SDSlOeeeh $1,450.15 $1.760 S208l<mO $3,401.70 $3.745 S207hm>eth s5,626.80 tt TSeidmeCon igr.g Wkk.depem,. f oim. 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Cabs *2 Yukon's e1 Sunfire Coupe .2 Grand Prix GT's @2 Catera's (2.8% Loaso) 95 Safari's *8 Sierra Reg. Cabs. *5 Denali's 92 Suburban's e1 Deville (From $41 ,998 + Frt+Tx) REGIONAL MIJNICIPALITY 0F HALTON MILTON WEST SPECIAL STUDY AREA Ibe Region of Halton's Planning and Public Works Committee will be considering recommendations on the Niagara Escarpment Plan Amendment Applications and thse Regional Officiai Plan Amendment Applications for the Milton West Special Study Aiea. This meetine wll be held: Date: September 8, 1999 Time: 9:30 a.m. ]Place: Halton Region 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville, Ontaio Halton Room 3 E The applications have been submitted by four proponents: 825927 Ontario lnc., Central Milton Holdings, Jannock Properties and John Grant. lc purpose of these applications, is to delete these lands from thse Niagara Escarpiment Plan Aiea and add them to the Milton Urban Area. These applications have been appealed to botis Thse Ontario Municipal Board and thse Environmental Assessment & Appeal Board. Under thse Consolidated Hearings Act, a Joint Board Hearing regarding these appeals will be held on October 26, 1999. If you require more information: Contact Ms. Ruth Victor, Senior'Planner 905-825-6161 Ext. 7183 a'# a a num~ a ~a* a#**a&804&a4604n**6 *8èd14W8405dB66* 4*0a a*'&* EXCLUDES FREIGHT$940